







專欄 - 向Anne提問


Anne Fisher 2011年11月10日

Anne Fisher為《財富》雜志《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個職場專欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應經濟的興衰起落、行業轉換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。





????1. 征詢他人的意見。首先從老板開始。西曼斯基建議:“有一些項目的最終期限比其他項目更為靈活。應該弄清楚哪些項目難度更大,進度更快,而哪些項目的期限是有‘彈性’的。”



????2. 設定優先順序。西曼斯基強調:“完美主義者通常認為所有任務都同等重要。但實際情況并非如此。”


????3. 讓其他人各司其責。西曼斯基注意到,有時,完美主義者做任何事都堅持事必躬親,原因是“下屬不負責任,或者并未努力工作使自己能有突出的表現。這樣的問題非常棘手,但如果你的情況確實如此,那你應該與那名下屬坐下來談談,明確你對他的期望。”


????4. 從工作中尋找更多樂趣。沒錯,就是要找樂子。完美主義者通常會陷入焦慮。大量調查顯示,“如果人們不再擔心犯錯,他們的表現就會更加卓越。”




????What's more, if you're like most perfectionists, you've been functioning this way for a long time, so it has become second nature. "Adult perfectionists usually tell me that they were often late turning in term papers in college, and even homework in high school, for the same reasons they're missing work deadlines now," Szymanski observes.

????"The desire to keep on making something better and better is terrific, of course," he adds. "The danger is, you can get lost in your own head and forget what's most important to your audience."

????But don't be discouraged. "The fact that you've been promoted twice in four years shows that some parts of your perfectionism are working for you," notes Szymanski. "What your boss is saying is, you need to tweak it a little."

????Here are four ways to start:

????1. Ask for input from others. Begin with your boss. "Some deadlines are more flexible than others. You need to know which ones are hard and fast, and which ones have some 'give' in them," Szymanski says.

????"Then try showing rough drafts of your work to others, especially your boss, as you get nearer to completing it."

????Perfectionists usually struggle with this, he says, because "they want others to see only their very best stuff. But saying to people, 'This is a work in progress. What do you think?' can be enormously helpful in avoiding the tunnel vision that makes you miss deadlines." Who knows, a little collaboration might make the final product even better. It's been known to happen.

????2. Set priorities. "Perfectionists tend to believe that everything is equally important," notes Szymanski. "It isn't."

????His book goes into detail about how to decide what you really need to hold on to and what you can trust colleagues to handle, but the point is to "pick the five most crucial tasks and keep those. Loosen your grip on everything else," he advises. After all, it's less about lowering your standards than it is about acknowledging that you have limited time and energy.

????3. Hold others accountable. Szymanski has noticed that perfectionists sometimes insist on doing everything themselves because "the real issue, which can be uncomfortable to deal with, is that a subordinate is not doing his or her work, or is not making the effort to excel at the job. If that's the case, you need to sit down with that person and make your expectations clear."

????Otherwise, he says, the more capable and productive members of your team will get tired of picking up the slack and start eyeing the exits -- and you'll end up doing all the work, whether you want to or not, a sure road to burnout.

????4. Have more fun. Yes, fun. Perfectionism is often driven by anxiety. Yet voluminous research shows that "people actually perform better when they stop worrying about making a mistake," Szymanski notes.

????"Try consciously looking for what's fresh and intriguing about what you're doing. Enjoying what you do, while you concentrate on reaching a goal, will help you focus less on what could go wrong," he says -- which can, over time, stop feeding the fear and anxiety that keep many perfectionists from reaching their stellar potential.

????Talkback: Are you a perfectionist, or do you work with one? In your view, is perfectionism an advantage at work, or more of a weakness? Leave a comment below.

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