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亞馬遜首席執行官安迪·賈西(Andy Jassy)參與發布了新版Alexa,并表示亞馬遜的使命在于“利用這場新的生成式人工智能革命”對Alexa進行升級。“我們的團隊歷經數月的辛勤努力。在過去的幾周里,我有機會體驗了它的功能。新版Alexa的表現真的令人贊嘆不已。”賈西在活動上說。



上周三的活動由賈西開場致辭,由亞馬遜設備業務主管帕諾斯·帕奈(Panos Panay)主持,展示了Alexa的使用體驗(借助各種內部和第三方人工智能工具),該公司相信這將使Alexa躍居領先地位。在為Alexa+提供支持的先進人工智能大型語言模型中,包括亞馬遜自主研發的Nova模型,以及來自人工智能初創公司Anthropic的大型語言模型(亞馬遜已向該公司投資80億美元),同時還與包括TicketMaster、GrubHub、優步以及亞馬遜旗下的全食超市(Whole Foods)在內的各種合作伙伴建立了合作關系。

Alexa和Echo副總裁丹尼爾·勞施(Daniel Rausch)強調了Alexa+的人工智能代理功能,稱其為“我們所知的將大語言模型、多樣化服務以及代理功能在任意場景下實現最大規模整合的典范”,并高度贊揚了Anthropic的首席產品官邁克·克里格(Mike Krieger)為新版Alexa所做的貢獻。

亞馬遜此次推出多款大語言模型組合策略,似乎與其2023年9月的戰略有所不同。當時,亞馬遜曾預告將推出基于全新定制大型語言模型的升級版Alexa。當時,亞馬遜高級副總裁兼通用人工智能(AGI)團隊負責人羅希特·普拉薩德(Rohit Prasad)稱新版Alexa為“超級代理”。但據《財富》雜志報道,前員工稱Alexa所采用的大型語言模型遠未達到最前沿的水平。隨著OpenAI在2024年推出ChatGPT的高級語音模式,谷歌也緊隨其后推出了Gemini語音模式,亞馬遜似乎即將錯失跟上競爭對手步伐并將Alexa帶入人工智能未來的機會。






亞馬遜首席執行官安迪·賈西(Andy Jassy)參與發布了新版Alexa,并表示亞馬遜的使命在于“利用這場新的生成式人工智能革命”對Alexa進行升級。“我們的團隊歷經數月的辛勤努力。在過去的幾周里,我有機會體驗了它的功能。新版Alexa的表現真的令人贊嘆不已。”賈西在活動上說。



上周三的活動由賈西開場致辭,由亞馬遜設備業務主管帕諾斯·帕奈(Panos Panay)主持,展示了Alexa的使用體驗(借助各種內部和第三方人工智能工具),該公司相信這將使Alexa躍居領先地位。在為Alexa+提供支持的先進人工智能大型語言模型中,包括亞馬遜自主研發的Nova模型,以及來自人工智能初創公司Anthropic的大型語言模型(亞馬遜已向該公司投資80億美元),同時還與包括TicketMaster、GrubHub、優步以及亞馬遜旗下的全食超市(Whole Foods)在內的各種合作伙伴建立了合作關系。

Alexa和Echo副總裁丹尼爾·勞施(Daniel Rausch)強調了Alexa+的人工智能代理功能,稱其為“我們所知的將大語言模型、多樣化服務以及代理功能在任意場景下實現最大規模整合的典范”,并高度贊揚了Anthropic的首席產品官邁克·克里格(Mike Krieger)為新版Alexa所做的貢獻。

亞馬遜此次推出多款大語言模型組合策略,似乎與其2023年9月的戰略有所不同。當時,亞馬遜曾預告將推出基于全新定制大型語言模型的升級版Alexa。當時,亞馬遜高級副總裁兼通用人工智能(AGI)團隊負責人羅希特·普拉薩德(Rohit Prasad)稱新版Alexa為“超級代理”。但據《財富》雜志報道,前員工稱Alexa所采用的大型語言模型遠未達到最前沿的水平。隨著OpenAI在2024年推出ChatGPT的高級語音模式,谷歌也緊隨其后推出了Gemini語音模式,亞馬遜似乎即將錯失跟上競爭對手步伐并將Alexa帶入人工智能未來的機會。



Ten years after Amazon debuted its virtual assistant, Alexa is finally being upgraded for the generative AI age.

The new Alexa+, unveiled at a splashy event in New York City on Wednesday, transforms the familiar voice-activated chatbot into an action-oriented, interconnected service. Instead of simply telling you the weather or playing a song, the new Alexa can manage and coordinate a string of activities: booking a table at a restaurant while scheduling an Uber pickup for your spouse and texting the babysitter, for example.

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy helped unveil the new Alexa, describing Amazon’s mission of “using this new generative-AI revolution” to improve Alexa. “Our team has been working on this for several months. I’ve had chance to use it for the last several weeks. It is really remarkable,” Jassy said at the event.

The launch of the new Alexa, which will be available to limited customers in March, can’t come soon enough for Amazon, which has fallen behind amid a new crop of AI services such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini. Amazon’s effort to catch up and revamp Alexa has been beset by delays, with the company initially teasing the new Alexa at an event more than a year ago.

In a sign of Amazon’s confidence in its long-awaited Alexa revamp, the company plans to charge consumers $20 a month for access to the service, though it will be free for Amazon Prime members. It works across Alexa devices, Amazon smart home devices, a new Alexa.com website, and a new Alexa app.

Wednesday’s event, kicked off by Jassy and led by Amazon devices head Panos Panay, showed off an Alexa experience that uses a variety of in-house and third-party AI tools, which the company believes will vault Alexa to the front of the pack. Among the state-of-the-art AI large language models powering Alexa+ are Amazon’s own Nova models as well as LLMs from Anthropic, the AI startup in which Amazon has invested $8 billion, and partnerships with a variety of partners including TicketMaster, GrubHub, Uber, and Amazon-owned Whole Foods.

Daniel Rausch, vice president of Alexa and Echo, emphasized the AI agent capabilities of Alexa+, calling it the “largest integration of services LLMs and agentic capabilities we know of anywhere,” and called out Anthropic’s chief product officer Mike Krieger for his work on the new Alexa.

The mix of LLMS appears to be a shift from Amazon’s strategy in September 2023, when it teased a revamped Alexa based on a new, custom-built large language model (LLM). At the time, Rohit Prasad, Amazon’s SVP and head of its AGI team, called the new Alexa a “super agent.” But according to Fortune reporting, former employees said the Alexa LLM was far from state-of-the-art. As OpenAI jumped ahead with ChatGPT’s Advanced Voice Mode in 2024, and Google followed with its Gemini voice mode, it seemed like Amazon was poised to lose its chance to keep pace with its competitors and bring Alexa into AI’s future.

Still, Amazon’s AI-powered Alexa has had many stops and starts over the past two years. And many questions still remain. In advance of today’s event, the Washington Post reported delays in making the new Alexa+ public because of inaccurate answers to test questions. There were also no comments from Amazon about data privacy or safety.



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