????·必應(Bing)目前在美國搜索市場上的份額只有27%,因此路透社認為,微軟應該謀求出售必應。【《紐約時報》(The New York Times)援引路透社(Reuters)】 ????·谷歌將修改Google+實名政策。上周末谷歌在未提前進行警告的情況下,刪除了某些用戶的賬號,因為這些用戶出于某些原因沒有用全名、實名進行注冊。在接下來的幾周里,違反了谷歌實名政策的用戶首先將會收到一份警告,并獲得修改個人檔案名稱的機會,如果屆時仍然不修正,谷歌就會做出停用賬號的處理。【互聯網資訊網站ZDNet】 ????·網飛(Netflix)的第三季度收益預測會與華爾街的預測有很大出入,這主要是由于網飛最近更改了定價方案。調價的原因是網飛想將它的用戶群從DVD 租賃向單純的流媒體下載方向轉變,原因是前者的成本太高。網飛CEO里德?哈斯廷斯和財務總監大衛?威爾斯在公司致股東的信中指出,上個季度,有將近75%的新用戶簽訂了“只看流媒體”的服務合同。(科技網站All Things D與科技博客TechCrunch) ????·Zynga公司宣布與騰訊(Tencent )合作,推出中文版社交游戲《CityVille》(中文名《星佳城市》)。這次合作非常重要,它不僅使Zynga有機會接觸到騰訊的6.7億用戶,還使Zynga在Facebook之外又擁有了一個重要的合作伙伴。(社交游戲公司Zynga與科技及金融博客Venturebeat) ????·紐約中央車站(Grand Central Station)的蘋果零售店開張,占地23,000平方英尺(2,136.77平方米),您可以點擊這里一睹為快。不過出人意料的是,在蘋果眾多門店里,這家店可能是地價最便宜的店之一。 ????·從亞馬遜(Amazon)到《華爾街日報》(The Wall Street Journal),企業都在重新考慮他們的iOS應用戰略。【《連線》雜志(Wired)】 ????·不管身在哪里,總是非得查看一下Facebook,登錄一下圖片共享應用Instagram或Twitter不可。你是否也是“不社交不舒服”?科技何以像吸煙一樣致癮?(科技博客TechCrunch) ????譯者:樸成奎 |
????* With just a 27% share of the U.S. search market, Reuters argues Microsoft should find a buyer for online search engine Bing. (Reuters via The New York Times) ????* Google is revising its approach towards Google + users who for one reason or another don't use their full, real names after some accounts were deleted without warning over the weekend. Over the next few weeks, users who are found to somehow violate this policy will instead receive a warning and a chance to fix their profile names before their accounts are actually suspended. (ZDNet) ????* Netflix's third quarter earnings predictions will miss Wall Street predictions largely due to its recent price plan tweaks. The changes come as the company tries to shift its user base from more costly DVD plans to streaming-only. To that end, CEO Reed Hastings and CFO David Wells reported in the company's shareholder letter that last quarter, nearly 75% of new users signed up for the digital-only plans. (All Things D and TechCrunch) ????* Zynga announced a venture with Tencent that will see a version of CityVille on the popular Chinese social network. It's a significant move, not only because it exposes the casual gaming company to Tencent's 670 million-plus user base, but it also gives the company another major partnership beyond Facebook. (Zynga and Venturebeat) ????* A first look at Apple's 23,000-square foot store in New York's Grand Central Station. Surprisingly, it could turn out to be one of the company's cheapest locations. (Fortune) ????* From Amazon to The Wall Street Journal, how companies are rethinking their iOS app strategies. (Wired) ????* Ever been compelled to check Facebook, use Instagram, or Tweet while out and about? Why technology may be the new smoking. (TechCrunch) |