????在4月18日的《財富》(Fortune)“綠色頭腦風暴”會議上,陶氏化學公司(Dow Chemical)首席執行官利偉誠做壓軸演講。他向聽眾介紹了陶氏打算如何開發符合特定條件的產品,其中一個條件便是以正面的方式“影響全人類”。 ????利偉誠提到了肯德基。他介紹說,陶氏正致力于其消費產品業務,其中包括一種不含反式脂肪的菜籽油。“這是一款突破性產品,它可以使肯德基變成健康食品。”利偉誠說道。 ????利偉誠提到的另一些杰出發明更符合人們熟知的綠色科技定義和對現代制造業奇跡的預期。 ????例如,在美國一些州,陶氏正推出比傳統的產品更像普通瓦片的光伏太陽能電池板。同時,該公司正在培訓工人用這種新的太陽能瓦片鋪蓋房頂。今年4月,陶氏在加利福尼亞州北部推出了這項技術,現在此技術已經在科羅拉多州和得克薩斯州應用。利偉誠表示,如果房子密封良好,這些面板所收集的太陽能可滿足家庭的能源需求,有效地創造一個零排放之家。 ????利偉誠還介紹了陶氏化學在輕型汽車方面所做的工作。陶氏正與福特汽車(Ford)合作,開發能使車輛減重約750磅的材料,從而使得更多的燃料能用于驅動車輪,而非拖動車輛本身。 ????陶氏這次可謂居功至偉,利偉誠列舉的這些杰出發明幫助《財富》“綠色頭腦風暴”會議畫上了一個令人鼓舞的句號。這次會議的其他幾個主題都相當讓人頭疼,比如氣候變化的不可避免,又比如在美國國會通過任何政策都很困難,尤其考慮到在選舉年中政治家們往往傾向于謹慎行事。 ????利偉誠表示,有鑒于此,大公司里的聰明人正在做些有趣的事情,以促進可持續發展。“陶氏雇用了7,000多名博士,”利偉誠說道,而且這些人顯然正在拼命解決問題。“當我參觀這些實驗室時,我的頭都大了——當然,就應該這樣。” ????譯者:項航 |
????Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris closed out Fortune's "Brainstorm Green" conference on April 18, telling the audience about how his company plans to make products that hit certain criteria, one of which is "to affect all humanity" in a positive way. ????Then he began to talk about fried chicken. ????Dow (DOW) is working on its consumer product business, according to Liveris, which includes a canola oil that is free of trans-fats. "This is a breakthrough product that could make Kentucky Fried Chicken good for you," Liveris said. And humanity rejoices. ????The other whiz-bang inventions Liveris mentioned lean a little more towards the more expected green-tech, modern-miracle-of-manufacturing type of products. ????For example, in several states, Dow is rolling out photovoltaic solar panels that appear much more like typical shingles than previous versions. The company is also training workers to roof houses with these new solar shingles. This April, Dow rolled out the technology in northern California, and it's already available in Colorado and Texas. When those panels are applied to houses that are sealed correctly, Liveris says, power collected from the sun can fuel the home's energy needs, effectively creating a zero-emission home. ????Liveris also discussed his company's work in lightweight vehicles. Dow is pairing up with Ford (F) to make materials that should shed about 750 pounds from the weight of a car, allowing more fuel to go towards powering the wheels instead of lugging the vehicle's weight. ????Liveris' list of neat inventions helped close Fortune's Brainstorm Green conference on a positive note, no simple feat. The conference has focused on several upsetting themes, such as the inevitability of climate change and the frustration with getting any policy through Congress, especially given the caution politicians tend to exercise during an election year. ????In the face of all that, Liveris says, smart people at big companies are doing interesting things to promote sustainability. "Over 7,000 Ph.Ds are employed at Dow," Liveris says, and they're apparently problem-solving like crazy. "When I visit those labs, my brain hurts -- as it should." |