Facebook+ Nebula =廉價私有云
????Nebula是一家“名副其實”(Nebula的中文意思為星云——譯注)的云計算新創企業,它開發了一套設備,自稱能在“幾分鐘內” 配置私有云計算基礎設施。 ????Nebula究竟有何秘訣?該公司創始人兼首席執行官克里斯?肯普曾幫助美國國家航空和航天局(NASA)開發了開源云計算平臺OpenStack。Nebula目前正與Facebook的開放硬件工程(Open Compute Project)通力合作,致力于提供更加廉價的硬件設備,以便使更多公司能配備自己的私有云。所謂開放硬件工程,是社交網絡公司Facebook針對其服務器和數據中心技術展開的開源項目。 ????曾經擔任NASA的IT部門首席技術官的肯普稱:“這項技術的應用對象應該不僅僅局限于互聯網和游戲公司。”根據肯普的說法,公司經常面臨以下選擇:依靠公共云基礎設施【例如亞馬遜(Amazon)的網絡服務】、購買昂貴的專用硬件和軟件或是雇傭通曉如何將各種開源技術整合在一起的團隊。 ????現在,位于帕洛阿爾托市的Nebula希望能提供第四種選擇——該公司自稱通過其設備,只需較少開銷(不過Nebula并未透露具體價格)就可組建私有云基礎設施。這種設備能被連接到上千臺廉價計算機上。 ????Facebook開放硬件工程負責人弗蘭克?弗蘭克斯齊表示:“如果執行得力,他們真的有望填補市場空白。將(他們的產品)基于OpenStack和開放計算等開源項目,目前僅此一家。” |
????Meet Nebula, an aptly-named startup that's developed a device it says can configure private cloud computing infrastructure "in minutes." ????So what's the secret sauce? OpenStack, an open-source cloud-computing platform the company's co-founder and CEO, Chris Kemp, helped develop at NASA. Nebula is also collaborating with Facebook's Open Compute Project, an effort to open-source the social networking company's server and data center technologies, in the hopes that cheaper hardware will enable more companies to deploy private clouds. ????"Internet and gaming companies shouldn't be the only ones with access to this technology," says Kemp, former chief technology officer of IT at NASA. According to Kemp, companies are often faced with the choice of relying on public cloud infrastructure (a la Amazon's (AMZN) Web Services), buying expensive, proprietary hardware and software or hiring a team of DIY technologists with the know-how to link together open-source technologies. ????Palo Alto, Calif.-based Nebula hopes to offer a fourth option—what it says is a less costly (it won't disclose the exact price) way to build a private cloud infrastructure, using its appliance which can be hooked up to thousands of inexpensive computers. ????"If they execute well they have an opportunity to really fill a need," says Frank Frankovsky, head of Facebook's Open Compute Project. "And basing it [their product] on open source – both OpenStack and Open Compute—is unique." |
????為何Facebook會關注包括其潛在競爭對手在內的其他公司的私有云配置? ????事實上,Facebook并不關心這些,它所關心的是改進自身現有服務器、數據中心和硬件存儲設備的設計,使其運轉更為高效以節約成本。Facebook公開了自己的設計藍圖,作為交換,它希望其它公司能將其創新以開源軟件的方式貢獻給自己。 ????Facebook的新功能及其用戶隱私政策引發的爭議成為人們熱議的話題。與之相比,開放硬件工程所獲得的關注則要少得多,該工程于今年4月公布,旨在“開源”Facebook自行定制的服務器和數據中心技術。不過過去幾個月,這項工程不動聲色地取得了不小進展。Facebook表示其社區參與者人數已超過1,000人。大約250名非Facebook員工在上月參加了首次開放硬件峰會。下一次峰會計劃于今年10月舉行,我敢打賭Nebula屆時一定會出席。 ????Facebook的弗蘭克斯齊表示:“Nebula擁有一些非常關鍵的技術人才。他們將積極參與這項工程。” ????Nebula同時還擁有一些非常關鍵的投資人(Nebula同樣沒有透露自己已募集到的確切資金額)。其投資者包括太陽微系統(Sun Microsystems)聯合創始人安迪?貝希多斯海以及風險投資公司凱鵬華盈(Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers)。五家參與試用的客戶將在今年10月初開始利用Nebula的設備部署私有云,它們的行業分布在能源、金融、生物和媒體等領域。 ????肯普表示:“我們的商業模式很簡單,你只需購買一個盒子,然后把服務器插進去就行了。我們希望打破現有的市場格局。” ????誠然,Nebula能利用開源軟件和硬件提供廉價的私有云部署解決方案,但所謂開源技術意味著,其它任何感興趣的公司也能利用這項技術。戴爾(Dell)剛剛發布了OpenStack云解決方案,該公司聲稱其能替代現有仍基于專用許可軟件的云方案。OpenStack和Facebook的開放硬件工程仍處于起步期,今后幾年,隨著更多開源云基礎設施進入市場,用戶將擁有更為廣泛的選擇。 ????譯者:項航 |
????Why does Facebook care about private cloud deployments at other companies, including potential competitors? ????It doesn't. What it cares about is improving its own server, data center and storage hardware designs, making them run more efficiently in order to trim costs. In exchange for making its blueprints publicly available, Facebook is hoping other companies will contribute with their own innovations, open-source software style. ????The social networking site generates a lot of buzz for new features and privacy controversies. Its less-sexy Open Compute Project, or the "open-sourcing" of its custom-built server and data center technology, made far less of a splash when it was unveiled last April. But over the last few months, the project has quietly made headway. Facebook says its community of contributors has grown to over 1,000. About 250 non-Facebook employees attended its first-ever Open Compute summit last month. The next one is scheduled for October, and you can bet Nebula will be there. ????"Nebula has some very significant engineering talent," says Facebook's Frankovsky. "And they'll actively contribute back." ????Nebula also has some very significant financial backers (again, the company won't disclose the exact dollar amount it managed to raise). Its list of investors includes Sun Microsystems co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim and venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. Five pilot customers from energy, finance, biotech and media industries will begin deploying private clouds using Nebula's appliance in early October. ????"Our business model is simple, you just buy a box and plug servers into it," says Kemp. "We want to disrupt the existing economies here." ????Of course, while the use of open-source software and hardware could enable Nebula to offer a cheaper solution for private cloud deployments, the very definition of open-source technology means that it's also available to any other company interested in utilizing it. Dell's just-launched OpenStack Cloud Solution is also being touted as an alternative to existing cloud options that are based on proprietary, licensed software. And with both OpenStack and Facebook's Open Compute Project still in their infancy, you can count on many more open-source cloud infrastructure "alternatives" hitting the market in coming years. |