谷歌 ????對于谷歌(Google)而言,2011年是一個巨變之年。四月份,埃里克?施密特將公司大權移交給了聯合創始人拉里?佩奇,后者不久之后將谷歌業務調整成為了搜索、社交、移動和廣告等六大部門。過去一年,谷歌進行了數次收購,包括:斥資125億美元收購了摩托羅拉移動(Motorola Mobility),1.25億美元收購餐館點評網站Zagat。谷歌還對Gmail、YouTube和谷歌閱讀(Google Reader)等面向個人消費者的服務進行了重大更新,谷歌的社交網絡產品Google+也最終面世。????Android仍然保持著霸主地位。谷歌移動部門高級副總裁安迪?魯賓表示,目前每天有70萬部Android設備被激活。 ???? |
????For Google, 2011 proved a period of major change. Eric Schmidt passed the reins onto co-founder Larry Page in April, who not long after essentially streamlined the company into six major product areas, including search, social, mobile, and ads. ????Google made several acquisitions, including spending $12.5 billion for Motorola Mobility and $125 million for Zagat. Consumer-facing services like Gmail, YouTube, and Google Reader saw significant updates, and the company finally unveiled its social network, Google. ????Android also continued to dominate. According to Andy Rubin, SVP of mobile, 700,000 Android devices are now activated on any given day. |