


Rob Go 2012-02-01

????4. 人才流失?這是個巨大的問號。我認為谷歌最了不起的地方之一在于該公司一流的文化氛圍和在相當長的一段時間內留住優秀人才的獨特能力。谷歌的一部分管理措施對這家公司來說具有核心意義,使其成為一個令人興奮的工作場所。從其產品開發團隊的分散性,到對工程師價值的狂熱重視,到其自由市場式的資源與產品配置機制,再到允許員工將20%時間投入自己感興趣項目的規定,等等。這意味著,做一個谷歌人的感覺非同尋常。盡管上述有些行為已經發生了演變,該公司本身也出現了變革,我認為谷歌長期挽留高水平人才的能力仍將遠勝過微軟(Microsoft)、eBay和雅虎等其他大型科技領袖。Facebook也能做到這一點嗎?我真的不敢打包票。今后幾年中,關于Facebook的運營模式,這家公司代表著高效率工程師組織未來的演進方向,諸如此類的說法我們還會聽到很多很多??墒?,如果Facebook無法像谷歌一樣,具備那種留住人才的魔力,那我覺得該公司將面臨從互聯網的中心逐漸滑向邊緣的危險。



????NextView Ventures公司是一家關注互聯網創新的種子期投資公司,Rob Go是其聯合創始人,此前他曾為星火資本(Spark Capital)效力。他的博客地址是.


????4. Talent exodus? This is a big question mark. I think one of the most incredible things about Google is the company's excellent culture and unique ability to hang on to outstanding talent for a long long time. There were certain management practices that were core to Google that made it an exciting place to work. From the distributed nature of its product teams, to its maniacal focus on valuing engineers, to its free-market-like prioritization of resources and products, to 20% time, etc etc. It means something special to be a Googler. And although some of these practices have evolved and the company has changed, I'd argue that Google will maintain higher calibre talent much longer than other large scale technology leaders like MSFT, Ebay, Yahoo, etc. Will Facebook be able to do the same? I'm really not sure. We'll hear much much more in the coming years about how Facebook is run and how it represents the next step in the evolution of high-performing engineering organizations. But if it can't bottle some of the magic that Google was able to achieve, I think the company will risk sliding slowly from the center of the internet to its periphery.

????All this said, it's obviously easy to poke holes at a company from the sidelines. Facebook is an amazing company and will continue to look pretty dominant for at least the next 5 years (much like Yahoo). But I think its ability to remain a great company for 10+ years will depend on how well it navigates the four challenges/opportunities above.

????I look forward to the company's public offering and will probably be a buyer… at least the first couple years.

????Rob Go is co-founder of NextView Ventures, a seed-stage investment firm focused on Internet-enabled innovation. He previously was with Spark Capital, and blogs over at http://www.robgo.org/.


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