
游戲主機大戰:索尼PS 4穩贏的5大理由

游戲主機大戰:索尼PS 4穩贏的5大理由

John Gaudiosi 2013-07-09


????隨著手機游戲的崛起,大量新生代游戲玩家開始對各種獨立開發的小型游戲趨之若鶩。如今,下一代游戲開發成本居高不下。在這種情況下,獨立開發的獨家游戲可能將擁有更大的舞臺。而憑借PS 4的魔力,索尼贏得了更多游戲開發者的青睞。在本屆E 3新聞發布會上,索尼把獨立開發游戲也請上了臺,與自己斥巨資開發的獨家游戲同臺亮相。微軟也有獨立開發的游戲,但是開發者卻照樣紛紛涌向索尼,只因為索尼對他們更厚道。像《章魚奶爸:致命捕獲》(Octodad: Deadliest Catch)、Transistor 和 Outlast這些游戲在索尼的E 3展臺上也都獲得了最好的展示空間。索尼這么安排有充分的道理。因為這些也都是很棒的游戲,而且價格要低得多。

The indies

????With the rise of mobile gaming, there's a huge new audience of gamers who are gobbling up smaller, indie-developed games. With development costs rising for "AAA" next gen games, exclusive indie titles could play a bigger role with next gen. Sony is winning over game developers with PS4, embracing indies to the point of featuring them on stage at its E3 press conference alongside its big budget exclusives. Yes, Microsoft offers indie games, but developers are flocking to Sony because the company is treating them better. Games like Octodad: Deadliest Catch,Transistor and Outlast were also given prime space at Sony's E3 booth, and for good reason. These are great games, just at a much lower price point.


????您認為PS 4將輸掉下一場爭奪?不妨讀一讀《游戲主機大戰:微軟Xbox One必勝的5個理由》。(財富中文網)


Don't agree?

????Think the PS4 is actually going to lose the next cycle? Check out 5 reasons the Xbox One will dominate.



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