


Daniel Roberts 2011-12-01



????Identified用戶所獲獎勵是無形的,或許可以稱之為“吹牛的資本”。該網站授予用戶一個分數,以衡量用戶在潛在雇主眼中的吸引力,用戶發布的信息越多,這一分數也就越精確。如果這聽起來像是一種雞毛蒜皮、華而不實的競賽,該網站聯合創始人布蘭登?華萊士倒也不否認。“這就是一個追逐名聲的游戲,”華萊士稱。他本人先后畢業于普林斯頓大學(Princeton)和斯坦福大學商學院(Stanford Business School),曾在高盛工作(Goldman Sachs),不到30歲就當上了CEO——憑借這一履歷,若是他參加自己網站上的排名,想必會很靠前。



????對企業來說,Identified的吸引力顯而易見:它提供了一個數據庫,允許企業根據特定標準進行搜索,比如說某家律所只想找耶魯大學(Yale)畢業生。目前已有多家大公司與Identified簽約,包括百事可樂(PepsiCo)和傳媒集團康泰納仕(Conde Nast)。不出意料,風險投資者也對該網站表現出了濃厚興趣。華萊士稱,這是“因為我們掌握了其他任何人都沒有的信息。”目前,Identified已籌集550萬美元資金,活躍用戶約為10萬人。該公司計劃,最終將能夠創造和發行以數據分析為基礎的報告,研究女性的職場表現等話題。

????Chances are pretty good that last weekend you expressed some Thanksgiving wishes to friends using social media. But how much did you share? A simple "happy holiday" status update is one thing, but did you tweet a picture of the turkey? Did you reveal what cheesy movie you watched as you lounged on the couch in full-bellied bliss? What about the outfit you wore to dinner?

????People are getting increasingly open about which details of their personal lives they are willing to share on social media. That's nothing new. But two startups, Identified and RNKD (pronounced "Ranked") are hoping to reward people for sharing even more -- and help businesses in the process. Both launched earlier this month.

????In the case of Identified, the reward is intangible; call it bragging rights. The site assigns users a score meant to represent how appealing they are to prospective employers. The more information users post, the more precise the score. If that sounds like a formula for petty, pompous competition, co-founder Brendan Wallace says that it is indeed. "It's a fame game," says Wallace, a Stanford Business School grad who himself has the kind of record that ranks very well on his site: he went to Princeton, worked at Goldman Sachs (GS) and is a CEO before age 30.

????Wallace envisions Identified as an alternative to LinkedIn (LNKD). He argues that Facebook, not LinkedIn, is the biggest online professional network. Identified gets the vast majority of its information from Facebook, merely by pulling public information. In fact, unless your Facebook page is completely private, you may already have an Identified profile and ranking -- even if you haven't signed up for the service. Wallace points out, "You wouldn't believe how many people still have their profiles set to be completely public, and what info they have up there."

????On Identified, though, Wallace says people are choosing to share additional information that represents them as a job applicant: extremely personal details such as the subject of their college thesis, their GPA, SAT scores and even summer programs they've attended. But Anil Dash, a social media authority and managing director at Activate, says it's not a huge surprise people would share so much. "Separate from the Web, norms about sharing are very cultural and local," he says. "As a New Yorker, I'll talk freely at a party about what I pay for rent, but in the rest of the country that probably seems very strange. The fact that the word 'over-sharing' even exists shows how our culture looks at sharing: that only a certain amount is appropriate."

????Identified's appeal to businesses is obvious: a database with the ability to search by specific criteria, such as if a law firm wanted to look only at Yale alums. PepsiCo (PEP) and Conde Nast are among the major companies that have already signed on with Identified. Unsurprisingly, the site has had big interest from VCs "because we have information no one else has," says Wallace. It's gotten $5.5 million in funding so far and has some 100,000 monthly active users. Eventually Identified plans to create and disseminate analytics-driven reports, on topics such as women in the workplace.


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