
Kindle Fire退貨量大猜想

Kindle Fire退貨量大猜想

Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2011-12-07
一些大失所望的用戶給了Kindle Fire一星評價,我們據此推算出了Kindle Fire的退貨量。


??? 套用托爾斯泰的文字,所有幸福的Kindle Fire用戶都是相同的,不幸福的則各有各的不同。

????為了切身體會他們的不幸,了解他們究竟有多么不幸,我們在周六早上抽出時間閱讀了亞馬遜網站(Amazon.com)上有關Kindle Fire的反饋。

????總計3,678篇用戶評論,將近一半人(47%)給予了Kindle Fire五星的評價,他們的評論幾乎如出一轍(最典型的標題:“199美元!物超所值”)。

????不過令我們感興趣的是有491篇(13.3%)給出了一星評價。它們非常重要,因為亞馬遜在本季度的報告中,極有可能不會公布用戶退回的Kindle Fire數量。

????All happy Kindle Fire customers, to paraphrase Tolstoy, are the same. Unhappy customers, however, are unhappy in their own way.

????To get a feel for what makes them unhappy -- and how unhappy they are -- we spent some time Saturday morning reading the Kindle Fire feedback on Amazon.com.

????There were 3,678 write-ups in all, nearly half of them (47%) glowing five-star reviews that basically said the same thing (Typical headline: "Outstanding value at $199").

????What interested us, however, were the 491 (13.3%) one-star reviews. They are relevant because the number of Kindle Fires being returned to the store is likely to be an undisclosed material factor in Amazon's results this quarter.


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