蘋果公司(Apple)的首次公開募股(IPO)是一次劃時代的事件。1980年12月12日,這家總部位于加利福尼亞州庫比蒂諾的計算機公司在納斯達克上市交易,這是自1956年福特汽車公司(Ford Motor Company)上市以來規模最大的IPO。《華爾街日報》有一句著名的評論:“自夏娃以來,從未有一個蘋果如此誘人。”
事實證明,這種炒作是完全合理的。蘋果公司如今是全世界最大的公司,2022年成為首家市值達到3萬億美元的公司——而四年前,它是首家市值超過1萬億美元的美國公司。 那些在44年前甚至更晚押注蘋果成功的人都已經獲得了豐厚的回報。
根據《財富》雜志使用標普智匯(S&P Capital IQ)數據的計算,如果你拿出今天的1萬美元,在蘋果公司以每股22美元的價格上市時進行投資,那么現在這筆投資將價值3,270萬美元。該分析考慮了蘋果的五次股票拆分,假設所有股息均進行再投資,并基于周三的收盤價進行計算。
因此,即使是在蘋果公司上市幾十年后才投資的投資者也獲得了巨大的收益。其中包括沃倫·巴菲特。他在蘋果公司投資了400億美元,包括在2016-2018年間的多次購買的股票,這些投資為伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的股東帶來了豐厚的回報。
蘋果公司(Apple)的首次公開募股(IPO)是一次劃時代的事件。1980年12月12日,這家總部位于加利福尼亞州庫比蒂諾的計算機公司在納斯達克上市交易,這是自1956年福特汽車公司(Ford Motor Company)上市以來規模最大的IPO。《華爾街日報》有一句著名的評論:“自夏娃以來,從未有一個蘋果如此誘人。”
事實證明,這種炒作是完全合理的。蘋果公司如今是全世界最大的公司,2022年成為首家市值達到3萬億美元的公司——而四年前,它是首家市值超過1萬億美元的美國公司。 那些在44年前甚至更晚押注蘋果成功的人都已經獲得了豐厚的回報。
根據《財富》雜志使用標普智匯(S&P Capital IQ)數據的計算,如果你拿出今天的1萬美元,在蘋果公司以每股22美元的價格上市時進行投資,那么現在這筆投資將價值3,270萬美元。該分析考慮了蘋果的五次股票拆分,假設所有股息均進行再投資,并基于周三的收盤價進行計算。
因此,即使是在蘋果公司上市幾十年后才投資的投資者也獲得了巨大的收益。其中包括沃倫·巴菲特。他在蘋果公司投資了400億美元,包括在2016-2018年間的多次購買的股票,這些投資為伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的股東帶來了豐厚的回報。
Apple’s initial public offering was a once in a generation event. When the computer company from Cupertino, California, began trading on the Nasdaq on Dec. 12, 1980, it was the biggest IPO since the Ford Motor Company went public in 1956. As The Wall Street Journal famously put it, “Not since Eve has an Apple posed such temptation.”
The hype proved to be entirely justified. Apple is today the largest company in the world, becoming the first firm to reach a $3 trillion valuation in 2022—four years after it was the first U.S. corporation to surpass the $1 trillion threshold. Those who bet on Apple’s success 44 years ago—and even much later—have been richly rewarded.
If you had invested $10,000 of today’s dollars in Apple when the company went public at $22 a share, your investment would now be worth $32.7 million, according to calculations by Fortune using data from S&P Capital IQ. The analysis accounts for Apple’s five stock splits and assumes the reinvestment of all dividends, based on the stock’s price at close Wednesday.
The gains are impressive in comparison to the broader market. Since November 1982, the earliest that data from Bloomberg is available, Apple shares have yielded a total return of 20% on an annualized basis. That number is 12% for the S&P 500 over the same span, meaning Apple has grown nearly twice as fast on average each year.
In recent years, the tech giant’s growth has been especially spectacular. Since the unveiling of the iPhone in January 2007, Apple’s year-over-year return has averaged 24% compared to the S&P 500’s 10%.
Warren Buffett cashes in on Apple gains
Therefore, even investors who got in decades after Apple went public have witnessed huge gains. That includes Warren Buffett, whose $40 billion bet on the company, including purchases from 2016-18, has paid off handsomely for Berkshire Hathaway shareholders.
At the end of the last year, Berkshire’s Apple holding was worth $174.3 billion. The Oracle of Omaha has sold-off more than two-thirds of that position since, but Berkshire’s 300 million Apple shares—worth about $74 billion as of Wednesday’s close—remains the largest piece of the conglomerate’s portfolio.
Berkshire’s position at the start of 2024 would currently be worth over $220 billion, but Buffett likely won’t fret about missing the upswing. Stock sales propelled Berkshire’s profits to $26.25 billion last quarter, compared to a loss of $12.77 billion during Q3 a year ago. As Fortune’s Shawn Tully recently noted, Buffett’s Apple gambit will likely go down as one of the best wagers in the storied investor’s career.
For those who have held on to the stock for even longer, Dec. 12 is an anniversary worth celebrating.