你一定知道iPad,也聽說過亞馬遜的Kindle Fire以及巴諾的Nook。但是,事實上平板電腦的世界遠遠不止這些耳熟能詳的名字,還有其他許多品牌為在290億美元的平板電腦市場上分得一杯羹而奮力角逐。
Augen GenTouch 78 ????這款平板內置800MHz處理器,256MB RAM。即使售價只有149美元,這款7英寸平板電腦存在的問題仍然說不過去。這些問題包括:低劣的設計;不支持多點觸摸;盡管其顯眼的標簽上注明內置有HDMI(高清多媒體接口)端口,但實際上根本沒有HDMI端口。使用幾分鐘之后,它對觸摸就沒什么反應了。此外,大概是自慚形穢,該平板電腦的主要按鈕全都隱藏在機身背面。 |
Augen GenTouch 78 ????With an 800MHz processor and 256MB of RAM, this 7-inch tablet has issues that even its $149 price tag might not pardon. They include cheap design, no multi-touch gesture support and a lack of an HDMI port -- despite the prominent label indicating an HDMI port. The GenTouch 78 is also scorching to the touch after a few minutes of use. What's more, the tablet's main buttons hide inexplicably on the back of the device, perhaps in shame. |