上網本:風光不再的替代品 ????經濟衰退期,這種節電型筆記本取得了高達兩位數的增長,因為它體積小、重量輕而且價格極其低廉。但問題是,在通常情況下,商品都是一分錢一分貨,這意味著上網本的硬件恰好能滿足收發郵件、瀏覽網頁和播放普通視頻的需求,其余就一概無能為力了。隨著iPad等平板電腦的興起以及標準筆記本和MacBook Air售價節節下調,上網本的衰落也就不足為奇了。預計上網本在今年的出貨量將下跌33%,僅為2,200萬臺,而到2015年,將進一步下跌至1,350萬臺。 |
The Netbook ????This battery-sipping notebook category took off with double-digit growth during the recession because such PCs were small, lightweight and dirt-cheap. Problem was, you often got what you paid for, which meant hardware just sufficient enough to check email, surf the web and play standard definition videos, but not much else. With the rise of tablets like the iPad and the decline in standard PC notebook and MacBook Air prices, it's no wonder netbook shipments are expected to decline 33% this year to nearly 22 million units and then to nearly 13.5 million come 2015. |