????如果將“社交網絡”等專業術語與諸如“企業級軟件”這樣枯燥乏味的詞兒聯系在一起,結果是什么?結果顯然是個煞風景的詞,具體到我們要說的情況就是“企業級社交網絡”。 ????互聯網領域里凡是涉及消費者的內容總是要新奇有趣得多。根據市場研究機構高德納公司(Gartner)的統計數據,企業級軟件的市場規模已經高達2,850億美元。盡管如此,它得到的關注只是消費類網站的一個零頭。而且,企業級軟件跟上潮流的步伐往往過于緩慢,比如在使用iPhone、平板電腦、以及依托于網絡的應用等方面都是如此。 ????雖然社交網絡是IT業重大的發展趨勢,但是直到最近,許多非互聯網行業的公司在企業辦公領域部署社交網絡的行動依然緩慢。盡管現在可能已有8.45億個用戶與朋友在Facebook上建立了聯系,1.5億名LinkedIn會員在網絡內與同行廣泛建立了關聯,但是鮮有用戶經常性地訪問公司內部的社交網絡來實現與同事的協同工作。 ????不過,這種情形可能已開始改變。Yammer這個廣受歡迎的企業級社交網絡目前已擁有了400萬名用戶。最近,在有德豐杰成長基金(DFJ Growth)、科斯拉風險投資公司(Khosla Ventures)、查爾斯河風險投資公司(Charles River Ventures,CRV)、以及創始人基金公司(Founders Fund)等風險投資機構參與的新一輪融資中,Yammer融到了8,500萬元美元。迄今為止,該公司已經融到了1.42億美元的風險投資。 ????Yammer并不是特例。搖擺舞軟件公司(Jive Software)于去年12月上市。目前,該公司號稱已經擁有1,700萬用戶。搖擺舞軟件的股票價格上市時為12美元每股,現在已經上漲了82%。另外,Socialtext 和Socialcast等其他企業級社交網絡也在成長壯大。同時,大型公司也開始介入這一領域。谷歌公司(Google)就對外宣稱,要在社交平臺Google+中增加內部社交網絡功能。客戶關系管理軟件服務供應商Salesforce.com也認定其Chatter協同軟件將推動公司的成長。 ????上周五,Salesforce.com公布的收入和利潤超過了分析師的預測。此前,分析師曾預測說該公司本季度收入將再次超出預測。結果,在周五收盤后交易中,其股價應聲上漲了9%,達到143.64美元,創下了半年來的最高值。公司首席執行官馬克?貝尼奧夫在接受電話采訪時表示,取得這個好成績的原因在于,該公司開發的Chatter等企業級社交產品已經吸引了包括惠普公司(HP)和電子游戲開發商Activision等公司在內的新客戶。“我們本季度財務數據的杰出表現完全有賴于社交企業級戰略的推行,”貝尼奧夫說。“借助社交企業戰略,我們正在達成公司史上最重大、最激動人心的戰略交易。” ????由于企業逐漸認識到社交網絡的價值,于是開始興起部署社交網絡的熱潮。上周,研究機構Altimeter Research公司發布的報告顯示,盡管Yammer等服務在有些公司中日漸流行,但許多公司尚未認識到社交網絡的巨大潛力,它不僅能在現有工作場所關系中起到加強溝通的作用,而且還能建立新型關系,提高工作效率。“許多企業領導人根本沒有認識到,類似Facebook狀態更新的功能在企業內能夠創造多大的價值。” Altimeter 集團的創始人查琳?李在最近的一份報告中寫道。“有些組織最初滿懷熱情,在組織內部署了社交網絡功能,但最終換來的結果是,早期的種種努力均付之東流,剩下的只有寥寥幾名堅定不移的參與者。” ????李曾采訪了搖擺舞、Salesforce、IBM等軟件廠商以及百思買(Best Buy)和斯普林特(Sprint)等公司。她發現,盡管社交網絡在改善公司內部溝通方面潛力巨大,但是企業部署社交網絡的方式往往并沒有推動、反而阻礙了其應用。造成這種現象的原因,某種程度上是由于迄今用于企業級社交網絡的投資還很低:李調查到的公司中,有三分之二去年用于社交技術的投資不足10萬美元;余下的則是將社交網絡胡亂地整合進公司組織,一些部門十分熱心,另外一些則根本不放在心上。 |
????What do you get when you cross a buzzword like "social networking" with an eye-glazing term like "enterprise software"? A buzzkill -- in this case, one called "enterprise social networking." ????As long as the web has been around, the consumer side of things has been sexier. Enterprise software may be a $285 billion market, according to Gartner, but it receives a fraction of the coverage that the consumer web does, and it tends to adapt slowly to major changes, such as the adoption of iPhones, tablets and web-based apps. ????Social networking is another major trend. But until recently, many companies outside of the web industry have been slow to adopt them as workplace tools. There may be 845 million people users connecting with their friends on Facebook, and 150 million LinkedIn (LNKD) members networking with colleagues in their industry at large, but relatively few people frequent an in-house social network to collaborate with their co-workers. ????That may be changing. Yammer, a popular enterprise social network with 4 million users, raised $85 million in funding in a round including DFJ Growth, Khosla Ventures, Charles River Ventures and Founders Fund. Yammer has raised $142 million in venture financing so far. ????It's not alone. Jive Software (JIVE), which went public in December, claims to have 17 million users. Jive's stock is up 82% from its $12-a-share offering price. Others, such as Socialtext and Socialcast, are growing. Meanwhile, bigger companies are moving in. Google (GOOG) is making noise about adding in-house social networks to Google+. And Salesforce.com (CRM) is betting that its Chatter collaboration software will fuel its growth. ????Last Friday, Salesforce.com's stock rose 9% to a six-month high of $143.64 in after-hours trading after reporting revenue and earnings that exceeded analyst expectations and forecast that revenue would exceed forecasts again this quarter. On reason, CEO Marc Benioff told analysts in a call, was that the company's social enterprise offerings, including Chatter, was luring in new customers, such as Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) and Activision (ATVI). "Our outstanding financial success this quarter was powered by the momentum of our social enterprise strategy," Benioff said. "With the social enterprise, we are now closing our largest most exciting strategic deals." ????The rise of social networks in companies is coming as corporations slowly figure out their value. A report by Altimeter Research last week said services like Yammer are growing popular in some companies, but that many don't yet realize the potential to strengthen communication in existing workplace relationships but also build new relationships that can increase efficiency. "Many business leaders are at a loss to understand what value can be created from Facebook-like status updates within the enterprise," Charline Li, founder of research firm Altimeter Group, wrote in a recent report. "Some organizations have deployed social-networking features with an initial enthusiastic reception, only to see these early efforts wither to just a few stalwart participants." ????Li interviewed software vendors such as Jive, Salesforce and IBM (IBM) as well as companies like Best Buy (BBY) and Sprint (S). She found that while social networks have a significant potential to improve communications inside a company, they are often implemented in ways that discourage rather than encourage their use. Part of the problem may lie in the low investments in enterprise social networks to date: Two-thirds of companies surveyed spent less than $100,000 on social technology last year. Others integrated social networking clumsily, with some departments taking to them and others not so much. |