彭博社的一個模型顯示,從上周四到周日,每日用電量平均下降6千兆瓦。晴朗多風的天氣提高了太陽能和風能發電量,促使電網運營商要求法國電力集團(Electricite de France SA)關閉幾座核電站。
法國電力集團已經停止了其Golfech 2號、Cruas 2號和 Tricastin 1號核電站的運行,并計劃在周末期間停止另外三座核電站的運行。為避免在負電價時支付費用,一些可再生能源發電商也不得不減少發電。
在歐洲電力現貨交易所(Epex Spot)的一次拍賣中,法國的日前電價跌至每兆瓦時-5.76 歐元,為四年來最低。德國的同類合同跌至7.64歐元。(財富中文網)
彭博社的一個模型顯示,從上周四到周日,每日用電量平均下降6千兆瓦。晴朗多風的天氣提高了太陽能和風能發電量,促使電網運營商要求法國電力集團(Electricite de France SA)關閉幾座核電站。
法國電力集團已經停止了其Golfech 2號、Cruas 2號和 Tricastin 1號核電站的運行,并計劃在周末期間停止另外三座核電站的運行。為避免在負電價時支付費用,一些可再生能源發電商也不得不減少發電。
在歐洲電力現貨交易所(Epex Spot)的一次拍賣中,法國的日前電價跌至每兆瓦時-5.76 歐元,為四年來最低。德國的同類合同跌至7.64歐元。(財富中文網)
French electricity prices turned negative as a drop in demand and surging renewables output prompted some nuclear reactors to power down.
Daily consumption from Thursday through Sunday is seen falling by an average 6 gigawatts, a Bloomberg model shows. Sunny and blustery weather has driven up solar and wind generation, prompting the grid operator to request that Electricite de France SA take several nuclear plants offline.
While more clean power is needed across Europe to reach climate goals, soaring renewables output and a lack of battery storage mean reactors sometimes have to be turned off during periods of low demand. It’s becoming increasingly common around weekends in France — which gets about two-thirds of its electricity from its atomic fleet — and also occurs in the Nordic region and Spain.
EDF halted its Golfech 2, Cruas 2 and Tricastin 1 nuclear plants, and plans to halt three others during the weekend. Some renewables producers will also have to curb generation to avoid paying a fee amid negative prices.
French day-ahead power fell to -€5.76 a megawatt-hour, the lowest in four years, in an auction on Epex Spot. Germany’s equivalent contract dropped to €7.64.