賈斯汀?汀布萊克 ????由歌手轉型為演員的賈斯汀?汀布萊克曾在電影《社交網絡》(The Social Network)中扮演企業家西恩?帕克。他曾經參與過照片共享服務Stipple和音樂教學軟件Miso Media的早期融資。然而去年夏天,汀布萊克成為各報章雜志的頭條新聞,媒體紛紛報道有投資者團體以3,500萬美元從新聞集團(News Corp.)收購了在困境中掙扎的在線社交網站MySpace,而他也是買方之一。 |
Justin Timberlake ????The singer-turned-actor, who played entrepreneur Sean Parker in The Social Network, participated in early rounds of fund-raising for the photo-sharing service Stipple and Miso Media, a maker of music education software. But Timberlake made headlines last summer when it was announced he was part of a group who bought the floundering MySpace from News Corp. for $35 million. |