


JP Mangalindan 2011-06-08
視頻游戲機的市場統治地位搖搖欲墜?;為什么說 Facebook將終結谷歌


????* Groupon是眼下IT領域發展最為迅速的一家公司,它擁有7,000多名員工,最近又提出首次公開募股(IPO)申請。但是,該公司的業務模式迄今對多數人來說仍是個迷。本文或可幫助你初步認識該公司。如果需要深入了解的話,不妨讀讀《為何Groupon身價高達250億美元》以及《Groupon事實上已破產》。自Groupon提出首次公開募股申請后,業界對其觀點可謂截然相反,上述兩篇文章集中反映了兩派觀點。[唐?德羅奇(Don Drodge)論《下一個大人物》(The Next Big Thing),史蒂夫(Steve)的網絡日志,以及金融商業網站Minyanville]

????* 6月6日晚些時候,蘋果公司(Apple)在該公司的年度全球開發人員大會(WWDC)上隆重推出iCloud服務。為何iCloud對MobileMe而言就像iPhone與流產了的牛頓(Newton)平板電腦系統的關系一樣?同時,亞馬遜(Amazon)已經開始提供史蒂夫?喬布斯(Steve Jobs)的授權傳記《iSteve:喬布斯傳記》(iSteve: The Book of Jobs)的預定,這比該書的正式發行日期2012年3月提前了8個月。(《財富》)

????* 下面條報道不必完全信以為真:日本媒體《日本經濟新聞》(Nihon Keizai Shimbun)報道,任天堂公司(Nintendo)的下一個視頻游戲機會于6月7日早晨,在E3大會上發布。該款游戲機的控制器將搭載一個6英寸的觸摸屏、照相機、以及可充電電池,在它上面玩游戲感覺就像在“平板電腦上一樣”靈活自如。(《日本經濟新聞》)

????* 視頻游戲機的市場統治地位搖搖欲墜?[《洛杉磯時報》(LA Times)]

????* 美國電話電報公司(AT&T)首席執行官拉爾夫?德?拉?維加(Ralph de la Vega)論哪些智能手機終將贏得市場。[《數字化大會》(All Things D)]

????* Twitter上的一張淫穢照片為何可能終結安東尼?維納(Anthony Weiner)的政治前途。[《紐約每日新聞》(New York Daily News)]

????* Instagram及照片共享應用在日常生活中日益普及的深度分析。《紐約時報》(New York Times)

????*為什么說 Facebook將終結谷歌(Google)。[《數字季刊》(Digital Quarters)]

????* With 7,000 employees and a recently-filed initial public offering (IPO), Groupon is one of the fastest growing companies in tech right now, but it's business model remains a mystery to most. Here's a primer, and for further reading, check out two opposing critical view points that have emerged since the IPO filing summed up in "Why Groupon is worth $25 billion" and "Groupon is effectively insolvent." (Don Drodge on The Next Big Thing, steve's blog, and Minyanville)

????* Why Apple's impending iCloud service, which will probably get a big unveiling later today at the company's annual Worldwide Developer's Conference (WWDC), will be to MobileMe what the iPhone was to the failed Newton tablet. Meanwhile, Amazon already has Steve Jobs' authorized biography, iSteve: The Book of Jobs, available for pre-order eight months before its March 2012 release date. (Fortune)

????* Take this with a grain of salt: the Japanese publication Nihon Keizai Shimbun reports that Nintendo's next videogame console, to be unveiled tomorrow morning at an E3 conference event, will feature controllers packing a six-inch touchscreen, camera and rechargeable battery giving games "tablet-like controls." (Nihon Keizai Shimbun via Joystiq)

????* Are video game consoles' dominance crumbling? (LA Times)

????* AT&T CEO Ralph de la Vega on which smart phones are winning. (All Things D)

????* How a lewd Twitter photo may have derailed Anthony Weiner's political future. (New York Daily News)

????* An in-depth look at Instagram and the rise of photo-sharing apps in every day life. (New York Times)

????* How Facebook can put Google out of business. (Digital Quarters)


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