


Michal Lev-Ram 2012-06-01
谷歌電腦升級換代,但是不能指望消費者一定會買賬。不管谷歌喜歡與否,企業用戶還是更依賴傳統軟件,而Chromebook的運行更倚重網絡應用。更重要的是,這臺初出茅廬的筆記本電腦身邊強敵層出不窮,無不虎視眈眈——不僅有蘋果公司的iPad和Macbook Air,還有所謂的“超極本”。


????現在,不管到底賣出了多少臺,谷歌可能都能繼續運作Chromebook項目。公司表示,今年年底會有更多廠商推出Chromebook,這一升級版電腦將在百思買(Best Buy)這些零售店銷售(到目前為止Chromebook還只能在線銷售)。同時,Chromebook很可能還會獲得思思維前瞻的教育機構的青睞,而像非盈利組織這樣對價格敏感的機構也會感興趣。但不能指望這些最新功能會對企業用戶的銷售產生重大影響——這一天的到來可能還得等上數年,也有可能這一幕永遠不會出現。不過對谷歌來說,它手里幸而還有安卓(Android)可以撐場面。


????"Chrome OS is a very important and strategic effort for us," says Sengupta. "It's the direction we've been going with apps and Chrome. It's a new kind of computing system that's simple and is super fast."

????For now, Google can probably afford to keep its Chromebooks project running regardless of how many computers actually get sold. The company says more manufacturers will unveil Chromebooks by end of this year, and that the updated computers will sell in retail locations like Best Buy (up until now Chromebooks were only available online). In the meantime, it's likely Chromebooks will continue to gain traction with forward-thinking educational institutions and maybe other price-sensitive organizations like the non-profit sector. But don't expect these latest features to have a profound effect on enterprise sales--that may be years away. Or it may never happen. Lucky for Google, it's also got Android.


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