
科爾尼大中華區(Kearney China)總裁賀曉青表示:“在具有挑戰性的宏觀環境下,中國消費者變得日益成熟和理性。”她指出,消費者更加重視價值和令人感覺良好的因素。 “零售商只有充分滿足消費者的需求,才有機會獲勝。”
盡管中國超市行業銷售下滑,但沃爾瑪(Walmart Inc.)旗下的會員制倉儲超市部門山姆會員店(Sam’s Club)卻表現出色。山姆會員店主要服務大宗商品采購者。從生鮮農產品、烘焙食品和飲料到家居用品,山姆會員店的許多商品備受消費者喜愛。購物者經常在社交媒體上分享他們最喜歡的山姆會員店的商品,這表明山姆會員店在中產階級消費者中擁有近乎狂熱的粉絲。
山姆會員店成功的一個因素,是它采取了“少即是多”的策略,而不是用多種品牌、不同價位和質量的同類產品,讓顧客感到不知所措。山姆會員店僅銷售同類最佳的商品,這些商品要么來自市場上現有的品牌,要么來自它與從中國精心挑選的供應商聯合開發的自有品牌Member’s Mark。
在新冠疫情居家隔離期間,運動休閑和休閑服飾大受歡迎。隨著中國5億多中產階級日益接受積極的生活方式,這類商品的吸引力似乎與日俱增。在這種趨勢的推動下,盡管面臨大量更低價的替代產品的競爭,露露樂蒙公司(Lululemon Athletica Inc.)今年依舊在中國實現增長。在截至7月28日的一個季度,該公司在中國大陸市場的凈營收和可比銷售額分別增長了34%和23%。
因此,盡管有一些價格極低的本土品牌,但加拿大服裝品牌始祖鳥的標志性戶外服飾,在阿里巴巴(Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.)旗下的天貓商城非常搶手。該品牌的母公司亞瑪芬體育(Amer Sports Inc.)公布的大中華區銷售額同比增長了54%,這個西方品牌在大中華區的業績超過了安踏(Anta)品牌。2019年,亞瑪芬體育被中國安踏體育用品有限公司(Anta Sports Products Ltd.)牽頭的財團收購。
佳富龍洲(Gavekal Dragonomics)中國消費者分析師埃爾南·崔認為,如今中國的千禧一代成為中產階級的主力,他們的消費更加挑剔,不再滿足于耐克(Nike Inc.)和阿迪達斯(Adidas AG)等大眾市場品牌。
這解釋了為什么昂跑(On Holding Ag)和Hoka等相對小眾的運動品牌能夠實現增長。這些品牌的大多數跑鞋在中國的售價均超過1,000元(約合141美元)。
網球巨星羅杰·費德勒投資的昂跑表示,其第二季度的亞太市場凈銷售額增長了74%,這主要得益于日本和中國市場的銷售強勁。隨著中國消費者對Hoka品牌的喜愛達到癡迷的程度,該品牌一直在中國市場迅速擴張。一個典型的例子是:Hoka的熱銷產品Tor Summit剛發布便被搶購一空。雖然該品牌的鞋子在外觀上沒有特別之處,但它的主要吸引力在于出色的緩震和減震功能,使其不僅是舒適的首選跑步鞋,而且對于追求性價比的中國消費者而言,它還適合作為通勤鞋和用于日常穿搭。
今年上半年,在天貓平臺上,中國本土品牌珀萊雅(Proya Cosmetics Co.)的銷量,超過了歐萊雅(L’Oreal)、蘭蔻(Lancome)和雅詩蘭黛(Estee Lauder)等全球競爭對手。天貓是中國重要的化妝品零售平臺。珀萊雅今年上半年的營收漲幅高達38%,而全球競爭對手的中國業務表現平平甚至出現萎縮。這主要歸功于該公司投入23.4億美元開展的市場營銷活動,包括在TikTok的中國姊妹版應用抖音(Douyin)上通過多個店鋪進行24小時不間斷直播,目的是使其紅寶石(Ruby)面霜成為與蘭蔻菁純(Absolute)乳霜和雅詩蘭黛抗衰老產品一樣的標志性產品。
另外一家沒有受到需求下滑影響的公司是智能手機與電動汽車制造商小米公司(Xiaomi Corp.)。客戶認為,小米是他們買不起的其他品牌高端產品的低價平替。因此,小米創建了一個可以遠程操控的家用電器生態系統,而且成本低廉。小米第二季度智能手機營收同比增長了27.1%,達到465億元,空調、冰箱和洗衣機等家用電器的增長勢頭同樣強勁。
在截至6月份的一個季度,生活方式零售商名創優品集團控股有限公司(MINISO Group Holding Ltd.)再次公布了出色的業績,這主要得益于其門店將購買家居用品、玩具、電子產品和辦公用品變得更加有趣,而不僅僅是交易行為。名創優品的顧客毫不掩飾走進門店時的愉悅心情,這使得名創優品成為為數不多能讓中國年輕人愿意消費的實體店之一。得益于這種令人愉悅的購物體驗,該零售商計劃今年在中國大陸再開設350至450家門店。截至6月30日,其門店數量已經超過4,100家。
但并非所有品牌的成功秘訣都完全相同。肯德基(KFC)和必勝客(Pizza Hut)的中國運營商百勝中國控股公司(Yum China Holdings Inc.)憑借頻繁的促銷活動和廉價套餐,吸引更節儉的顧客,在中國市場保持了韌性。肯德基售價9.90元(約合1.40美元)的雞肉三明治和29.90元的周末套餐,以及必勝客的買一送一促銷活動,幫助百勝的利潤在第二季度超出預期。百勝在激烈的價格戰中取得如此優秀的業績,在一定程度上得益于該公司的成本戰略,即直接從農戶采購農產品和采用自動化庫存管理等。與去年同期相比,百勝中國的門店數量增加了13%,并計劃到2026年,在中國大陸建立一個有20,000家門店的網絡。
科爾尼大中華區(Kearney China)總裁賀曉青表示:“在具有挑戰性的宏觀環境下,中國消費者變得日益成熟和理性。”她指出,消費者更加重視價值和令人感覺良好的因素。 “零售商只有充分滿足消費者的需求,才有機會獲勝。”
盡管中國超市行業銷售下滑,但沃爾瑪(Walmart Inc.)旗下的會員制倉儲超市部門山姆會員店(Sam’s Club)卻表現出色。山姆會員店主要服務大宗商品采購者。從生鮮農產品、烘焙食品和飲料到家居用品,山姆會員店的許多商品備受消費者喜愛。購物者經常在社交媒體上分享他們最喜歡的山姆會員店的商品,這表明山姆會員店在中產階級消費者中擁有近乎狂熱的粉絲。
山姆會員店成功的一個因素,是它采取了“少即是多”的策略,而不是用多種品牌、不同價位和質量的同類產品,讓顧客感到不知所措。山姆會員店僅銷售同類最佳的商品,這些商品要么來自市場上現有的品牌,要么來自它與從中國精心挑選的供應商聯合開發的自有品牌Member’s Mark。
在新冠疫情居家隔離期間,運動休閑和休閑服飾大受歡迎。隨著中國5億多中產階級日益接受積極的生活方式,這類商品的吸引力似乎與日俱增。在這種趨勢的推動下,盡管面臨大量更低價的替代產品的競爭,露露樂蒙公司(Lululemon Athletica Inc.)今年依舊在中國實現增長。在截至7月28日的一個季度,該公司在中國大陸市場的凈營收和可比銷售額分別增長了34%和23%。
因此,盡管有一些價格極低的本土品牌,但加拿大服裝品牌始祖鳥的標志性戶外服飾,在阿里巴巴(Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.)旗下的天貓商城非常搶手。該品牌的母公司亞瑪芬體育(Amer Sports Inc.)公布的大中華區銷售額同比增長了54%,這個西方品牌在大中華區的業績超過了安踏(Anta)品牌。2019年,亞瑪芬體育被中國安踏體育用品有限公司(Anta Sports Products Ltd.)牽頭的財團收購。
佳富龍洲(Gavekal Dragonomics)中國消費者分析師埃爾南·崔認為,如今中國的千禧一代成為中產階級的主力,他們的消費更加挑剔,不再滿足于耐克(Nike Inc.)和阿迪達斯(Adidas AG)等大眾市場品牌。
這解釋了為什么昂跑(On Holding Ag)和Hoka等相對小眾的運動品牌能夠實現增長。這些品牌的大多數跑鞋在中國的售價均超過1,000元(約合141美元)。
網球巨星羅杰·費德勒投資的昂跑表示,其第二季度的亞太市場凈銷售額增長了74%,這主要得益于日本和中國市場的銷售強勁。隨著中國消費者對Hoka品牌的喜愛達到癡迷的程度,該品牌一直在中國市場迅速擴張。一個典型的例子是:Hoka的熱銷產品Tor Summit剛發布便被搶購一空。雖然該品牌的鞋子在外觀上沒有特別之處,但它的主要吸引力在于出色的緩震和減震功能,使其不僅是舒適的首選跑步鞋,而且對于追求性價比的中國消費者而言,它還適合作為通勤鞋和用于日常穿搭。
今年上半年,在天貓平臺上,中國本土品牌珀萊雅(Proya Cosmetics Co.)的銷量,超過了歐萊雅(L’Oreal)、蘭蔻(Lancome)和雅詩蘭黛(Estee Lauder)等全球競爭對手。天貓是中國重要的化妝品零售平臺。珀萊雅今年上半年的營收漲幅高達38%,而全球競爭對手的中國業務表現平平甚至出現萎縮。這主要歸功于該公司投入23.4億美元開展的市場營銷活動,包括在TikTok的中國姊妹版應用抖音(Douyin)上通過多個店鋪進行24小時不間斷直播,目的是使其紅寶石(Ruby)面霜成為與蘭蔻菁純(Absolute)乳霜和雅詩蘭黛抗衰老產品一樣的標志性產品。
另外一家沒有受到需求下滑影響的公司是智能手機與電動汽車制造商小米公司(Xiaomi Corp.)。客戶認為,小米是他們買不起的其他品牌高端產品的低價平替。因此,小米創建了一個可以遠程操控的家用電器生態系統,而且成本低廉。小米第二季度智能手機營收同比增長了27.1%,達到465億元,空調、冰箱和洗衣機等家用電器的增長勢頭同樣強勁。
在截至6月份的一個季度,生活方式零售商名創優品集團控股有限公司(MINISO Group Holding Ltd.)再次公布了出色的業績,這主要得益于其門店將購買家居用品、玩具、電子產品和辦公用品變得更加有趣,而不僅僅是交易行為。名創優品的顧客毫不掩飾走進門店時的愉悅心情,這使得名創優品成為為數不多能讓中國年輕人愿意消費的實體店之一。得益于這種令人愉悅的購物體驗,該零售商計劃今年在中國大陸再開設350至450家門店。截至6月30日,其門店數量已經超過4,100家。
但并非所有品牌的成功秘訣都完全相同。肯德基(KFC)和必勝客(Pizza Hut)的中國運營商百勝中國控股公司(Yum China Holdings Inc.)憑借頻繁的促銷活動和廉價套餐,吸引更節儉的顧客,在中國市場保持了韌性。肯德基售價9.90元(約合1.40美元)的雞肉三明治和29.90元的周末套餐,以及必勝客的買一送一促銷活動,幫助百勝的利潤在第二季度超出預期。百勝在激烈的價格戰中取得如此優秀的業績,在一定程度上得益于該公司的成本戰略,即直接從農戶采購農產品和采用自動化庫存管理等。與去年同期相比,百勝中國的門店數量增加了13%,并計劃到2026年,在中國大陸建立一個有20,000家門店的網絡。
Amid anemic consumer demand in China, some brands are still seeing double-digit sales growth in signs that it’s not all gloom and doom in the world’s no. 2 economy.
“Chinese consumers are becoming more mature and rational amid the challenging macro environment,” Sherri He, managing director at Kearney China, said, pointing to how they are increasingly looking for value and feel-good factor. “Retailers have a chance at winning only when they cater to those needs well.”
Here’s a closer look at what’s setting the winners apart from the others:
Sam’s Club
Sam’s Club, Walmart Inc.’s members-only warehouse division that caters to bulk shoppers, is defying the supermarket slump in China. Sam’s has customers hooked with products ranging from fresh produce to baked foods and beverages to household supplies. That shoppers frequently share their favorite Sam’s picks on social media reflects the cult-like following it enjoys among middle-class consumers.
One of the factors that’s worked for Sam’s is its less-is-more approach—instead of overwhelming customers with multiple brands of the same product at various price points and in differing quality. Sam’s Club only sells the best of its kind, either from a brand already on the market or under its private label Member’s Mark that it’s developed with suppliers picked from across the country.
“It’s like they have already done the selection for you,” said Xiaomai Zhang, a Sam’s member since 2014 in Shanghai. “You can simply buy what you need without having to compare multiple brands, making the shopping experience more straightforward and stress-free.”
Delivering that kind of customer experience has helped boost Walmart’s comparable sales in China by 13.8% on-year in the quarter ended July 31, while Sam’s China membership income jumped by 26% during the period.
Lululemon, Arc’teryx
The appeal of athleisure and casual wear, which gained traction during the stay-at-home era of the COVID-19 pandemic, appears to be growing on the back of China’s 500-million-strong middle class increasingly embracing an active lifestyle. That has bolstered Lululemon Athletica Inc.’s growth in the country this year, despite facing competition from a sea of cheaper alternatives. In the latest quarter ended July 28, the company’s net revenue and comparable sales in mainland China increased by 34% and 23%, respectively.
Companies are learning to tap this evolving cohort of shoppers by leveraging peer influence. These days, owning Arc’teryx activewear is being touted on social media as one of the “must-haves of the middle class.”
Hence it’s no surprise why some signature outdoor jackets from the Canadian apparel maker get snapped up on Tmall, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.’s online marketplace, despite similar offerings from local brands at a fraction of the price. The brand’s owner Amer Sports Inc.—which was bought by a consortium-led by China’s Anta Sports Products Ltd. in 2019—reported a 54% year-over-year increase in sales in greater China, with the western brand outperforming the Anta label in this part of Asia.
China’s millennials now account for the bulk of the middle class, and they are now more discerning and look beyond the mass-market offerings from the likes of Nike Inc. and Adidas AG, according to Ernan Cui, China consumer analyst at Gavekal Dragonomics.
That explains the growth of relatively smaller athletics brands such as On Holding Ag and Hoka, most of whose running shoes carry a price tag of more than 1,000 yuan ($141) in China.
Tennis great Roger Federer-backed On said its second-quarter net sales grew 74% in the Asia-Pacific, primarily driven by strong sales in Japan and China. Hoka has been on an expansion spree after Chinese consumers developed a kind of obsession with the brand. Case in point: Hoka’s hot-selling product Tor Summit that sold out instantly upon launch. While the shoes don’t exactly look out of the ordinary, its main draw has been the excellent cushioning and shock absorption features that make them the comfort footwear of choice not just for running, but also for work and as everyday wear for Chinese shoppers looking for value.
Proya, Xiaomi
Homegrown Proya Cosmetics Co. outsold global rivals from L’Oreal, Lancome and Estee Lauder in the first half this year on Tmall, a key retail platform for cosmetics in China. The company reported a stunning 38% revenue growth in this period when global rivals saw their business in China either stay flat or shrink. Much of the credit goes to the company’s 2.34 billion yuan marketing campaign featuring 24-7 non-stop livestreaming across multiple stores on Douyin, the Chinese cousin of TikTok, that aimed to make its Ruby facial cream just as iconic as the Lancome Absolute soft cream and Estee Lauder anti-aging one.
The Ruby facial cream retails for less than 300 yuan, and Chinese social media is teeming with posts on how consumers are replacing foreign brands in their daily skincare routine.
Another company that’s thrived through the slowdown is Xiaomi Corp., the smartphones-to-electric vehicles maker. Xiaomi’s customers count on it to make a cheaper version of a high-end product from other brands that they can’t afford. As a result, it’s built an ecosystem of home appliances that can be controlled remotely, at costs that are affordable. Xiaomi’s second-quarter smartphone revenue increased 27.1% on-year to 46.5 billion yuan, while white goods such as air conditioners, refrigerators and washing machines also registered strong growth.
Chengdu-based tea beverage chain Chagee has been on an expansion spree in China, opening stores that boast a lounge vibe similar to Starbucks stores.
Selling traditional Chinese green, black and Oolong tea blended with milk-based creamer for a little more than $2, Chagee has seen the number of its storefronts more than triple to 4,500 in less than two years. That came as health conscious consumers increasingly shun traditional high-calorie milk tea with tapioca pearls and fat- and sugar-laden creamers for beverages infused with quality tea leaves and natural ingredients sold by Chagee and peers.
Lifestyle retailer MINISO Group Holding Ltd., which had another stellar quarter ended June, owes its success to making the purchase of home goods, toys, electronics and stationery feel less transactional and more fun. Its customers don’t make a secret of how happy they feel when walking into a MINISO store—making it one of the rare brick-and-mortar stores where young Chinese are still willing to open their wallets. The cheer factor has kept the retailer on track to deliver guidance of 350 to 450 net new stores this year in the mainland, on top of the more than 4,100 outlets it had as of June 30.
Yum China
But not all winners follow the same formula. Yum China Holdings Inc., the operator of KFC and Pizza Hut in China, has stayed resilient by appealing to thriftier diners with its frequent promotions and cheap-meal deals. KFC’s bargain 9.90 yuan ($1.40) chicken sandwich and 29.90 yuan weekend combo meal, together with Pizza Hut’s buy one get one for free promotions helped Yum report a higher-than-expected profit in the second quarter. The performance amid a brutal price war is due in part to the company’s cost strategy of sourcing produce directly from farmers and automating inventory management. Yum China opened 13% more stores than the same period last year, and plans to build a 20,000-store network in the mainland by 2026.
“Whether it’s general merchandise, supermarkets, cosmetics, chain restaurants, or even electronics from brands like Xiaomi,” according to Dragonomics’ Cui, It’s “those which offer better cost-effectiveness that are generally more at advantage.”