????鮮花禮品公司1-800-Flowers是另一個例子。該公司表示,顧客通過智能手機直接播打廣告電話的機率是顧客在普通電腦上看到廣告再撥打電話的機率的兩三倍。有線網絡提供商康卡斯特(Comcast)對此表示贊同。自從去年6月開始投放移動廣告以來,該公司的移動銷售額激增,移動廣告的點擊率比傳統電腦廣告高出270%。去年康卡斯特的在線銷售額幾乎可以忽略不計,而現在移動廣告已使該公司的在線銷售提高了10%以上。另一家公司康卡斯特有線(Comcast Cable)的數字銷售與營銷副總裁約書亞?帕勞表示:“有時顧客自己雖然會做各種調查研究,但是他們還是有些問題想要咨詢相關人員。” ????移動廣告目前也有些不完善的地方。首先它要解決的是如何追蹤移動廣告對消費者的影響。比方說有的顧客可能在一種設備上開始他們的購物體驗,但在另一個平臺上進行結算,目前廣告商還無法對這種情況進行追蹤。比如一名康卡斯特的顧客可能會登陸康卡斯特的移動網站,對其服務進行一番研究,但是最終還是會親自走到康卡斯特的銷售網點完成購買行為。谷歌表示,它正在致力于解決這個問題。谷歌全球銷售和營銷主任杰森?斯佩羅稱:“智能手機的確正在成為一個引導人們現實生活的工具。目前我們在追蹤真實世界的數據方面做得還不是很好,但我們很快就能交上一份完美的答卷。” ????譯者:樸成奎 |
????1-800-Flowers (FLWS) is another example. The company says it's customers were two or three times more likely to click to make a phone call from a handset than to click on anadvertisement on a desktop computer. Cable provider Comcast (CMCSK) has found the same to be true. Since starting to use mobile ads in June last year, the company says it has seen a surge in mobile sales, with 270% greater click-through rates on mobile than desktop devices. Mobile advertising now drives more than 10% of the company's online sales, up from virtually nothing last year. "Sometimes customers can do all the research, but they'll still have questions they want to talk to someone about," says Joshua Palau, vice president of digital sales and marketing at Comcast cable, another company. ????The hitch? Figuring out how to track the impact mobile advertising has on consumers. Currently, there's no way for advertisers to track if a customer starts their purchasing experience on one device and moves to a different platform to finish. For example, a Comcast customer could research the deals the company has to offer through the company's mobile site or online but, ultimately, end up walking into one of its satellite stores to complete the purchase. Google says it is working to fix that. "Your mobile phone is really becoming a tool to navigate you through the physical world," says Jason Spero, head of global sales and marketing at Google. "Right now, we're not doing a great job of tracking digital in the physical world, but we're very close." |