


JP Mangalindan 2011-07-05

????本文是“迎《財富》頭腦風暴技術大會”(the Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference)系列文章的第二篇。《財富》雜志(Fortune)的頭腦風暴技術大會將于7月19日至21日于美國科羅拉多州的阿斯彭(Aspen)召開。屆時許多科技界最優秀的思想者將云集一堂。本系列報道將著重檢驗去年出席該大會的企業的進步情況,并提醒大家今年的大會有哪些值得期待之處。

????This is the second in a series of articles leading up to the Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference, which will be held from July 19-21 in Aspen, Colorado. Fortune Brainstorm Tech will round up many of the best and brightest thinkers in technology. Our coverage in this series will examine the progress of companies that presented last year and give an idea of what to expect this year.


????這幾家公司的服務都是立足將移動設備當成一個信用交易平臺來使用,只是方法各有不同。谷歌錢包(Google Wallet)功能使安卓系統的智能手機只需在可兼容的讀卡器前面輕輕一刷,便可完成支付。而Square以及財捷的GoPayment服務則需將一個小型信用卡讀卡器插入手機的耳機插孔。尤其Square的移動支付服務更是蒸蒸日上。這家由杰克?多爾西創辦的初創公司只有兩年半的歷史,上周該公司在10億美元估值的基礎上,又募集了1億美元的資金,使它再度成為新聞頭條的主角。



????一般來說,商家可能最多要等上兩個星期的時間,才能獲得反饋,知道老式的紙質優惠券在顧客中的使用情況如何。有了近場通訊技術(Near Field Communications),商家可以立即收到來自顧客的智能手機的反饋,而且這些反饋更加豐富和詳盡。印孚瑟斯公司(Infosys)銀行與資本市場集團的負責人拉斯?斯卡里表示,商家和營銷人員可以以小時為單位對手頭上的優惠券消費數據進行解析,檢驗不同時間段優惠券的總體使用率,從而便于商家抽空調整優惠券的折扣率。

(2) 利用GPS功能











????As companies like Google (GOOG), Square, Intuit (INTU) and, reportedly, Apple (AAPL) place their bets on some form of mobile payments, the technology's long-term potential becomes clear. What's harder to envision is exactly how this nascent industry will evolve.

????Each company's service manages to transform mobile devices into a credit-transaction device, although their approaches vary. Google Wallet lets Android smartphones make payments simply by swiping or tapping them in front of compatible readers. Meanwhile, Square and Intuit's GoPayment services rely on credit-card readers that plug into audio jacks. Square in particular is thriving: Jack Dorsey's two-and-a-half-year-old startup made headlines again this week when it raised $100 million at a $1 billion valuation.

????At this point, it's easier to glean the broader, more immediate benefits of such services. With Square and GoPayment, any merchant can handle digital payments without having to shell out hundreds of dollars for a traditional credit card transaction machine. And services like Google Wallet may mean you never have to carry around plastic again. Beyond that, however, there are longer-term possibilities for mobile payments that are especially tantalizing:

1.) Real-time feedback.

????It can take up to two weeks for merchants to receive feedback as to how well a plain-old paper coupon performed with customers. With Near Field Communications (NFC), feedback from smartphones could be instantaneous, richer and more detailed. Lars Skari, who heads Infosys' banking and capital markets group, said merchants and marketers can parse through available data on coupon purchases hour-by-hour, examining overall coupon adoption rates over time. That information would allow them to adjust coupon discounts on the fly.

2.) Tapping the GPS

????Assuming consumers can opt in and tweak privacy settings to their hearts' desire, the smartphone's GPS could add a new level of location-sensitive features.

????Earlier this year, Stephanie Tilenius, Google's VP of Commerce, suggested that NFC could make every day life easier: If you find some jeans in a Gap (GAP) store but they're out of your size, a scan of your smartphone can make sure a pair will be sent to you.

????Skari offers a more detailed example. When a shopper walks into the supermarket, his smartphone could receive a customized shopping list based on his shopping history there. As he walks down an aisle looking for say, frozen pizza, he'll receive coupons for them. Other supermarkets could try to entice him through their doors by modifying their coupons and offering deeper discounts. If users plug in their social accounts, they get even more information, such as what their friends recently purchased or which brands they recommend.

3.) An easier banking experience

????Services like Google Wallet likely won't upend the business models of commercial banks, but could alter the way customers interact with them.

????Already, Google Wallet promises to make plastic obsolete. Skari suggests the next logical step would be for such services to handle billing payments as well, acting as an intermediary between banks and customers and providing a simple, clean user interface that lets them interact seamlessly.

????Sound far fetched? Maybe, but given that these companies all excel in providing painless user experiences, it's a possibility. "Companies like your Google, Mint, Square and others are coming from more of a true retail environment," says Skari. "They're starting to make inroads into that very important customer segment" of consumers under 30.

????Square COO Keith Rabois supports that assertion -- as least with regards to his company -- claiming that the startup has a 95% chance of one day becoming more valuable than eBay's (EBAY) PayPal and a 50% chance of becoming more culturally relevant.

????"We are not limited to just e-commerce," he said. "We enable real world payments, which is a much bigger market and is more valuable."


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