????要實現增長,Uber必須設法滿足不同城市監管部門的形形色色要求。出租車行業幾乎總是匯聚著太多利益方,并不限于出租車司機、一些城市的出租車公司以及監管部門。對Uber有利的是,有些出租車系統仍在抵制采用哪怕是相對簡單的技術,如信用卡讀卡器,更別提Uber建議的技術了。 ????眼下Uber仍在布局擴張,計劃2012年底前至少新進入18個城市。它還計劃分車型定價,可坐更多人的SUV價格高一些,價格低一些的雜牌車可供價格敏感的用戶選擇。如果在這個過程中,Uber最終又惹來麻煩,卡蘭尼克可不怕。“我喜歡改造傳統行業,做一些新鮮的、不一樣的事情,”他說。“我喜歡惹人生氣。” |
????To grow, Uber must find ways to make its service jibe with the gnarl of authority in different cities. Taxi systems almost always feature a large group of players motivated by varying interests, not limited to cabdrivers, medallion-leasing agents in some cities, and regulators. It isn't lost on the company that some taxi systems have resisted adopting relatively simple technologies such as credit card readers, let alone what Uber proposes. ????For the time being, the company is continuing to plot its expansion, rolling into at least 18 new cities by the end of 2012. It also plans to offer car types at different prices, a more expensive SUV for large groups or a cheaper hybrid option for the price-conscious for example. If in the process, Uber ends up ruffling more feathers, that's all right by Kalanick. "I like shaking things up in an old industry and making something new and different," he says. "I like pissing people off." |