????PC業務現在仍然占據了英特爾總收入的66%,盡管奧特里尼正在積極向移動市場推進,但同時他也在推廣所謂的“超級本”,來給英特爾的電腦業務注入生機。超級本是最新的一種可以迅速開機的輕型筆記本(也就是MacBook Air的PC版)。但毫無疑問,移動才是最具備增長空間的領域。研究機構Linley Group指出,到2015年,智能手機芯片市場將增長40%,達到299億美元。 ????奧特里尼表示,他預計到2015年,英特爾芯片將占據平板電腦市場的50%,智能手機市場的20%。這是一個雄心勃勃的目標,但也并非不可能實現。英特爾的牌子夠大,資金也夠雄厚,有能力最終將顧客拉到它的陣營里,復制它在2005年的成。當時,連蘋果都使用了它的酷睿雙核處理器。英特爾的競爭對手ARM公司的CEO沃倫?伊斯特坦承:“他們的實力非常雄厚,而且有很多優秀的人才。” ????“這是一場馬拉松,不是一場沖刺,”奧特里尼說。“英特爾在核心業務上有足夠的發展動力,也有足夠的資產,我們會讓公司的移動業務走上正軌,而且我們會在長期內取得成功。”不過如果他錯了,而且英特爾在短期內找不到進軍智能手機的法子,那么奧特里尼可能會再次成為大家關注的焦點,但卻不是因為什么好事。 ????譯者:樸成奎 |
????PCs still account for 66% of Intel's revenue, and while Otellini is making an aggressive push in mobile, he's also trying to breathe new life into Intel's computer business by promoting ultrabooks, the latest breed of lightweight, instant-on laptops (a.k.a. the PC version of a MacBook Air). But there's no doubt that mobile is where the real growth is. The market for mobile-phone chips will grow 40%, to $29.9 billion, by 2015, according to the Linley Group, a research firm. ????Otellini has said that he expects to have Intel chips in 50% of the tablet market and 20% of smartphones by 2015. It's an ambitious goal, but not impossible. The company is big enough and rich enough to eventually convert customers to its camp -- as it did in 2005, getting Apple to use its Core Duo chip. "They're very well resourced," concedes Warren East, CEO of rival ARM Holdings (ARMH), "and they have a bunch of clever people." ????"This is a marathon, not a sprint," says Otellini. "Intel has enough momentum in our core business and enough assets that we're going to do this right. And we're going to win in the long run." If he's wrong, and Intel can't find its way into smartphones soon, Otellini may find himself back in the spotlight -- for all the wrong reasons. |
2006 年 6 月
2007 年 9 月
2008 年 3 月
????英特爾推出由Atom芯片驅動的 MID設備——一種比智能手機大,但比平板電腦小的移動互聯產品。這類產品未能走俏。
2010 年 1 月
????英特爾與樂金公司 (LG) 展示了大屏GW990智能手機,結果證明手機也不是越大越好。而且英特爾移動處理器的功耗還是太大。
2010 年 2 月
2010 年 7 月
2012 年 1 月
????在拉斯維加斯的電子消費展上,英特爾展示了一臺運行公司最新移動處理器Medfield的演示機。公司還宣布, 與聯想和摩托羅拉結成合作伙伴關系。