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Amanda Gerut

民事訴訟指控唐·金在試圖重新推出“叢林之戰2”(Rumble in the Jungle 2)時涉嫌欺詐。


2016年9月21日,在俄亥俄州克利夫蘭高地的新精神復興中心,拳擊推廣人唐·金(Don King)在共和黨總統候選人唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)向中西部愿景與價值觀牧師和領袖會議發表演講之前現身。圖片來源:MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

? 拳擊推廣人唐·金因與拳王穆罕默德·阿里(Muhammad Ali)和邁克·泰森(Mike Tyson)合作而聞名,近期卻被卷入一起民事訴訟。該訴訟指控他在試圖重新推出“叢林之戰2”(Rumble in the Jungle 2)時涉嫌欺詐,該電影本意是向阿里1974年與當時未嘗敗績的重量級拳王喬治·福爾曼(George Foreman)的那場著名對決致敬,但最終未能成功。

據向美國紐約南區聯邦地區法院提交的一份起訴書顯示,備受爭議的拳擊推廣人唐·金及其位于佛羅里達州的制作公司遭到了BYD Sports及其首席執行官塞西爾·米勒(Cecil Miller)的起訴,該起訴指控其涉嫌欺詐、誹謗、違約和其他違法行為。原告要求被告賠償損失達30億美元。

根據起訴書和詳細記錄雙方互動的法庭文件,據稱金曾鼓勵米勒在非洲舉辦一場名為“叢林之戰2”的50周年紀念賽,盡管當時雙方并未達成正式協議,米勒仍依據金的建議著手籌備。在為尼日利亞舉辦一系列明星云集的拳擊比賽鋪平道路后——其中包括一份希望邀請約翰·傳奇(John Legend)、艾麗西亞·凱斯(Alicia Keys)和韋克萊夫·讓(Wyclef Jean)等藝人參加的音樂活動愿望清單——當米勒請金幫忙推廣活動時,據稱金爽約了,并在活動最終敲定前與米勒斷絕了關系。

米勒的代理律師安東尼·J·M·瓊斯(Anthony J.M. Jones)表示,金試圖與米勒策劃的活動保持距離,但在最后階段卻破壞了活動。瓊斯對《財富》雜志表示:“當你看到有多少人在為這次活動付出時,你會感到困惑。”




正如訴狀中所述,在金和米勒關系破裂之前,兩人保持著融洽關系。根據法庭文件,金告訴米勒,他過去所涉的爭議已成過往,而且自2010年妻子去世后,他已皈依宗教。訴狀稱,通過與米勒(在訴狀中被稱為“傳教士的兒子”)合作,金可以洗刷過去的不良名聲。因此,金和米勒代表拳擊手阿朗佐·“大佐”·巴特勒(Alonzo “Big Zo” Butler)和金的制作公司Don King Productions達成了一項協議。隨后,巴特勒和拳擊手布蘭登·斯賓塞(Brandon Spencer)于2021年8月28日進行了一場對決。(巴特勒和斯賓塞如今均已去世)。



米勒聲稱,BYD Sports向金提交了一份正式協議提案,但據稱從未得到書面答復。然而,據訴訟文件所述,金繼續通過口頭方式詢問米勒計劃進展如何。據訴訟文件所述,米勒聘請了來自非洲和美國的銀行家,據稱金也知曉活動的進展情況。根據訴訟文件,米勒和金最終并未簽署正式協議,而是選擇在社交媒體上發布一段視頻,這樣金就可以證實他在與米勒合作。

2024年1月,金和米勒后來討論將尼日利亞作為潛在舉辦地,并計劃將這一盛事與尼日利亞的全球創業節同步舉行。據訴訟文件描述,米勒所代表的BYD公司與創業節的相關代表簽訂了一份諒解備忘錄,將邀請受邀嘉賓、世界領導人、國家元首和行業領袖等富有觀眾見證五場系列格斗比賽。但去年7月,當BYD Sports邀請金參加Zoom會議以宣傳該活動時,金卻玩起了消失,據稱他在7月至10月期間拒絕接聽米勒和BYD的電話和回復電子郵件。




? 拳擊推廣人唐·金因與拳王穆罕默德·阿里(Muhammad Ali)和邁克·泰森(Mike Tyson)合作而聞名,近期卻被卷入一起民事訴訟。該訴訟指控他在試圖重新推出“叢林之戰2”(Rumble in the Jungle 2)時涉嫌欺詐,該電影本意是向阿里1974年與當時未嘗敗績的重量級拳王喬治·福爾曼(George Foreman)的那場著名對決致敬,但最終未能成功。

據向美國紐約南區聯邦地區法院提交的一份起訴書顯示,備受爭議的拳擊推廣人唐·金及其位于佛羅里達州的制作公司遭到了BYD Sports及其首席執行官塞西爾·米勒(Cecil Miller)的起訴,該起訴指控其涉嫌欺詐、誹謗、違約和其他違法行為。原告要求被告賠償損失達30億美元。

根據起訴書和詳細記錄雙方互動的法庭文件,據稱金曾鼓勵米勒在非洲舉辦一場名為“叢林之戰2”的50周年紀念賽,盡管當時雙方并未達成正式協議,米勒仍依據金的建議著手籌備。在為尼日利亞舉辦一系列明星云集的拳擊比賽鋪平道路后——其中包括一份希望邀請約翰·傳奇(John Legend)、艾麗西亞·凱斯(Alicia Keys)和韋克萊夫·讓(Wyclef Jean)等藝人參加的音樂活動愿望清單——當米勒請金幫忙推廣活動時,據稱金爽約了,并在活動最終敲定前與米勒斷絕了關系。

米勒的代理律師安東尼·J·M·瓊斯(Anthony J.M. Jones)表示,金試圖與米勒策劃的活動保持距離,但在最后階段卻破壞了活動。瓊斯對《財富》雜志表示:“當你看到有多少人在為這次活動付出時,你會感到困惑?!?/p>




正如訴狀中所述,在金和米勒關系破裂之前,兩人保持著融洽關系。根據法庭文件,金告訴米勒,他過去所涉的爭議已成過往,而且自2010年妻子去世后,他已皈依宗教。訴狀稱,通過與米勒(在訴狀中被稱為“傳教士的兒子”)合作,金可以洗刷過去的不良名聲。因此,金和米勒代表拳擊手阿朗佐·“大佐”·巴特勒(Alonzo “Big Zo” Butler)和金的制作公司Don King Productions達成了一項協議。隨后,巴特勒和拳擊手布蘭登·斯賓塞(Brandon Spencer)于2021年8月28日進行了一場對決。(巴特勒和斯賓塞如今均已去世)。



米勒聲稱,BYD Sports向金提交了一份正式協議提案,但據稱從未得到書面答復。然而,據訴訟文件所述,金繼續通過口頭方式詢問米勒計劃進展如何。據訴訟文件所述,米勒聘請了來自非洲和美國的銀行家,據稱金也知曉活動的進展情況。根據訴訟文件,米勒和金最終并未簽署正式協議,而是選擇在社交媒體上發布一段視頻,這樣金就可以證實他在與米勒合作。

2024年1月,金和米勒后來討論將尼日利亞作為潛在舉辦地,并計劃將這一盛事與尼日利亞的全球創業節同步舉行。據訴訟文件描述,米勒所代表的BYD公司與創業節的相關代表簽訂了一份諒解備忘錄,將邀請受邀嘉賓、世界領導人、國家元首和行業領袖等富有觀眾見證五場系列格斗比賽。但去年7月,當BYD Sports邀請金參加Zoom會議以宣傳該活動時,金卻玩起了消失,據稱他在7月至10月期間拒絕接聽米勒和BYD的電話和回復電子郵件。




? Boxing promoter Don King, known for his work with greats Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson, has been named in a civil lawsuit alleging fraud over a failed bid to resurrect Rumble in the Jungle 2 as an homage to Ali’s famous bout with then-undefeated heavyweight George Foreman in 1974.

Controversial boxing promoter Don King and his Florida-based production company are being sued by BYD Sports and CEO Cecil Miller in a civil challenge alleging fraud, defamation, breach of contract and other allegations, according to a complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Plaintiffs are seeking damages of $3 billion.

According to the complaint and court documents detailing their interactions, King allegedly encouraged Miller to pursue a 50th anniversary matchup called Rumble in the Jungle 2 in Africa, which Miller did despite the lack of a formal agreement in place. After setting in motion the groundwork for a star-studded series of boxing matches in Nigeria—replete with a wish list for musical events with artists such as John Legend, Alicia Keys, and Wyclef Jean—King allegedly bailed when Miller asked him to help promote the event and disavowed Miller before the events could be finalized.

Attorney Anthony J.M. Jones, who is representing Miller, said King derailed the event at the final stages, after trying to remain on the fringes of the planning carried out by Miller. “It’s confounding when you look at how many people were working on this,” Jones told Fortune.

“This is just a sad day for the sport,” he said. “We are now in 2025 and there will never be a chance to do a 50th anniversary of a fight between Foreman and Ali—and to do it in Africa.”

King did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Fortune.

The court documents in Miller’s suit include a copy of a cease-and-desist letter identical to one King posted on his Instagram account. The letter accuses Miller of falsely representing to government officials that King authorized him to stage a Rumble in the Jungle 50th anniversary event. Miller’s lawyer denied the claims in the letter, calling it “sabotage” on King’s part.

Before the rift, King and Miller were cordial, as laid out in the complaint. According to court documents, King told Miller that his past alleged controversies were behind him, and that King had embraced religion after his wife’s death in 2010. By working with Miller, referred to in the complaint as “a preacher’s son,” King could clean up his past reputation, it states. Accordingly, King and Miller struck a deal on behalf of boxer Alonzo “Big Zo” Butler and King’s production company, Don King Productions. A subsequent fight took place on Aug. 28, 2021 between Butler and boxer Brandon Spencer. (Both Butler and Spencer are now deceased.)

After the matchup, King confided in Miller that he was organizing a “Rumble in the Jungle 2” event to mark the 50th anniversary of the historic bout between the two titans of boxing: then-underdog Ali facing off against and the undefeated heavyweight champion George Foreman. The legendary battle, which featured Ali’s “rope-a-dope” strategy that exhausted Foreman by the eighth round, took place on Oct. 30, 1974 in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. The event catapulted King to stardom, and Miller was “excited to hear about it,” the complaint states.

As Miller and King struck up a friendly relationship, the complaint states King gifted Miller a rare coin and spoke with Miller’s father and daughter. About a year later, Miller followed up on the status of Rumble in the Jungle 2. King, the complaint states, was 92 years old at the time and Miller believed King needed help in getting the fight organized to take place in Africa in 2024.

Miller claims BYD sent King a proposal to formalize the agreement but allegedly never got a written response. However, King carried on asking Miller verbally how the planning was going, the complaint alleges. It notes Miller brought in bankers from Africa and the U.S., and King was allegedly aware of progress on the event. Instead of signing a formal agreement, Miller and King eventually opted to publish a video on social media so King could confirm he was working with Miller, according to the complaint.

In January 2024, King and Miller later discussed Nigeria as a potential venue, in tandem with the country’s Global Entrepreneurship Festival. Miller’s BYD and festival representatives entered into a memorandum of understanding for a series of five fights to take place before a well-heeled audience of invited guests, world leaders, and heads of state and industry, the complaint alleges. But in July, when BYD invited King to appear on a Zoom to promote the event, King ghosted, allegedly refusing to answer calls and emails from Miller and BYD between July and October.

At this point, Miller claims he learned King allegedly did not own the rights to Rumble in the Jungle. Still, Miller pursued the event, exploring licensing the name and pursuing another title. He also began to recruit boxing champs to participate in Nigeria along with a pay-per-view partner and potential sponsors. Yet in October, King claimed to have no knowledge of Miller’s event plans and sent cease and desist letters to Nigerian officials, the complaint states. The fight never took place.

The complaint states the fight between Ali and Foreman grossed $100 million at the time with more than 1 billion viewers globally, an amount equal to $600 million today. The complaint seeks damages in that amount as well as $2.4 billion in prospective damages and a formal written apology.



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