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阿爾瓦羅·巴爾加斯·略薩(Alvaro Vargas Llosa)是位于加州奧克蘭的獨立研究所(Independent Institute)的高級研究員。他的最新著作是《跨越全球:移民、文明和美國》(Global Crossings: Immigration, Civilization and America)。








這一趨勢可以追溯到更早以前。美國政府在近代的發展正是二戰后美國的故事。德懷特·艾森豪威爾(Dwight Eisenhower)總統似乎是二戰后最后一任明白以下原則的總統:福利國家、戰爭國家,以及采取減稅措施卻不以嚴厲削減開支為后盾,與財政上負責任的政府,或至少與合理規模的政府是不相容的。他的前任哈里·杜魯門(Harry Truman)總統曾為朝鮮戰爭提供資金,留給艾森豪威爾的聯邦開支相當于國內生產總值的18.5%。從那時起到現在,除了短暫的例外,兩黨成倍地推高國防和國內預算。

林登·約翰遜(Lyndon Johnson)總統將支出占國內生產總值的比重推高到19.6%;理查德·尼克松(Richard Nixon)總統和杰拉爾德·福特(Gerald Ford)總統將這一比重推高到21.5%;吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)總統將這一比重推高到21.8%;喬治·W·布什(George W. Bush)總統將這一比重推高到21.9%;貝拉克·奧巴馬(Barack Obama)總統將這一比重推高到24.9%(之后又回落到21.9%);唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)總統將這一比重推高到31.3%(在新冠肺炎疫情爆發期間),喬·拜登(Joe Biden)總統將這一比重推高到31.7%,不過現在已經回落到22%。



從1947年到1966年,有12年實現了預算平衡,而其余時間的平均赤字率為0.07%,幾乎可以忽略不計。相比之下,羅納德·里根(Ronald Reagan)總統和喬治·赫伯特·沃克·布什(George H. W. Bush)總統執政的12年間(主要是敵對或部分敵對的國會),平均赤字率為4%,原因是國防開支增加,放棄國內約束(這是約翰遜“維持生計”時期的遺留問題,尼克松·福特總統改變了他們之前支持的大部分經濟原則)以及受阿瑟·拉弗(Arthur Laffer)的觀點(減稅不會導致政府稅收收益減少)影響的無資金支持的減稅政策。艾森豪威爾總統堅持先削減開支再減稅的紀律一去不復返了。




阿爾瓦羅·巴爾加斯·略薩(Alvaro Vargas Llosa)是位于加州奧克蘭的獨立研究所(Independent Institute)的高級研究員。他的最新著作是《跨越全球:移民、文明和美國》(Global Crossings: Immigration, Civilization and America)。








這一趨勢可以追溯到更早以前。美國政府在近代的發展正是二戰后美國的故事。德懷特·艾森豪威爾(Dwight Eisenhower)總統似乎是二戰后最后一任明白以下原則的總統:福利國家、戰爭國家,以及采取減稅措施卻不以嚴厲削減開支為后盾,與財政上負責任的政府,或至少與合理規模的政府是不相容的。他的前任哈里·杜魯門(Harry Truman)總統曾為朝鮮戰爭提供資金,留給艾森豪威爾的聯邦開支相當于國內生產總值的18.5%。從那時起到現在,除了短暫的例外,兩黨成倍地推高國防和國內預算。

林登·約翰遜(Lyndon Johnson)總統將支出占國內生產總值的比重推高到19.6%;理查德·尼克松(Richard Nixon)總統和杰拉爾德·福特(Gerald Ford)總統將這一比重推高到21.5%;吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)總統將這一比重推高到21.8%;喬治·W·布什(George W. Bush)總統將這一比重推高到21.9%;貝拉克·奧巴馬(Barack Obama)總統將這一比重推高到24.9%(之后又回落到21.9%);唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)總統將這一比重推高到31.3%(在新冠肺炎疫情爆發期間),喬·拜登(Joe Biden)總統將這一比重推高到31.7%,不過現在已經回落到22%。



從1947年到1966年,有12年實現了預算平衡,而其余時間的平均赤字率為0.07%,幾乎可以忽略不計。相比之下,羅納德·里根(Ronald Reagan)總統和喬治·赫伯特·沃克·布什(George H. W. Bush)總統執政的12年間(主要是敵對或部分敵對的國會),平均赤字率為4%,原因是國防開支增加,放棄國內約束(這是約翰遜“維持生計”時期的遺留問題,尼克松·福特總統改變了他們之前支持的大部分經濟原則)以及受阿瑟·拉弗(Arthur Laffer)的觀點(減稅不會導致政府稅收收益減少)影響的無資金支持的減稅政策。艾森豪威爾總統堅持先削減開支再減稅的紀律一去不復返了。




Alvaro Vargas Llosa is a Senior Fellow of the Independent Institute, Oakland, Calif. His latest book is Global Crossings: Immigration, Civilization and America.

If anyone living in the United States in the decades immediately after the Second World War had predicted the self-inflicted financial mess the U.S. government now finds itself in, nobody would have taken that person seriously.

For most of American history, until the mid-1970s, annual federal spending and revenue were roughly in balance—the exceptions being in wartime. Contrast that with the federal deficit in fiscal year 2023, which topped $1.7 trillion, an amount larger than Mexico’s total economy (the 12th largest in the world). It exceeded $1 trillion again in the first eight months of the current fiscal year and, according to the Congressional Budget Office’s latest forecast, released on June 18, will approach $2 trillion by the end of fiscal 2024.

This has fueled a massive increase in the federal debt, which now totals $34 trillion, about $6 trillion more than America’s gross domestic product (GDP), the value of all the goods and services produced by America’s 330 million residents in a year. If we count Social Security and Medicare liabilities, total debt is several times larger than GDP.

The consequences are sobering. Politicians like to use euphemisms to describe what they’re doing. Government spending, in the current vernacular, is referred to as “investment.” Government spending, however, crowds out investment, which explains why private investment, the equivalent of 4.8% of GDP, is 30% lower than in 2000.

At the same time, the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar, a reflection of both the federal government’s finances and the Federal Reserve’s money printing, also is down: by more than 50% since 2000.

As a result of this economic mismanagement, the U.S. government will pay close to $900 billion this year just in interest payments on the national debt—and, according to Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projections, which assume an idyllic scenario of no major wars, no recessions, and no financial crises, debt service will steadily increase to some $5.3 trillion by 2054. It was hard enough sustaining a debt that stood at 106% of GDP during WWII, when the country’s savings rate was 24%, but sustaining a much higher level of indebtedness with today’s 3% savings rate defies the imagination.

This catastrophe has been a long time in the making. In 1993, for instance, the annual deficit amounted to 3.8% of GDP, and the debt, which seemed astronomically high at a “mere” $4.4 trillion, was Lilliputian by today’s standards.

The trend goes back longer than that. The growth of the U.S. government in modern times is the story of post-WWII America. President Dwight Eisenhower seems to have been the last guy in the post-WWII era who understood that the welfare state, the warfare state, and tax cuts not backed by tough spending cuts are incompatible with fiscally responsible government, or at least with reasonably-sized government. His predecessor, Harry Truman, who had funded the Korean War effort, left Eisenhower a level of federal spending equivalent to 18.5% of GDP. Between then and now, both parties, with short-lived exceptions, have pushed both the defense and domestic budgets exponentially higher.

Lyndon Johnson took spending to 19.6% of GDP; Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford to 21.5%; Jimmy Carter to 21.8%; George W. Bush to 21.9%; Barack Obama to 24.9% (before bringing it back to 21.9%); Donald Trump to 31.3% (during the COVID-19 meltdown), and Joe Biden to 31.7%, although now it has come down to 22%.

Between 1950 and 1970, total debt (including government, household, corporate, and financial) was stable at about 150% of GDP. After Nixon did away with what was left of the gold standard in 1971, it was off to the races. Since then, total debt has grown by nearly 5,600%, more than double the U.S. economic growth rate.

There was a time, even in the middle of the Cold War, when government leaders, despite their international responsibilities and the onerous legacy of the New Deal and Great Society that nobody dared reverse, understood the need for fiscal discipline and containing the growth of government.

Between 1947 and 1966, the budget was balanced in 12 years, while the rest of the time there was a negligible average deficit of 0.07%. Contrast that with the 12 years under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush (mostly with a hostile or partly hostile Congress), which averaged a 4% deficit due to defense spending increases, abandonment of domestic restraint—a legacy of Johnson’s “bread and butter” years and the Nixon-Ford presidencies’ about-face on most of the economic principles they previously had espoused—and the unfunded tax cuts influenced by Arthur Laffer’s notion that tax cuts would pay for themselves. Gone was Eisenhower’s discipline, who insisted on slashing spending before he cut taxes.

The new millennium distorted matters even further, with the annual deficit from 2002 to 2023 averaging 5% over the two decades, 20% higher than nominal economic growth, which averaged 4.2%. President Obama, under whom the deficit was double the Congressional Budget Office’s original projections, got the spending spree started, with Presidents Trump and Biden taking it to new levels.

It’s now come down to this. Unless a new generation of leaders has the courage to cut such “untouchables” as the defense, education, justice, and homeland security budgets, and privatize the Social Security program (as more than 40 countries wisely have done), sooner or later, the current trajectory of federal finances will lead to an extremely ugly place. If you think things are bad now, just wait.



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