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6月27日,唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)演播室參加該電視臺主持的總統選舉辯論。圖片來源:JUSTIN SULLIVAN—GETTY IMAGES

從高盛集團(Goldman Sachs & Co.)到摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)和巴克萊銀行(Barclays Plc.)等金融巨頭都在重新審視債券市場的走勢(如果唐納德·特朗普在11月重新入主白宮)。

在上周的辯論影響了總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)贏得連任的機會之后,華爾街策略師正敦促客戶為粘性通脹和長期債券收益率上升做好準備。

摩根士丹利包括馬修·霍恩巴赫(Matthew Hornbach)和古尼特·丁格拉(Guneet Dhingra)在內的策略師在上周末的一份報告中表示,相對于短期利率,“現在是時候”押注長期利率將會上升了。


巴克萊銀行則表示,面對特朗普勝選可能性攀升,最好的應對措施就是對沖通脹。策略師邁克爾·龐德(Michael Pond)和喬納森·希爾(Jonathan Hill)上周五撰文稱,最清晰的表述是押注五年期通脹保值國債(TIPS)的表現將優于標準五年期債券。

像布蘭迪環球投資管理公司(Brandywine Global Investment Management)投資組合經理杰克·麥金太爾(Jack McIntyre)這樣的買方投資者也越來越注意到這一點。






以喬治·科爾(George Cole)和威廉·馬歇爾(William Marshall)領導的高盛集團策略師在辯論結束后寫道:“盡管達成的共識是美國國債收益率對共和黨獲勝的反應將是期限溢價驅動的拋售,但我們認為風險趨平也是合乎情理的。”他們認為,投資者的關注點將從財政支出轉向提高關稅的風險,隨著大選臨近,提高關稅可能會對生產率和經濟增長造成壓力。

嘉信理財(Charles Schwab)首席固定收益策略師凱西·瓊斯(Kathy Jones)表示,由于11月后國會的組成尚不明朗,關于特朗普政策將如何影響市場的假設站不住腳。



從高盛集團(Goldman Sachs & Co.)到摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)和巴克萊銀行(Barclays Plc.)等金融巨頭都在重新審視債券市場的走勢(如果唐納德·特朗普在11月重新入主白宮)。

在上周的辯論影響了總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)贏得連任的機會之后,華爾街策略師正敦促客戶為粘性通脹和長期債券收益率上升做好準備。

摩根士丹利包括馬修·霍恩巴赫(Matthew Hornbach)和古尼特·丁格拉(Guneet Dhingra)在內的策略師在上周末的一份報告中表示,相對于短期利率,“現在是時候”押注長期利率將會上升了。


巴克萊銀行則表示,面對特朗普勝選可能性攀升,最好的應對措施就是對沖通脹。策略師邁克爾·龐德(Michael Pond)和喬納森·希爾(Jonathan Hill)上周五撰文稱,最清晰的表述是押注五年期通脹保值國債(TIPS)的表現將優于標準五年期債券。

像布蘭迪環球投資管理公司(Brandywine Global Investment Management)投資組合經理杰克·麥金太爾(Jack McIntyre)這樣的買方投資者也越來越注意到這一點。






以喬治·科爾(George Cole)和威廉·馬歇爾(William Marshall)領導的高盛集團策略師在辯論結束后寫道:“盡管達成的共識是美國國債收益率對共和黨獲勝的反應將是期限溢價驅動的拋售,但我們認為風險趨平也是合乎情理的。”他們認為,投資者的關注點將從財政支出轉向提高關稅的風險,隨著大選臨近,提高關稅可能會對生產率和經濟增長造成壓力。

嘉信理財(Charles Schwab)首席固定收益策略師凱西·瓊斯(Kathy Jones)表示,由于11月后國會的組成尚不明朗,關于特朗普政策將如何影響市場的假設站不住腳。



Financial giants from Goldman Sachs & Co. to Morgan Stanley and Barclays Plc. are taking a fresh look at how a Donald Trump victory in November could play out in the bond market.

After last week’s debate hurt President Joe Biden’s chances of winning reelection, Wall Street strategists are urging clients to position for sticky inflation and higher long-term bond yields.

At Morgan Stanley, strategists including Matthew Hornbach and Guneet Dhingra in a weekend note argued that “now is the time” to wager on long-term interest rates rising relative to short-term ones.

Trump’s rise in the polls since Thursday’s debate means investors have to contemplate economic policies that could lead to more rate cuts from the Federal Reserve, along with a Republican sweep that leads to fiscal expansion and pressures longer-term bond yields higher, Morgan Stanley said.

Barclays, meanwhile, said that the best response to the rising prospect of a Trump victory is to hedge against inflation. Strategists Michael Pond and Jonathan Hill wrote Friday that the clearest expression is a wager that five-year Treasury inflation-protected securities, or TIPS, will outperform standard five-year notes.

Buy-side investors like Jack McIntyre, a portfolio manager at Brandywine Global Investment Management, are increasingly taking note.

McIntyre said he “is worried that the bond vigilantes are coming out early in response to the debate fall out.” The odds of a Republican sweep in November will increase from a combination of “Biden’s performance, weaker data, higher oil prices.”

US Treasuries fell on Monday, pushing yields to the highest levels in more than a week, in what traders said was ongoing fallout from last week’s bump in the odds of a second Trump term.

Treasuries extended their losses after the Supreme Court ruled in a case that will limit the chances that Trump will face trial before the November election on charges for attempting to reverse the 2020 election results.

The uptick in Treasury yields was led by the longest maturities, with 30-year bonds up more than eight basis points to 4.65%, the highest level since May 31.

Not all on Wall Street are convinced that higher long-term Treasury yields and steeper curves are inevitable.

“While a term premia-driven sell-off has been consensus for how US yields should react to a Republican victory, we see arguments for flattening risk,” Goldman Sachs strategists led by George Cole and William Marshall wrote after the debate. They see investor focus shifting away from fiscal spending and towards the risks of higher tariffs, which are likely to weigh on productivity and growth as the election comes into view.

With the makeup of Congress after November unclear, assumptions about how Trump policies will impact markets are on shaky ground, Kathy Jones, chief fixed-income strategist at Charles Schwab said.

“A shift in the narrative about what policy will be after the election is probably the biggest risk to the Treasury market,” Jones told Bloomberg Television Monday. “I just think it’s too early. Presidential candidates can say a lot of things on the campaign trail, but they have to get those things through Congress.”



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