????Twitter的公司估值高達數十億美元,但是收益卻相對較少,因此那些認為硅谷再度出現了泡沫的人往往拿愛Twitter來說事兒。7月19日,在《財富》科技頭腦風暴科技大會(Fortune's Brainstorm Tech conference)上,Twitter的CEO迪克?科斯特洛闡述了Twitter的業務模式,包括其客戶現在購買的廣告產品類型,以及Twitter的廣告銷售方式。他甚至暗示了Twitter未來的一個主要產品領域——利用其他人在Twitter上的商業活動來生錢。以下是他的談話摘要,略有刪節。 ????Twitter廣告平臺的好處就在于這些廣告都是“推文”,它們并非只是有機地被推送到你的粉絲那里,而是先被推送到粉絲那里,然后再推送到你想推送的任何目標顧客那里。你可以設置搜索詞,可以在主頁上定位熱門話題,你也可以說:“我想把廣告推送到對這些產品感興趣的人那里,讓他們都成為我賬號的粉絲。”我們有很多不同的廣告產品,推文所及之處都可以做廣告。只有推文的地方,就會有促銷的推文。只要我們告訴哪些用戶他們可以關注哪些賬號,這些促銷賬號就可以接觸到哪些客戶。我們在哪里顯示了促銷熱榜,這些促銷熱榜就會到達哪里。因此對于Twitter平臺來說,廣告系統是有機的,內容到哪里,廣告就會到哪里。 ????我覺得從理性的角度看,如果放眼未來,你就會發現這個廣告系統的妙處所在。將來瀏覽器、電腦、智能手機、功能手機和電視等平臺都可以無縫接收推文。這些推文到哪里,你的廣告就會做到哪里。這為廣告商創造了“實時營銷活動”的機會——“實時營銷活動”也正是寶潔公司(P&G)的CEO和信息總監剛剛討論過的話題。一些電影公司已經在這樣做了。比如在某部電影上映前一個禮拜,他們就開始在Twitter上推廣電影的預告片。等電影上映時,或者等電影上映后,他們就開始在Twitter上顯示一些觀眾的影評。 ????這種實時編輯和管理營銷活動的能力和全球傳播的能力是前所未有的,這一點非常激動人心。我們會按實際廣告受眾的人數進行收費。就像谷歌(Google's)的關鍵詞廣告(AdWords)一樣,只有當人們閱讀了你的營銷推文,我們才會收費。 ????有一點很值得關注:我們廣告的用戶參與率非常高。這些廣告的用戶點進率和參與率基本上都在30%、40%、50%左右。我想有史以來顧客參與率最高的廣告,應該是大眾汽車(Volkswagen)為他們的新甲殼蟲轎車(VW Beetle)所做的促銷推文,它的用戶參與率高達52%(所謂的用戶參與是指Twitter用戶點擊、回復或轉發了該推文)。也就是說,如果你看到了這則廣告,但是沒有參與進去,那你反而成了少數。與搜索相比,這種廣告也很有前景。 ????現在我們所有的廣告銷售都是直接銷售。我們把銷售團隊分成了一支直銷團隊和一支內勤銷售團隊。直銷團隊負責拜訪全球250個頂尖品牌,內勤銷售團隊主要通過長途電話來拜訪客戶。我們以后還會推出自助式服務。現在這個廣告平臺上的廣告商數量已經增長了600%。去年年底還只有幾百個,但現在已經增長了600%。有80%的廣告商都續訂了服務,更新了Twitter上的營銷活動。無論從任何指標來看,公司以及這個平臺的財務狀況都非常健康,一切正在按部就班地進行。我們已經制訂了一套明確的、系統的方法,以使促銷推文傳播得越來越廣。不過在此之前,我們一定會確保良好的用戶體驗。 ????*** ????我認為廣告將是Twitter未來最主要的收入來源之一。我之所以說“之一”,是因為這個平臺上已經發生了大量的商業活動。這里可以舉一兩個例子:比如在谷歌的Google I/O大會期間,開幕式那天早上,他們發布了一條推文:“嘿,知道嗎,只剩110張票了,550美元一張,請用這個優惠碼訂購。”這條推文發出后才11分鐘,他們又發了一條推文:“票已售罄,謝謝?!币簿褪钦f他們僅憑一條推文,在13分鐘時間里賺了55,000美元。 ????又比如,圣地亞哥閃電隊(San Diego Chargers)曾在一個周六的下午發布推文:“如果觀眾上座率不夠,比賽將無法轉播。為了轉播比賽,我們需要再賣出1,000張票?!敝贿^了40分鐘,他們又發布了一條推文:“票已售出?!?/p> ????我剛剛說廣告將成為Twitter運作的核心方式之一,也將成為我們核心收入來源之一,我的意思是說,只要我們愿意,我們完全可以利用廣告這個商機??梢韵胂?,在這個過程中,我們會減少商業活動的阻力?,F在做網絡廣告的話,必須進入一個第三方網站,輸入優惠碼,或是諸如此類的東西。如何才能減少這種交易行為中的阻力呢?經濟學有一條顛撲不破的真理:如果能減少交易中的阻力,就有錢可賺。我們現在正在思考,在這方面我們可以為市場提供什么,同時也在嘗試設計不同的東西,并在內部進行試驗。 ????譯者:樸成奎 |
????With a multi-billion-dollar valuation and relatively small revenues, Twitter is Exhibit A for those who believe Silicon Valley is experiencing another bubble. At Fortune's Brainstorm Tech conference on July 19, the company's CEO, Dick Costolo, explained how the company's business works, including what ad products its customers are buying and how Twitters sells to them. He even hinted a major future product area: capitalizing on the commerce currently being conducted by others on Twitter. A lightly edited version of his description, in his words, follows. ????The beauty of the Twitter advertising platform is the ads are just tweets, and instead of just going organically to your followers, they go to your followers and then whoever else you want to target them to. You can target search terms, you can target trends on the homepage, you can say 'I want to target people who are interested in these kinds of things to follow my account.' So we have lots of different ad products, and those ad products go everywhere the tweets go. Promoted tweets go everywhere tweets go. Promoted accounts go everywhere we show people what kinds of accounts they can follow. Promoted trends go everywhere we show trends. So the ad system is organic to the platform and goes everywhere the content goes. ????I think the fascinating thing about the ad platform philosophically is that when you think about the future of Twitter, where tweets are being distributed frictionlessly to browsers, desktops, smartphones, feature phones, television, etc., when you've got ads that can go globally everywhere those tweets go, it creates this opportunity for advertisers to do the kinds of things that [the CEO and chief information office of P&G (PG)] were just talking about: Real-time marketing campaigns. We already see that from [movie] studios on Twitter. The week before the film comes out, they're promoting trailers on Twitter. The moment the movie comes out or the moment after the movie comes out, they start to show some of the quotes that people have been tweeting about from the movie. ????So this ability to edit and manage a campaign in real time, as it happens, and distribute that globally has never existed before. I think that's fascinating. We charge people on a cost-per-engagement basis. So, like [Google's (GOOG)] AdWords, you only pay when people engage with the tweet. ????The important point to note there is our engagement rates are through the roof. We are seeing ads literally with click-through rates and engagement rates of 30, 40, 50 percent. I think the highest one of all time was when Volkswagen ran a promoted tweet for their new VW Beetle that actually had an engagement rate, where an engagement is a click, a reply or a retweet, of 52%. So, you were in the minority if you saw the ad and you didn't engage with it. That compares very favorably with search. ????Right now are sales are all direct. We actually divide our sales team into a direct sales force that calls on the top 250 brands in the world, and then an inside sales force that calls on sort of the trunk. We'll roll out self-serve later on. The number of advertisers on the platform is up 600%. It was low hundreds at the end of last year, and is up 600%. The number of advertisers that renew campaigns is 80%. Along any axis you want to measure the financial health of the platform and the company, it's fantastic. It's going according to plan. We've got a very specific and methodical way we're thinking about rolling out promoted tweets broader and broader and broader, and we're only going to do that as we ensure that the user experience is good when we do that. ??? *** ????I think of advertising as one of the major revenue components to Twitter going forward. I think one of the only reasons I hedge and say one of the major components going forward is because we already see a tremendous amount of commerce taking place on the platform. Just as a couple examples, when the Google I/O conference was taking place, they tweeted the morning of the opening of the conference, "Hey, you know, 100 tickets left, 550 bucks a piece, use this promotion code," and then I think 11 minutes later tweeted, "Sold them, thank you." [That's] $55,000 with one tweet in 13 minutes. ????The San Diego Chargers tweeted on a Saturday afternoon, "We need to sell a thousand more tickets so the blackout can be lifted in San Diego tomorrow," and 40 minutes later or so tweeted, "Sold those." ????When I said advertising will be one of the core ways that Twitter operates and one of the core revenue streams, what I'm saying is there's a commerce opportunity there for us to take advantage of if we want. You could imagine all sorts of [ways] we remove friction from the process. Right now, you have to go to a third site, enter a promotion code, something else. What would you do to remove the friction from that transaction? You know, classic sort of economics: There's money to be made when you can remove friction from transactions. We are thinking about the kinds of things that we will offer to the market, and designing different things and experimenting with different things internally. |