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2025年,在新一屆政府政策的推動下,風險投資領域將迎來繁榮?!寥f·尼科,Navigate Ventures創始人


公司需要展示真正的市場吸引力和產品市場契合度才能獲得A輪融資;初創公司必須證明其自身的生存能力,才能從內部人士那里獲得額外支持。——喬恩·凱丹,Torch Capital創始人兼管理合伙人



2024年可能標志著風險投資市場周期性收縮的底部。盡管初創公司融資趨于穩定,但對風險投資基金的資本投入較2023年有所下降,其中新興管理者(基金I-III)和新成立的管理者(基金IV-VII)受影響最為嚴重……我預測2025年的關鍵在于退出市場的重新開放?!葷伞た死松?,Sapphire Partners合伙人

在2025年,風險投資人將專注于測試和應對公開市場對不同類型公司IPO的接受度。一旦出現成功上市的標志性事件,就可以期待大量機會將會涌現出來?!R茲·吉拉尼,Mercury Fund普通合伙人


盡管后期階段的風險投資交易活動放緩,我們預計對較成熟公司的成長期投資將迎來復蘇。這一變化可能受益于2025年IPO市場的重新開放以及并購活動的增加,為這一階段的投資者創造了吸引力十足的機會?!旭R斯·穆勒克爾,BMW i Ventures副總裁

我們可能會看到新的和回歸的有限合伙人將資本重新注入風險投資領域。許多有限合伙人在該資產類別上的配置過高,有些有限合伙人則將投資策略從風險投資轉向更快實現流動性的選擇,但我們開始注意到新一批有限合伙人正押注風險投資。這可能會在2025年使風投基金募得更多資金,并幫助優秀公司脫穎而出?!鞯履帷ね旭R斯,Symphonic Capital創始人


2025年將是投資者爭相退出的一年。有限合伙人對流動性的渴望將推動基金出售,而即將到期的投資周期將促使公司進行收購?!笮l·范恩,VSS Capital Partners合伙人、高級董事總經理兼投資者關系負責人


較低的利率將使私募股權公司更容易獲得收購所需要的杠桿資金,從而啟動由私募基金支持的收購周期。——唐·巴特勒,Thomvest Ventures董事總經理

在2025年,機構投資者可能需要“稍微讓出一些位置”,讓越來越多私人投資者進場,他們將通過持續拓寬的新渠道進入私人市場。——安德烈·奧爾巴赫,Cambridge Associates全球私人投資負責人


傳統能源、可再生能源和核能領域需要大量投資,而私募股權將發揮關鍵作用,通過創造性的方式為這些領域提供資本。——約翰·格蘭德,Vinson & Elkins律師事務所并購及私募股權合伙人

我們預計消費行業將繼續主導私募股權投資。消費行業在美國經濟中占據重要地位,貢獻了70%的GDP。——杰米·奧哈拉,TSG Consumer Partners總裁

2025年將是私募股權領域的關鍵之年,新一屆政府對美國的愿景是實現更快的經濟增長、降低稅率和減少監管,這將促進交易和籌資活動。通脹下降和堅定邁入寬松周期的美聯儲,將降低行業的資本成本,為更活躍的資本市場活動創造有利環境?!暭{·奧弗斯特羅姆,Corsair Capital合伙人


在2025年,認真經營的公司憑借高客戶投資回報率將從競爭對手中脫穎而出,它們將以更具吸引力的估值繼續融資,而只會講空話和炒作的公司(例如大部分AI公司)則會日漸衰弱并放緩發展速度?!_布·比得曼,Asymmetric Capital Partners管理合伙人


與“僵尸”初創公司不同,“吸血鬼”初創公司正從2021年后的“沉睡”中覺醒,它們利用這段時間在增長的同時提升效率(或許通過在產品中嵌入AI)。這些“吸血鬼公司”(如Dialpad和Airwallex)都是少有人知的可靠資產?!铩ぐ⑹膊剪斂?,G Squared創始人兼管理合伙人

市值十億美元、只有一個人的公司即將出現。隨著AI技術使設計、制造和銷售工具變得越來越簡化,制造實體產品的個人創業者數量將激增。——安妮·卡達維,Redpoint Ventures管理合伙人



2024年上半年,二級市場交易量創下歷史新高。隨著年底臨近,根據我們的觀察,這一趨勢不僅會持續下去,還將迎來快速增長。早在2019年,我們預測在2025年,二級市場的規模將突破2,000億美元,這一預測當時遭到了許多質疑,但我們仍堅信這一目標即將實現?!獡P·羅巴德,Dawson Partners管理合伙人


二級市場的交易量預計將維持增長勢頭,因為有限合伙人和普通合伙人現在普遍采用二級市場解決方案。由普通合伙人主導的資本解決方案(尤其是延續型工具)已被證明極為有效,所有跡象表明這種趨勢在2025年將延續下去?!@锟恕さ罓枺珽aton Partners(Stifel旗下公司)聯席主管



公開股票市場接近歷史高點。這為并購活動創造了機會,因為上市公司正在尋找收購目標;與此同時,那些因股票增值而資金更充裕的潛在創業者,也可能會著手將他們醞釀已久的創業想法付諸實施?!芨ダ铩げ珻amber Creek普通合伙人

盡管人們普遍期待公開市場繁榮發展,但在新政黨展現實力的過程中,2025年仍將是充滿波動的一年。盡管市場整體向上的趨勢不會改變,這也不會是一條平坦的道路。——佩加·易布拉希米,FPV Ventures創始人兼管理合伙人

經濟“適度增長”的趨勢將發生逆轉。2025年,由于“政府效率部”(DOGE)對政府支出的影響,以及因為美國未能解決供應鏈限制問題和更嚴格的貿易協定導致的通貨膨脹重新加速,美國的GDP增速將會放緩。預計標普500指數將下跌15%,納斯達克指數將下跌20%。——安德魯·艾伯特,Channel Equity Partners管理合伙人

隨著美聯儲降息、美國股市創歷史新高且經濟依然穩健,我們是否會進入一個新的通脹時代,3%是否將取代2%成為新的通脹目標?——丹·泰勒,Man Numeric首席投資官


摩爾定律并未終結,它只是暫時沉寂?!说谩ぐ屠滋兀琍layground Global普通合伙人兼聯合創始人

《星際迷航》中通用語言翻譯器和三錄儀醫療設備終于問世。——杰夫·雷德芬,Menlo Ventures合伙人

原本預計在特朗普首個任期內會受到阻礙的許多綠色技術,并未如預期那樣受到影響。然而,那些嚴重依賴政策相關資助且被認為仍然具有高風險的技術,將面臨重大挑戰?!s翰·圖赫,Energize Capital管理合伙人




體育場館將迎來“升級”,例如聘請米其林星級廚師和提供高科技感官體驗等。2025年體育場館將繼續注重提供高檔空間和優質體驗?!~克爾·普羅曼,Scrum Ventures董事總經理













2025年,在新一屆政府政策的推動下,風險投資領域將迎來繁榮?!寥f·尼科,Navigate Ventures創始人


公司需要展示真正的市場吸引力和產品市場契合度才能獲得A輪融資;初創公司必須證明其自身的生存能力,才能從內部人士那里獲得額外支持。——喬恩·凱丹,Torch Capital創始人兼管理合伙人



2024年可能標志著風險投資市場周期性收縮的底部。盡管初創公司融資趨于穩定,但對風險投資基金的資本投入較2023年有所下降,其中新興管理者(基金I-III)和新成立的管理者(基金IV-VII)受影響最為嚴重……我預測2025年的關鍵在于退出市場的重新開放。——比澤·克拉克森,Sapphire Partners合伙人

在2025年,風險投資人將專注于測試和應對公開市場對不同類型公司IPO的接受度。一旦出現成功上市的標志性事件,就可以期待大量機會將會涌現出來?!R茲·吉拉尼,Mercury Fund普通合伙人


盡管后期階段的風險投資交易活動放緩,我們預計對較成熟公司的成長期投資將迎來復蘇。這一變化可能受益于2025年IPO市場的重新開放以及并購活動的增加,為這一階段的投資者創造了吸引力十足的機會?!旭R斯·穆勒克爾,BMW i Ventures副總裁

我們可能會看到新的和回歸的有限合伙人將資本重新注入風險投資領域。許多有限合伙人在該資產類別上的配置過高,有些有限合伙人則將投資策略從風險投資轉向更快實現流動性的選擇,但我們開始注意到新一批有限合伙人正押注風險投資。這可能會在2025年使風投基金募得更多資金,并幫助優秀公司脫穎而出。——西德尼·托馬斯,Symphonic Capital創始人


2025年將是投資者爭相退出的一年。有限合伙人對流動性的渴望將推動基金出售,而即將到期的投資周期將促使公司進行收購。——大衛·范恩,VSS Capital Partners合伙人、高級董事總經理兼投資者關系負責人


較低的利率將使私募股權公司更容易獲得收購所需要的杠桿資金,從而啟動由私募基金支持的收購周期?!啤ぐ吞乩眨琓homvest Ventures董事總經理

在2025年,機構投資者可能需要“稍微讓出一些位置”,讓越來越多私人投資者進場,他們將通過持續拓寬的新渠道進入私人市場?!驳铝摇W爾巴赫,Cambridge Associates全球私人投資負責人


傳統能源、可再生能源和核能領域需要大量投資,而私募股權將發揮關鍵作用,通過創造性的方式為這些領域提供資本?!s翰·格蘭德,Vinson & Elkins律師事務所并購及私募股權合伙人

我們預計消費行業將繼續主導私募股權投資。消費行業在美國經濟中占據重要地位,貢獻了70%的GDP?!苊住W哈拉,TSG Consumer Partners總裁

2025年將是私募股權領域的關鍵之年,新一屆政府對美國的愿景是實現更快的經濟增長、降低稅率和減少監管,這將促進交易和籌資活動。通脹下降和堅定邁入寬松周期的美聯儲,將降低行業的資本成本,為更活躍的資本市場活動創造有利環境?!暭{·奧弗斯特羅姆,Corsair Capital合伙人


在2025年,認真經營的公司憑借高客戶投資回報率將從競爭對手中脫穎而出,它們將以更具吸引力的估值繼續融資,而只會講空話和炒作的公司(例如大部分AI公司)則會日漸衰弱并放緩發展速度?!_布·比得曼,Asymmetric Capital Partners管理合伙人


與“僵尸”初創公司不同,“吸血鬼”初創公司正從2021年后的“沉睡”中覺醒,它們利用這段時間在增長的同時提升效率(或許通過在產品中嵌入AI)。這些“吸血鬼公司”(如Dialpad和Airwallex)都是少有人知的可靠資產。——拉里·阿什布魯克,G Squared創始人兼管理合伙人

市值十億美元、只有一個人的公司即將出現。隨著AI技術使設計、制造和銷售工具變得越來越簡化,制造實體產品的個人創業者數量將激增。——安妮·卡達維,Redpoint Ventures管理合伙人



2024年上半年,二級市場交易量創下歷史新高。隨著年底臨近,根據我們的觀察,這一趨勢不僅會持續下去,還將迎來快速增長。早在2019年,我們預測在2025年,二級市場的規模將突破2,000億美元,這一預測當時遭到了許多質疑,但我們仍堅信這一目標即將實現。——揚·羅巴德,Dawson Partners管理合伙人


二級市場的交易量預計將維持增長勢頭,因為有限合伙人和普通合伙人現在普遍采用二級市場解決方案。由普通合伙人主導的資本解決方案(尤其是延續型工具)已被證明極為有效,所有跡象表明這種趨勢在2025年將延續下去?!@锟恕さ罓枺珽aton Partners(Stifel旗下公司)聯席主管



公開股票市場接近歷史高點。這為并購活動創造了機會,因為上市公司正在尋找收購目標;與此同時,那些因股票增值而資金更充裕的潛在創業者,也可能會著手將他們醞釀已久的創業想法付諸實施?!芨ダ铩げ?,Camber Creek普通合伙人

盡管人們普遍期待公開市場繁榮發展,但在新政黨展現實力的過程中,2025年仍將是充滿波動的一年。盡管市場整體向上的趨勢不會改變,這也不會是一條平坦的道路。——佩加·易布拉希米,FPV Ventures創始人兼管理合伙人

經濟“適度增長”的趨勢將發生逆轉。2025年,由于“政府效率部”(DOGE)對政府支出的影響,以及因為美國未能解決供應鏈限制問題和更嚴格的貿易協定導致的通貨膨脹重新加速,美國的GDP增速將會放緩。預計標普500指數將下跌15%,納斯達克指數將下跌20%?!驳卖敗ぐ兀珻hannel Equity Partners管理合伙人

隨著美聯儲降息、美國股市創歷史新高且經濟依然穩健,我們是否會進入一個新的通脹時代,3%是否將取代2%成為新的通脹目標?——丹·泰勒,Man Numeric首席投資官


摩爾定律并未終結,它只是暫時沉寂。——彼得·巴雷特,Playground Global普通合伙人兼聯合創始人

《星際迷航》中通用語言翻譯器和三錄儀醫療設備終于問世?!芊颉だ椎路遥琈enlo Ventures合伙人

原本預計在特朗普首個任期內會受到阻礙的許多綠色技術,并未如預期那樣受到影響。然而,那些嚴重依賴政策相關資助且被認為仍然具有高風險的技術,將面臨重大挑戰?!s翰·圖赫,Energize Capital管理合伙人




體育場館將迎來“升級”,例如聘請米其林星級廚師和提供高科技感官體驗等。2025年體育場館將繼續注重提供高檔空間和優質體驗?!~克爾·普羅曼,Scrum Ventures董事總經理





Welcome to our 2025 Crystal Ball series!

I’m thrilled to share here the first of four Crystal Ball installments for this year. As we round out 2024, we’re also looking into our collective future.

At least, what that collective future might look like. I have a complicated relationship with prediction, personally. I often think of that famous Winston Churchill line: “It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.”

That said, many of you are in the business of prediction. And I do think the first link is often expectation and planning. What do we believe is possible or likely? So, what steps do we then take to make it so?

I will say this. Sifting through hundreds of predictions, I was struck by an overwhelming sense of optimism. There seems to be a general belief (at least in my inbox) that 2025 holds a lot of promise for the private markets.

Without further ado, here’s where you think 2025 is taking us.

Note: Many answers have been edited for clarity and/or brevity.

Venture capital: Turning the corner

The VC world is set for a boom in 2025, aided by the incoming administration’s policies. —Ivan Nikkhoo, founder, Navigate Ventures

Securing new funding rounds is expected to remain slow, and exits will continue to lag. Startups must carefully manage their runway, as extension rounds may become more prevalent.

Companies will need to demonstrate real market traction and product-market fit to secure an A round, startups must prove their viability to receive additional insider support. —Jon Keidan, founder and managing partner, Torch Capital

The most notable shift in 2025 will be an increased concentration of capital among established firms. 2022 saw a record $184.2B raised across 1,500+ funds, while up to Q3 2024, only $65B was raised across 380 firms, with 81% flowing to established players. This trend suggests a “flight to quality” among limited partners. —Dominic Costanzo, VP of portfolio, 43North

Get ready for the greatest bull market ever—ZIRP is back, and things are about to get frothy and loud. Crypto will roar back to life, monkey pictures and all, while housing prices skyrocket and IPOs flood the market. Seed rounds will flow like it’s 2021 all over again, with more money chasing the next big thing than ever before. It’ll be a wild ride, but let’s hope we’ve learned something from the last bubble—because it’s shaping up to be déjà vu. —Siqi Chen, founder and CEO, Runway

It could very well be that the venture market in 2024 marked the bottom of a cyclical contraction. While startup funding stabilized, capital commitments into venture funds declined from 2023 levels, with emerging managers (Funds I – III) and newly established (Funds IV – VII) bearing the brunt…I predict 2025 will hinge on the reopening of exit markets. —Beezer Clarkson, partner, Sapphire Partners

2025 will be a year where VCs will be focused on testing and reacting to public market receptivity to various types of companies trying to IPO. Once the pattern events for a successful offering, expect the floodgates to open! —Aziz Gilani, general partner, Mercury Fund

We expect fundraising, which has historically lagged a broader market rebound, will increase and accelerate into the second half of 2025 as GPs burn through the dry powder they accumulated in 2021 and 2022. —Scott Voss, managing director, HarbourVest.

While venture capital deal activity in later stages has slowed, we anticipate a resurgence in growth-stage investments for more mature companies. This shift will likely be driven by the reopening of IPO markets in 2025, alongside an uptick in M&A activity, creating attractive opportunities for investors at these stages. —Thomas Molleker, associate, BMW i Ventures

We might see new and returning LPs infuse capital back into venture. While many LPs are over-allocated in the asset class and others shifted their strategy away from VC to pursue quicker liquidity options, we’re starting to see a new crop of LPs bet on venture. This could lead to stronger fundraising numbers in 2025 and help distinguish breakout companies from others in the pack. —Sydney Thomas, founder, Symphonic Capital

We will see a flood of venture dollars into technology for re-catalyzing the U.S. industrial base and modernizing our defense capabilities. This will be driven by shifting geopolitical tides, growth in government demand for asymmetric tech and more generalist investors jumping in. Expect a record-breaking wave of deals and dollars flowing into AI, automation, cybersecurity, quantum and other strategic tech for the manufacturing, supply chain and defense sectors. —Aaron Jacobson, partner, NEA

2025 will be a mad dash to exits. LP thirst for liquidity will push funds to sell; the ticking clock of expiring investment periods will catalyze firms to buy. —David Fann, partner, senior managing director, and head of investor relations, VSS Capital Partners

Private equity: Tailwinds

Lower interest rates will make it possible for private equity firms to more easily afford the leverage needed to acquire companies and thus kick-start a PE-backed buying cycle. —Don Butler, managing director, Thomvest Ventures

Institutional investors may need to ‘scooch’ over a little more in 2025 to accommodate individual investors, who will increasingly access the private market through new pathways that continue to expand. —Andrea Auerbach, global head of private investments, Cambridge Associates

We expect to see robust activity among the Private Equity community in 2025. A combination of significant dry powder, longer holds on assets, and a need for DPI (distributed to paid-in capital) should lead to increased M&A volume. —Zeeshan Memon, head of financial sponsors group, Stifel

Private equity will play a key role in creatively providing capital for the major investments needed in traditional, renewable, and nuclear energy. —John Grand, partner of M&A and private equity, Vinson & Elkins

We expect the consumer sector to continue to dominate private equity. It’s a huge part of our economy, representing 70% GDP in the U.S. —Jamie O’Hara, president, TSG Consumer Partners

Private equity is positioned for a pivotal year in 2025, as the new administration’s vision for America is one of faster growth, lower taxes, and less regulation that will boost deal-making and fundraising. Lower inflation and a Federal Reserve that is firmly into an easing cycle should also lower the industry’s cost of capital, creating an environment for greater capital markets activity. —Gunnar Overstrom, partner, Corsair Capital

Startups: The basics still matter

2025 will be the year in which serious companies driving hefty customer ROI separate from the competitive herd and continue raising at even more compelling valuations while fluff and hype (i.e. most of AI) begins to sputter and decelerate. —Rob Biederman, managing partner, Asymmetric Capital Partners

Being a bootstrapped startup is going to be a badge of honor. —Martha Bitar, cofounder and CEO, Flodesk

Unlike their zombie startup counterparts, vampire startups are now awakening from a post-2021 ‘slumber’ having used the time to drive efficiencies alongside growth (perhaps by embedding AI in their offerings). These ‘vampires’ (like Dialpad and Airwallex) are solid assets flying under the radar. —Larry Aschebrook, founder and managing partner, G Squared

The one-person $1 billion company is coming. The number of solopreneurs building physical products will explode as the tools to design, manufacture and sell are made increasingly simple with AI. —Annie Kadavy, managing partner, Redpoint Ventures

In 2025, tech startups shift back towards a focus on growth, with an important qualification. Over the past years, we’ve seen the pendulum swing dramatically in the startup world. Growth-at-all-costs was once the dominant paradigm, with companies raising huge rounds and spending them almost as quickly. That gave way to an intense focus on efficiency as interest rates rose and capital grew more constrained. Companies shed workforce, tightened their belts and looked for ways to minimize spending. We’re finally at a stage now where the pendulum is swinging back toward a healthy middle ground. With interest rates declining, startups will again prioritize growth—but with a refined focus on growing quickly without giving up efficiency. The reality is, startups are fundamentally growth engines. If they don’t grow, they sputter out. In 2025, I think the startup landscape will again shift into high gear. —Jyoti Bansal, CEO and cofounder, Harness and Traceable

Secondaries: Busy, and getting busier

The secondary market saw record volume in the first half of 2024. As we near the end of the year, based on what we are seeing, this trend has not only continued but accelerated. Back in 2019, we predicted that the secondary market would break $200 billion in 2025—that was met with a lot of skepticism, but we still believe we are on track. —Yann Robard, Managing Partner, Dawson Partners

While we predict that secondary funds for private wealth will become increasingly popular in 2025, we also think that structural and portfolio differences among the funds available will start to impact investor receptivity. —Ryan Levitt, head of Americas, LP secondaries, ICG

Momentum in secondary deal volume is expected to continue as the use of secondary market solutions by LPs and GPs is now common practice. GP-led capital solutions (continuation vehicles in particular) have proven to be highly effective, and all signals suggest this will continue in 2025.” —Eric Deyle, co-head of Eaton Partners, a Stifel company

In Q3 2024, M&A activity hit a two-year high, with 170 companies acquired on Carta. That’s the fourth consecutive quarter of rising M&A exits. Meanwhile, secondary transactions are changing how startup stakeholders access value. SpaceX—now the most valuable private company in history—and OpenAI have led the way with tender offers. Carta data shows tenders are trending up: 22 were facilitated in Q3, the highest since late 2021. If companies have the access to capital to stay private longer, it begs the question: What are the benefits of going public? The answer to that question might come in 2025. With liquidity options evolving and private capital flowing, the IPO market will reveal whether this is a fundamental shift in how startups exit—or just a temporary recalibration. —Peter Walker, head of insights, Carta

Macroeconomic and public markets outlook: Positivity and volatility

The public equity markets are near all-time highs. This opens up M&A opportunities as publicly traded companies look for acquisition targets and may enable would-be entrepreneurs, who are now a little richer in stock, to pursue the startup business ideas they have been thinking about for a while. —Jeffrey Berman, general partner, Camber Creek

As much as everyone is expecting roaring public markets, there will be volatility throughout the year as the new political parties test out some muscle, even if we end directionally upward, it won’t be a smooth ride. —Pegah Ebrahimi, founder and managing Partner, FPV Ventures

The Goldilocks economy will reverse course. 2025 will see U.S. GDP slow due to DOGE’s impact on government spending and inflation will reaccelerate due to a lack of address supply constraints in the U.S. economy combined with stricter trade agreements. S&P declines 15% and NASDAQ declines 20%. —Andrew Albert, managing partner, Channel Equity Partners

With the Fed cutting rates, the U.S. stock market at all-time highs, and the economy still healthy, could we be looking at a new inflationary regime with 3% being the new 2%? —Dan Taylor, CIO, Man Numeric

Miscellaneous: Creators, Sports, Star Trek, and more

Moore’s law is not dead, it is merely resting. —Peter Barrett, general partner and cofounder, Playground Global

Star Trek’s universal language translator and Tricorder medical devices finally ship. —Joff Redfern, partner, Menlo Ventures

Many green technologies that were supposed to be hindered during the first Trump presidency were not impacted as expected. However, solutions that are heavily reliant on policy-related funding AND perceived to still be risky technologies are in for a world of hurt. —John Tough, managing partner, Energize Capital

Trump’s return to office is likely to bring proposals for caregiver tax credits aimed at easing childcare costs. But here’s the catch: Unless these credits are robust enough to offset skyrocketing expenses, they’ll feel like a drop in the bucket for most families and much like during the pandemic, we’ll see women exit full-time jobs in droves and the workforce will start to crumble under the pressure. —Lynn Perkins, cofounder and CEO, UrbanSitter

By 2030, the creator economy will be a primary employment sector for Gen Z. —JunKoo Kim, CEO and founder, WEBTOON

From a defense tech startup perspective, we’re optimistic that the Trump administration will bring needed change to the Department of Defense. Historically, it’s been too slow, too expensive and too difficult to sell technology to the Defense Department and with challenges this great, we can’t afford to be complacent. The Trump Administration has recruited heavily from the technology industry and has sought out high quality leaders who understand our mission in deploying new technologies at scale. —Dan Wright, CEO and cofounder, Armada

Sports venues are poised to get a ‘Glow Up’—think Michelin-Star chefs and high-tech sensory experiences. 2025 will see a continued emphasis on premium spaces and experiences. —Michael Proman, managing director, Scrum Ventures

DEI investing principles live on with other naming conventions—like a focus on investing in proximate leaders (those who share one or more of their identities with the population they serve)—because it leads to more successful investments and greater impact. —Doug Galen, cofounder and CEO, Rippleworks

In 2025, I think we’ll see the first Grammy go to a song that was enabled primarily by AI. —Cameron Adams, cofounder and chief product officer, Canva



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