


Kevin Kelleher 2012-03-31

????今年1月,伊斯曼柯達公司(Eastman Kodak)申請破產時,沒人感到意外。這家已有131年歷史的“百年老店”曾在20世紀70年代控制了美國90%的膠片市場。但隨著數碼相機的崛起,它迅速地被取而代之,退出了歷史舞臺。柯達帝國的分崩離析,前后經歷了數十年的時間。







????When Eastman Kodak filed for bankruptcy in January, no one was surprised. The 131-year-old company once controlled 90% of the U.S. film market in the 1970s, only to be displaced by the rise of digital cameras. It took decades for Kodak to fall.

????Now a similar kind of long, slow decline may be afflicting printer industry. And Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), long the market's giant with a market share above 40%, may be approaching its own Kodak moment.

????Printers have long been a cash cow for HP, but they are losing popularity as people share pictures in the cloud, looking at them on tablets and smartphones. The decline has been increasingly evident. HP's printer and imaging division has seen its revenue decline by 12% since its 2008 fiscal year. The group comprises a smaller portion of revenue – 20% last year, compared with 31% for PCs and 28% for IT services – but it's historically had fatter profit margins.

????But even those profit margins aren't what they used to be. The printing division's operating margin was 15% of its revenue in fiscal 2011, still much better than the PC division's 6% margin. But it's down from the 18% operating margin that printers saw only two years ago.

????And if that's not bad enough, the decline in HP's printer business seems to be accelerating. In its most recent quarter, the company said printer revenue declined 7% from the same quarter a year earlier. Operating margin for the division dropped to 12%. Why the sudden decline? During the holiday season, fewer shoppers bought printers – consumer printer revenue slid 15% on year.

????HP's new CEO Meg Whitman, who calls the printing division "the lifeblood of HP," responded to the decline by folding it into the PC division, which saw a 15% drop in revenue last quarter. That will solve one problem: concealing the extent of the decline in HP's printer margins by blending it with lower-margin PCs. More practically, it could give HP greater leverage in negotiating prices with component suppliers.

????HP made a similar move under Carly Fiorina years ago, but her successor Mark Hurd split up the two divisions again. Whitman is trying to do more than simply rearrange deck chairs, but investors want bolder action.


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