“社交商業”方興未艾 ????社交媒體已經問世多年。消費者迅速接受了它,但企業界花了更長的時間才認識到Facebook和Twitter這些社交巨頭所能帶來的重要利益。這種情況正在慢慢改變。例如,有機食品連鎖公司Whole Foods與300多個Twitter用戶和250個Facebook用戶進行互動,已然形成了一個活躍的在線平臺,食品雜貨商和消費者之間形成了直接的溝通。同樣,戴爾公司(Dell)也擁有一個社交媒體傾聽控制中心(Social Media Listening Command Center),每日密切關注約25,000條與公司有關的評論。我們可以預期,明年將會有更多的公司跟進,采用類似的做法。正如德勤會計師事務所合伙人馬克?懷特所言,它將使公司服務更低廉、更優質、更迅速。 ????譯者:李玫曉/汪皓 |
The rise of the "social business" ????Social media has been around for years, and while consumers took quickly to it, businesses have taken longer to figure out how heavyweights like Facebook and Twitter can benefit them. That's slowly changing. With over 300 Twitter accounts and 250 Facebook accounts, Whole Foods has a bustling online community where grocers and shoppers can directly communicate. Meanwhile, Dell (DELL) has a Social Media Listening Command Center keeping tabs on the 25,000 or so daily conversations about the company. Expect more companies -- consumer and enterprise -- to follow suit next year, which as Deloitte principal Mark White says, will lead to cheaper, better, and faster performance. |