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10分鐘!香港iPhone 4S售罄

Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2011年11月08日

iPhone 4S在15個國家的銷售前景看好,預計將在12月份投放中國大陸市場。


????羅加證券公司(Ticonderoga)的布萊恩?懷特與其他西方分析師一樣,一直密切關注蘋果公司(Apple)在中國的發展前景。他周一發布報告稱,iPhone 4S上周五開始在中國地區接受預定,但預定幾乎剛剛開始就宣告結束。

????他說,蘋果公司開始在香港接受預定10分鐘后,iPhone 4S的預訂單便被搶購一空。周五,iPhone 4S登陸中國香港和其他14個國家和地區。此外,懷特預計iPhone 4S將在12月份進入中國大陸市場。

????懷特認為,盡管蘋果手機的標志性功能語音助手Siri目前并不支持普通話或粵語,但他預計中國消費者依然會排起長龍搶購iPhone 4S,并且會出現供不應求的局面。



????同時,據《韓國日報》(Korean Daily News)報道,周五午夜,韓國最大的兩家電信服務商SK電信與KT公司開始受理iPhone 4S在線訂單,同樣很快便被預訂一空:

????“由于同一時刻的網絡訪問量過大,兩家公司的網站一度陷入癱瘓。兩家公司在同一天接受了200,000份訂單,這遠遠超過去年8月份iPhone 4的130,000份訂單?!?/p>


????Ticonderoga's Brian White, who has been keeping as close tabs on Apple's (AAPL) prospects in China as any Western analyst, reported Monday that pre-orders for the iPhone 4S ended almost as soon as they began in China last Friday.

????According to his checks, pre-orders were sold out in Hong Kong 10 minutes after Apple started taking them. The iPhone 4S goes on sale this Friday in Hong Kong and 14 other countries, and according to White it will reach mainland China in December.

????White anticipates long lines and serial stock outs despite the fact the phone's signature feature -- Siri -- doesn't yet work in Mandarin or Cantonese.

????White has long maintained that Greater China -- which Apple defines as Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan -- represents the company's single greatest opportunity for growth. He notes that last quarter, Apple generated $4.5 billion in revenue (up 270% year over year) from Greater China -- 16% of total sales compared with 2% in fiscal 2009.

????With the Apple Store that opened in Hong Kong in September and the opening of Shanghai's third retail outlet, the company now has a total of six stores in the region. It has set aside another $900 million to build 40 new stores in fiscal 2012, three quarters of them outside the U.S.

????MEANWHILE: The Korean Daily News reports that the country's two largest telecommunication firms -- SK Telecom and KT -- opened online pre-orders for the iPhone 4S on Friday midnight and were immediately inundated:

????"The website crashed due to high traffic at one point, and the two companies had over 200,000 pre-orders the same day, much more than the 130,000 pre-orders for the iPhone 4 in August last year."







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