


JP Mangalindan 2011-06-23

????* “如果你不斷創新,同時又坦然地接受失敗,那就永遠不會淪落到拿整個公司做賭注的地步。”——亞馬遜公司(Amazon)首席執行官杰夫?貝佐斯【科技網站GeekWire(GeekWire)】

????* "If you invent frequently and are willing to fail, then you never get to that point where you really need to bet the whole company." - Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO (GeekWire)

????* 《彭博新聞社》(Bloomberg)報道,Skype 近日罷免了數名高級管理人員,其中包括副總裁大衛?格爾、克里斯托弗?迪恩、拉斯?蕭、以及唐?阿爾伯特。文章還分析說,一旦微軟收購Skype的交易完成,后者需要支出的員工分紅會更高;該互聯網電話公司此舉很有可能正是為避免這筆高額的費用支出。【《彭博新聞社》(Bloomberg)】

????* Y Combinator創始人保羅?格雷厄姆亮相彭博美國電視( Bloomberg TV)。據他介紹,這家初創公司孵化器最近破記錄地收到了2,000多份投資申請;此外,他認為,在線存儲服務供應商Dropbox的價值勝過專注于公寓交換業務的初創公司Airbnb,并對背后原因進行了剖析。Airbnb制定了自己最近幾周的融資計劃,有報道說,它計劃以10億美元的估價,籌集1億多美元的資金。【彭博美國電視( Bloomberg TV)、科技博客SAI(Silicon Alley Insider)、以及科技博客TechCrunch(TechCrunch)】

????* 我們的同事丹?普里麥克建議,那些對潘多拉公司(Pandora)搖擺不定的股值窮追猛打、橫加指責的批評家該冷靜思考一下了。[參見:《潘多拉災難》(Pandora's Pox)或《潘多拉首次公開募股一敗涂地》 (Pandora IPO debacle)]。“僅憑3天的交易情況就得出結論,未免太過幼稚。”他在文中寫道。【《財富》(Fortune)】

????* 黑莓智能手機廠商RIM公司(Research in Motion)如今步履維艱(該公司不僅將其全年利潤預期值降低了30%,而且還計劃裁員)。RIM研發部門的一位前員工一語中的,揭示了原因所在:“他們當真認為自己理解消費類產品、業務、思維方式、以及營銷,但其實他們根本不懂。”【科技博客SAI(Silicon Alley Insider)、美國有限電視新聞網財經網站CNNMoney(CNNMoney)】

????* 莫名其妙、不倫不類的點對點(P2P)在線貨幣Bitcoin目前可能春風得意:甚至有家餐廳都開始接受這類貨幣了。盡管如此,但它好景不會太長。【《財富》(Fortune)】

????* 緊步《城市小鎮》(CityVille)等一系列游戲的后塵,Zynga公司最新出品的社交游戲《帝國與同盟》(Empires & Allies)的用戶群也在以驚人的速度擴大:發布后17天內,用戶數就猛增至3,000多萬。【科技博客VentureBeat(VentureBeat)】

????* 跨平臺新聞閱讀器Pulse的開發商阿方索實驗室(Alphonso Labs)在其最新一輪融資中籌集到了900萬美元的資金。這一大受歡迎的閱讀器目前號稱擁有400萬個跨平臺用戶。

????* 消息人士對《電訊報》(The Telegraph)透露,MySpace有可能在6月底以1億美元的價格售出。據猜測,目前有意出價收購該娛樂性社交網站的幾方中包括由動視暴雪公司(Activision Blizzard)首席執行官鮑比?科蒂克領銜的投資團和標準資本合伙人公司(Criterion Capital Partners)。【《電訊報》(The Telegraph)】

????* 通過這張有趣的、頗具諷刺意味的圖表,圖片達人可以找出自己喜歡圖片共享應用。[提示:不管你如何進行細分,結果都肯定不會是色彩(Color)]【科技博客TechCrunch(TechCrunch)】

????* (專注于蘋果產品的)科技網站Cult of Mac的邁克?艾爾甘撰文稱蘋果(Apple)應該用其手中的幾十億美元資金征服(并且擁有)好萊塢。【科技網站Cult of Mac(Cult of Mac)】


????* Bloomberg reports that Skype fired several high-ranking executives -- including vice presidents David Gurle, Christopher Dean, Russ Shaw, and Don Albert -- suggesting the Internet calling company may have done so to avoid even pricier employee payouts once the Microsoft acquisition deal goes through. (Bloomberg)

????* Y Combinator's Paul Graham took to Bloomberg TV to discuss how his startup incubator recently received the most applications ever -- 2000-plus -- and why Dropbox is worth more than the apartment-swapping startup, Airbnb, which made deadlines of its own in recent weeks for reportedly raising $100-million-plus at a $1 billion valuation. (Bloomberg TV via Silicon Alley Insider and TechCrunch)

????* Colleague Dan Primack suggests pundits pouncing on Pandora's oscillating share value (see: "Pandora's Pox" or "Pandora IPO debacle") chill out. "Reaching conclusions based on just three days of trading is sophomoric," he writes. (Fortune)

????* A former Research in Motion (RIM) employee weighs in on why the BlackBerry smartphone maker has it rough right now. (The company slashed its full-year profit expectations by 30% and also expects to layoff some of its staff.) "They honestly think they understand consumer product, business, mentality, marketing -- but they really don't," the source said. (Silicon Alley Insider and CNNMoney)

????* Enigmatic (and unregulated) peer-to-peer online currency Bitcoin may be enjoying success -- heck, it's even accepted at a restaurant now -- but don't expect that to the case for much longer. (Fortune)

????* Following in the footsteps of recent offerings like CityVille, Zynga's newest social game, Empires & Allies, has seen some pretty impressive growth: more than 30 million users in the 17 days since its launch. (VentureBeat)

????* Alphonso Labs, the makers of Pulse, raised $9 million during its most recent round of funding. The popular cross-platform news reader now claims 4 million users across platforms.

????* A source tells The Telegraph that MySpace could sell for $100 million or more by June 30. Current parties supposedly circling the social network-turned-entertainment hub include an investor group led by Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick and Criterion Capital Partners.

????* An enjoyably snarky chart to help photo lovers figure out which photo-sharing app to use. (Hint: It won't be Color no matter how you slice it.) (TechCrunch)

????* Cult of Mac's Mike Elgan on why Apple should use its billions to crush (and own) Hollywood. (Cult of Mac)


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