????說到網上菜譜,觀者的視覺感受和他們的味覺體驗同等重要。7月上線的Gojee網用幻燈片的形式來展示菜譜,一張張烹制好的佳肴靚照在屏幕上炫目地劃過眼前,讓人嘆為觀止。點擊一下餐盤,就能把觀者帶到該菜式的個人美食博客頁面上,展示這道菜的詳細做法。這個網站剛獲得首輪大額投資,由Kapor Capital風投公司主導的120萬美元的種子期投資。 ????Gojee公司的首席執行官邁克爾?拉瓦列畢業于西點軍校(West Point)。畢業后他加入步兵團,并在阿富汗服役一年。2006年,他回到家鄉紐約,在摩根士丹利投資公司(Morgan Stanley)的技術投資集團呆了三年。在那里他遇到了現在網站的聯合創始人何田(Tian He),后者現任Gojee的工程副總裁。他們倆一起構想出了開辦這個公司的計劃。公司的目標是:利用數據提供在線菜譜搜索的全新體驗。拉瓦列說:“還從來沒有誰能利用美食數據開發出既新潮又實用的聰明玩意。” ????Gojee利用數據的方式是,與超市的優惠卡建立聯系,了解顧客所購買商品的種類,并運用他們冰箱或食品儲藏室里的食材量身定制網站所展示的菜譜。目前,Gojee的超市合作伙伴只有D'Agostino's超市,這是一家位于曼哈頓的食貨店。但網站用戶也能手動輸入他們現有的食材或喜歡用到的食材。 ????這種模式對超市的潛在好處是顯而易見的。現在與網站齊名的這家雜貨店首席執行官尼克?D’阿古斯提諾三世說:“我們已經看到了,網站上的這些菜譜成了顧客們非常感興趣的東西。我能為你提供一大堆滿足你要求的菜譜,都是你從來沒吃過的。你只需要告訴我們‘好吧,我不喜歡鹽,但也不喜歡金橘’就行了”。D'Agostino's超市的顧客是Gojee理想的測試人群,幫助網站了解哪些做法奏效,哪些沒有效果。 ????拉瓦列相信,Gojee使顧客的體驗變得個人化,這是真正奏效的方式,在這方面,它比其他同類網站,如Epicurious, Yummly或Food Network做得都要更加出色。這些龐大的菜譜網站都是Gojee的主要競爭對手。他說:“這些網站給人的感覺總是都差不多。”他聽上去有點惱火,一邊列出了一張長長的清單,那是他在這些競爭對手身上發現的雷同之處——比如它們的版式、搜索功能和基調。 ????他說,Gojee是唯一一個能對網絡使用方式的改變作出響應的網站。“未來三年,整個瀏覽網絡的方式都將發生改變,所以我們采用了全屏照片,能在平板電腦上用手指拖動,或是在鍵盤上敲敲就能從左到右滑動。” ????也許Gojee最讓人驚訝的特點是,這個網站上大量的菜譜都是靠網站的員工(7位全職員工)通過審查從美食博客中人工遴選出來的。拉瓦列說:“顯然,我們主打的每個博客都得有很出彩的照片,但也得有獨特的視角。用戶能步入這些博主們的世界。想找到真正出色的美食博主們,只有登錄我們的網站才能做到。” ????約書亞?斯托克斯就是這些美食博主中的一位。他是紐約的一名私人廚師,已在Gojee上發布了大量菜譜。他說,多虧這個網站,他的博客訪問量已經驟增。Gojee正在努力挑戰更大的菜譜網站,這位博主從中既看到了它的優勢,也看到了它所面臨的挑戰。他說:“比如說,像Food Network這種網站的缺點就是,一旦鮑比?弗雷(Bobby Flay,美國著名特級廚師——譯注)拋出一份菜譜來,不管它到底如何,大家都會一擁而上,一試身手,就因為這是他給出的菜譜。”他還補充說,如果這些由著名廚師提供的菜譜讓人失望,用戶們就會拋棄它們,產生挫折感。他們可能再也不會試著自己做菜了。 ????但是,像Food Network這類網站在固定受眾和流量優勢等方面仍然占有優勢。斯托克斯承認:“我訪問過所有這些大型菜譜網站,主要是因為,只要用谷歌(Google)搜索菜譜,首先跳出來的就是這些網站。要想挑戰谷歌是很困難的。” ????Kapor風投公司的斯蒂芬?德百利表示,他們之所以投資Gojee,主要緣于風投公司現在對健康食品和有社會影響力的創業企業越來越有興趣。他說:“我們要避免對消費者在生活方式的選擇上指手畫腳,而Gojee用一種優美而有趣的方式做到了這一點。而在后臺,一旦了解了人們正在吃些什么,并將它與零售業聯系起來,就會產生巨大的商機。Gojee在數據方面的實力是真正打動我們的地方。”Gojee是Kapor公司迄今直接投資的首家與食品相關的創業企業。 ????如果Gojee的目標是實現增長,它需要積極展示自己的存在。即便是擁有各種創新特性,它也還是要從一座陡峭山峰的山腳開始攀登,而山頂則盤踞著地位穩固的各大菜譜網站。盡管Gojee不愿透露其網站的流量,但它自稱已在199個國家擁有會員,并且其美食作者的班底最近剛好實現翻番,從80人增加到了160人。它的谷歌Chrome應用程序則擁有近3萬名用戶。 ????斯托克斯說:“美食是個不斷變化的市場。其他那些網站擁有實現改變的資源,但這并意味著它們能看清將會發生什么改變或應該出現什么改變。” ????譯者:清遠 |
????When it comes to online recipes, readers' eyes are just as vital as their stomachs. Gojee, which launched in July, offers recipes in a slideshow format, with stunning photos of the finished product splashed across the screen. Clicking on a dish directs readers to the web page of an individual food blogger with the recipe's full details. The site just nabbed its first major funding, a $1.2 million seed round led by Kapor Capital. ????Gojee CEO Michael LaValle, a West Point graduate who joined the infantry and spent a year in Afghanistan, returned to his hometown New York City in 2006 and spent three years at Morgan Stanley in the technology investing group. There he met co-founder Tian He, now Gojee's VP of Engineering, and the two hatched a plan to start the company together. The goal: use data to offer a new experience in online recipe hunting. Says LaValle, "No one was doing anything intelligent around harnessing food data to deliver something cool and useful." ????Gojee makes use of data by linking up with supermarket loyalty cards to learn which items have been purchased, customizing recipes it displays by what ingredients are actually in the fridge or pantry. Currently, Gojee is only partnered with D'Agostino's, a Manhattan-based grocer, but users can also manually enter ingredients they have on hand or generally prefer to use. ????The potential interest to supermarkets is obvious. "We have seen recipes on the Internet becoming a monster thing that customers are interested in," says Nick D'Agostino III, CEO of the eponymous chain. "I can provide you with a hell of a lot of recipes that meet your requirements, but that you'd never eat. You'd have to tell us 'Okay, I don't like salt, but I also don't like kumquats.'" D'Agostino's customers are an ideal test population for Gojee to find out what works and what doesn't. ????What works, LaValle believes, is the way Gojee personalizes the experience, more so than sites like Epicurious, Yummly or the Food Network, big recipe outlets that make up Gojee's main competition. "Their sites always give the same experience," he says. Sounding annoyed, he ticks off a long list of similarities he perceives between his competitors – their layouts, search function and their tone. ????Gojee, he says, is the only site responding to changes in Web usage. "The entire way of navigating the web is going to evolve in the next three years, so that led us to fullscreen photos and being able to swipe on a tablet or click left to right on a keyboard." ????Perhaps Gojee's most surprising feature is that its recipes are hand-selected from chef blogs that the staff (seven full-time employees) vets. "Every blog we feature has to have great pictures, obviously, but also a unique perspective," LaValle says. "You get to step into their world. If you want to find good food bloggers, there's only our site." ????Joshua Stokes is one of those food bloggers. A private chef in New York, Stokes has had a number of his recipes featured on Gojee and says that he's noticed a spike in traffic thanks to the site. He sees both advantages and challenges in Gojee's efforts to take on the larger recipe sites. "A flaw with, say, the Food Network site is that if Bobby Flay throws up a recipe, people will try it no matter what, because it's his," says Stokes. Stokes adds that if these recipes from brand-name chefs disappoint, users tend to abandon them, feeling defeated. They might not try cooking it again. ????Still, sites like Food Network have the advantage of built-in audience and traffic dominance. "I've tried all the big recipe sites, mostly because, when I Google a recipe, they're the first to come up," admits Stokes. "It's hard to take on the Google (GOOG) factor." ????Stephen DeBerry of Kapor says they invested in Gojee because the VC firm is increasingly interested in healthy food and in startups with a social impact. "We want to help get out of this wagging a finger at the consumer for lifestyle choices, and Gojee does it in a beautiful, fun way," he says. "On the back-end, there are some great opportunities once you learn what people are eating and connect it to retail. The data dimension is what really impressed us." Gojee is the first food-related startup Kapor has invested in directly. ????If Gojee is going to grow, it'll need to aggressively announce its presence. Even with its creative features, it's starting from the bottom of a steep hill, at the top of which sit the more established recipe sites. Though Gojee won't disclose its traffic, the company says it has members in 199 different countries, and in has just doubled its stable of food writers, from 80 to 160. Its Google Chrome app has nearly 30,000 users. ????"Food is a changing market," says Stokes. "Those other sites have the resources to change, but not always the wherewithal to see what changes are going to happen or should." |