


Don Reisinger 2012-09-12



????但是事實證明,要找到成功秘訣真是難于登天。理解Facebook的成功之道并不難——因為就在它的主要對手Myspace變得日益丑陋笨拙時,它卻向合適的用戶提供了恰到好處的體驗。而對那些想及時傾吐心聲的人來說,Twitter讓他們覺得很舒服。但是,為什么Pinterest能成功,谷歌那個倒霉的Buzz卻一敗涂地呢?為什么同樣是智能手機,iPhone就成了大家的最愛,諾基亞的Lumia 900卻不招人待見呢?



????Simply having mobile and social elements, in other words, means very little.

????Still, it's highly unlikely companies will stop bundling social or mobile features into their products anytime soon. According to the latest estimates, there are approximately 1 billion smartphones floating around the world right now. Add that to the nearly 1.5 billion social media users, and it's apparent why so many companies are seeing those spaces as viable targets.

????Finding the secret to success, however, has proven most difficult. It's easy to see why Facebook succeeded -- it delivered the right experience to the right users at a time when its chief competitor, MySpace, was getting ugly and unwieldy. And Twitter scratched the itch for those who wanted to quickly express themselves. But why did Google's ill-fated Buzz fail where Pinterest has succeeded? Why is the iPhone our favorite smartphone and not the Nokia Lumia 900?

????Your guess is as good as mine. And today's consumers, voraciously seeking mobile and social services at every turn, are benefiting each step of the way.


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