


Katherine Dunn 2020-05-25

SnoreRX是一款塑料牙套,類似于曲棍球比賽里可能用到的牙套。它的工作原理是讓下頜前移,避免舌頭向后阻塞氣道。圖片來源:Animation by Armin Harris; Photo: courtesy of SnoreRX


法倫是加利福尼亞州Apnea Sciences公司的創始人。該公司發明的塑料牙套SnoreRx,類似于曲棍球比賽里可能用到的牙套。它的工作原理是讓下頜前移,避免舌頭向后阻塞氣道。這意味著你可能整晚口水流個不停,但如果你運氣好的話(因為它并不適合所有人),它能讓你停止打鼾,幫你贏回在床上的位置。

SnoreRx只是越來越多防打鼾產品之一。打鼾是一種極為普遍但很少有人關注的情況。晚上的呼嚕聲會影響正常睡眠,而且讓你的愛人備受折磨,而且無論重癥醫療護理還是更注重美麗的健康行業往往都忽視了這個問題。打鼾并不是小眾問題:據哈佛醫學院(Harvard Medical School)估計,在30至60歲的人群中,44%的男性和28%的女性都會打鼾。


斯坦福睡眠中心(Stanford Sleep Center)的醫生和睡眠專家拉斐爾?佩萊約說:“[對于動物來說]睡眠本身是一件危險的事情。你得避免發出任何噪音,防止捕食者發現你的位置?!?/font>



緩解打鼾的產品包括(從左上方按順時針順序):SnoreRx;Snooor可穿戴鼻貼、Snorestoppers鼻腔擴張器,以及Rem-Fit的Zeeq智能枕頭。圖片來源:Courtesy of SnoreRX; Snoor.; Snorestoppers.co.uk; Patrick T. Fallon—Bloomberg via Getty Images


位于卡爾加里的MPowrx醫療健康產品公司(MPowrx Health and Wellness Products)的總裁南希?馬克雷表示,解決打鼾問題“沒有什么靈丹妙藥”。該公司生產的產品名為Good Morning Snore Solution,可以向前拉舌頭以避免阻塞氣道?!耙私饽囊环N產品對哪些人有效,你得進行大量嘗試。”

阿姆斯特丹的牙科醫生米歇爾?艾利瑟表示,飛速增長的防打鼾產品中包括可以跟蹤個人健康狀況的應用程序和其他技術。艾利瑟是Side Sleep Technologies公司的CEO。該公司利用一款振動貼紙產品Snooor,可以提醒打鼾者側身睡,這個體位經常能緩解打鼾的情況。





羅德島大學和加州大學伯克利分校發起的項目,呼吁人們捐贈CPAP設備,這些設備經過改造之后將作為醫用呼吸機使用。另外,荷蘭皇家飛利浦電子公司(Royal Philips)等主要CAPA設備制造商很快承諾將增加產量?;始绎w利浦公司已經在生產醫用呼吸機。







法倫是加利福尼亞州Apnea Sciences公司的創始人。該公司發明的塑料牙套SnoreRx,類似于曲棍球比賽里可能用到的牙套。它的工作原理是讓下頜前移,避免舌頭向后阻塞氣道。這意味著你可能整晚口水流個不停,但如果你運氣好的話(因為它并不適合所有人),它能讓你停止打鼾,幫你贏回在床上的位置。

SnoreRx只是越來越多防打鼾產品之一。打鼾是一種極為普遍但很少有人關注的情況。晚上的呼嚕聲會影響正常睡眠,而且讓你的愛人備受折磨,而且無論重癥醫療護理還是更注重美麗的健康行業往往都忽視了這個問題。打鼾并不是小眾問題:據哈佛醫學院(Harvard Medical School)估計,在30至60歲的人群中,44%的男性和28%的女性都會打鼾。


斯坦福睡眠中心(Stanford Sleep Center)的醫生和睡眠專家拉斐爾?佩萊約說:“[對于動物來說]睡眠本身是一件危險的事情。你得避免發出任何噪音,防止捕食者發現你的位置?!?/font>




位于卡爾加里的MPowrx醫療健康產品公司(MPowrx Health and Wellness Products)的總裁南希?馬克雷表示,解決打鼾問題“沒有什么靈丹妙藥”。該公司生產的產品名為Good Morning Snore Solution,可以向前拉舌頭以避免阻塞氣道?!耙私饽囊环N產品對哪些人有效,你得進行大量嘗試。”

阿姆斯特丹的牙科醫生米歇爾?艾利瑟表示,飛速增長的防打鼾產品中包括可以跟蹤個人健康狀況的應用程序和其他技術。艾利瑟是Side Sleep Technologies公司的CEO。該公司利用一款振動貼紙產品Snooor,可以提醒打鼾者側身睡,這個體位經常能緩解打鼾的情況。





羅德島大學和加州大學伯克利分校發起的項目,呼吁人們捐贈CPAP設備,這些設備經過改造之后將作為醫用呼吸機使用。另外,荷蘭皇家飛利浦電子公司(Royal Philips)等主要CAPA設備制造商很快承諾將增加產量?;始绎w利浦公司已經在生產醫用呼吸機。






To hear James Fallon tell it, there’s one product that is improving relationships—and, ahem, intimacy—across America. It’s a snore guard, and if you don’t buy one, he thinks your significant other just might.

Fallon is the founder of Apnea Sciences, the California-based creator of the SnoreRx, a plastic mouthguard that bears a resemblance to the kind you might use for a hockey game. It works by pulling your jaw forward, keeping your tongue from falling backward and blocking your airway. It will mean you’ll probably drool all night, but if you’re lucky—it doesn’t work for everyone—it will stop your snoring, winning back your spot in the bed.

The SnoreRx is just one of a rising number of products designed to stifle snoring, the widespread but little-addressed nighttime rumbling that stymies proper sleep and torments romantic partners—and often falls between the cracks of critical medical care and the more aesthetics-conscious wellness industry. It’s not a niche issue: About 44% of men and 28% of women between 30 and 60 snore, according to Harvard Medical School.

Snoring is now so common, in fact, we forget it shouldn't be happening at all.

“Sleeping is inherently dangerous [to animals],” says Dr. Rafael Pelayo, a physician and sleep expert at the Stanford Sleep Center. “You shouldn’t be tipping off a predator by making noise.”

Because snoring is a symptom of obstructed breathing, rather than a condition itself, the causes range from low risk (a cold, a few too many beers), to high risk (obstructive sleep apnea).

That means silencing your snoring without medical consultation isn’t generally a good idea—Pelayo compares it to “disconnecting a fire alarm, and saying there’s no fire.”

But once you’ve established the cause, the options are nearly endless: from mouth guards to products to widen your nostrils and suction your tongue; to apps that track your snoring and high-tech stickers and pillows that “nudge” you to roll onto your side; to prescribed CPAP machines, which use face masks to help deliver a steady jet of air, keeping your airways open.

“There’s no silver bullet” for fixing snoring, says Nancy Markley, the president of Calgary-based MPowrx Health and Wellness Products, which makes a product called the Good Morning Snore Solution, which pulls the tongue forward so it doesn’t block the airway. “You have to have a big toolbox to see what product will work for what person.”

Apps and other technology that helped people track their own health have been part of the explosion in anti-snoring products, says Michiel Allessie, an Amsterdam-based dentist who specializes in sleep problems. He is the CEO of Side Sleep Technologies, which uses a vibrating sticker product called Snooor to remind snorers to switch onto their side, which frequently eases snoring.

Technology and other over-the-counter options allowed people to “start actually looking at their own problems” outside the doctor’s office, he pointed out—at a time when increasing obesity, which has been linked to the tendency to snore, means that the number of snorers is rising.

Snoring-related companies attracted $284 million worth of venture capital funding across the biotech and consumer field from 2015 to 2019, according to PitchBook. Snore tech is also just one part of the growing sleeping and sleep tech sector, which attracted more than $1.2 billion in VC funding over that same period.

Now, the question of how well someone can breathe has taken on added significance.

Though it’s too early to say whether snoring, as a symptom of larger sleeping or respiratory problems, is linked to vulnerability to COVID-19, the similarities between CPAP machines and medical-grade ventilators have already gained attention.

Projects launched by both the University of Rhode Island and Berkeley have solicited donations of the machines to tweak to be used as ventilators. Meanwhile, major CPAP manufacturers like Netherlands-based Royal Philips, which already made medical ventilators, quickly pledged to increase their output.

That doesn’t mean you should attempt to jury-rig your CPAP machine at home, says Pelayo. Because the machines pump air both in and out of the system—unlike a ventilator, which is a closed system—using an unadapted CPAP machine as a ventilator would likely spread the virus further, he notes.

But for snorers and non-snorers alike, there are increased arguments for taking your ability to sleep seriously, he says.

“If we let our bodies sleep,” he says, “our immune system bounces back.”


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