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出生于加拿大的本·史密斯(Ben Smith)于2018年底被任命為法航荷航(Air France-KLM)的掌門人。圖片來源:ERIC PIERMONT—AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES



法國的標桿企業法航荷航、法國制造業的象征雷諾公司(Renault SA)、法國最大的制藥公司賽諾菲(Sanofi),以及目前陷入困境的、為關鍵的核工業和國防工業提供服務的技術領軍企業源訊公司(Atos SE),都由非法國籍的高管掌舵。盡管這種現象在英國或美國并不罕見,但它標志著法國企業格局的巨變。在法國,關鍵企業的職位過去不僅由法國高管擔任,還由曾就讀于某些精英學校(如法國國家行政學院(école Nationale d’Administration)或巴黎理工學院(Polytechique))的高管擔任。

Ostrum Asset Management首席經濟學家菲利普·韋希特爾(Philippe Waechter)表示:“世界變得更加靈活,全球化也在加速,首席執行官的招聘反映了這一點。老一輩沒有這樣開放的文化。”

這些招聘也與法國大型企業日益國際化的趨勢相吻合,許多企業70%以上的營收來自法國以外的地區。根據高管獵頭公司海德思哲(Heidrick & Struggles)的數據,外籍首席執行官仍只占法國頂級企業的18%,低于25%的全球平均水平,但這表明,高管經驗正日益戰勝歷史上的精英主義傾向。這些舉措也是在總統埃馬紐埃爾·馬克龍(Emmanuel Macron)的監督下進行的,馬克龍本人曾是一名投資銀行家,于2017年首次當選,其親商立場幫助他贏得了白領階層的選票。馬克龍一直在推動法國的再工業化,試圖吸引更多的科技公司,以與倫敦、法蘭克福和柏林等中心城市競爭,同時也在吸引多樣化的國際人才。

這一趨勢的先驅之一是出生于加拿大的本·史密斯,現年52歲,他在2018年底法航荷航的關鍵時刻被任命為該公司的掌門人。這家法荷合資航空公司的法國分公司因勞資糾紛而四分五裂,并因罷工而陷入癱瘓——2015年,一張公司高管在被抗議者撕掉上衣后翻過圍欄逃離的照片使其聲名大噪。史密斯以一種非對抗性的態度,將重點放在該航空公司的法國傳統上,成功轉變了曾經的問題兒童——法國航空公司(Air France,以下簡稱法航),該公司去年的利潤創下了歷史新高。

不過,法航荷航董事長安妮-瑪麗·庫德克(Anne-Marie Couderc)在接受采訪時說,在考慮任命史密斯時,他的國籍是一大顧慮。


史密斯依靠與前部長庫德克的密切工作關系,幫助他處理錯綜復雜的法國政府事務,后者擁有該公司28%的股份。在勞資關系方面,他倚重法航首席執行官安妮·里加爾(Anne Rigail)。里加爾是法國人,她說自己“30%到50%的時間”都花在與工會和其他員工溝通上——-經常與史密斯并肩作戰——以確保員工理解公司的戰略。結果是:在2023年抗議政府養老金改革的數周全國性罷工期間,法航沒有發生任何罷工事件。

政府持有15%股份的雷諾公司也在進行類似的轉型。這家汽車制造商自2020年7月以來一直由56歲的意大利裔首席執行官盧卡·德·梅奧(Luca de Meo)領導,該公司再次在法國招聘員工,并押注至少有一些在國內生產的經濟實惠的電動汽車可以實現盈利。德·梅奧執掌雷諾時,該公司每天虧損數百萬歐元;現在,該公司已經扭虧為盈,開始支付股息,其市值多年來首次超過了合作伙伴日產汽車(Nissan Motor Co.)。

這位在汽車行業擁有30多年經驗的高管,在菲亞特500車型的成功改款中發揮了關鍵作用。目前,他正在大力投資,以推廣“法國制造”計劃——新款雷諾5甚至在前燈上印有法國國旗,玻璃則由另一家法國汽車巨頭Cie. de Saint Gobain提供。

他將雷諾的一級方程式車隊更名為Alpine,以重振該集團的跑車品牌,并為該車隊挑選了兩名法國F1賽車手。雷諾剛剛在市中心的豪斯曼大道開設了一家名為rnlt的新概念店,距離法國首都加尼葉歌劇院周圍的繁華旅游區僅一步之遙。4月23日,該公司將在法國首都的另一座地標性建筑蓬皮杜藝術中心前舉辦“雷諾5展示”(‘What the Five Show’)活動,以慶祝法國制造的全新純電動雷諾5汽車。與此同時,德·梅奧還在翻新香榭麗舍大街上的一家門店,因為其他品牌正紛紛撤出這條著名的巴黎大道。


在擔任雷諾首席執行官之前,德·梅奧從未經營過一家上市公司。為德·梅奧提供幫助的是雷諾董事長讓-多米尼克·塞納德(Jean-Dominique Senard),他是雷諾的導師和盟友,幫助德·梅奧完成扭虧為盈的艱巨的任務。彼時雷諾因前首席執行官卡洛斯·戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)在日本意外入獄而遭受重創。2005年戈恩執掌雷諾時,沒有法國國籍被視為這位有著黎巴嫩-巴西雙重國籍高管的一大障礙。

雷諾前董事長兼首席執行官路易斯·施維茨(Louis Schweitzer)表示:“當我希望戈恩接替我的職位時,我建議他加入法國國籍。雷諾對法國來說是一家具有象征意義的公司;我認為這會讓他成為一名更強大的首席執行官。”




去年,德·梅奧被授予法國最高榮譽勛章“法國榮譽軍團勛章”(Legion d’Honneur);史密斯將在4月23日獲此殊榮。

在其他幾家著名的法國企業中,外籍首席執行官(或擁有雙重國籍的首席執行官)也在擔任掌門人:57歲的德國籍高管何維克(Peter Herweck)掌管著工業巨頭施耐德電氣(Schneider Electric SE),56歲的韓保羅(Paul Hudson)是法國制藥公司賽諾菲的首席執行官。在戰略銀行業,有著法國-波蘭雙重國籍的高管斯拉沃米爾?克魯帕(Slawomir Krupa)在2022年擊敗了法國競爭對手,擔任法國興業銀行(Societe Generale SA)的最高職位。Stellantis集團(Stellantis NV)的標致品牌由英國籍高管琳達·杰克遜(Linda Jackson)管理。

與此同時,陷入困境的法國信息技術公司源訊公司(Atos)本月從法國政府獲得了臨時資金,以在努力應對近50億歐元的債務的同時維持運營。該公司現在由美國籍高管保羅·薩利赫(Paul Saleh)領導。該公司為核工業和國防部門提供信息技術服務,并負責處理奧運會網絡安全事務。

誠然,在一些非常重要的、高度全球化的行業,法國籍高管仍然掌控著高級職位,尤其是家族控制的行業,比如奢侈品行業。該行業為法國基準的CAC 40指數提供了動力,其中包括一些全球市值最大的公司,而這些公司的首席執行官必然是法國人:億萬富翁貝爾納·阿爾諾(Bernard Arnault)是路易威登(Louis Vuitton)的母公司法國酩悅·軒尼詩-路易·威登集團(LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton)的董事長兼首席執行官,該集團是歐洲市值最大的公司。古馳(Gucci)的母公司開云集團(Kering SA)和愛馬仕國際(Hermes International)的老板也是法國人。






法國的標桿企業法航荷航、法國制造業的象征雷諾公司(Renault SA)、法國最大的制藥公司賽諾菲(Sanofi),以及目前陷入困境的、為關鍵的核工業和國防工業提供服務的技術領軍企業源訊公司(Atos SE),都由非法國籍的高管掌舵。盡管這種現象在英國或美國并不罕見,但它標志著法國企業格局的巨變。在法國,關鍵企業的職位過去不僅由法國高管擔任,還由曾就讀于某些精英學校(如法國國家行政學院(école Nationale d’Administration)或巴黎理工學院(Polytechique))的高管擔任。

Ostrum Asset Management首席經濟學家菲利普·韋希特爾(Philippe Waechter)表示:“世界變得更加靈活,全球化也在加速,首席執行官的招聘反映了這一點。老一輩沒有這樣開放的文化。”

這些招聘也與法國大型企業日益國際化的趨勢相吻合,許多企業70%以上的營收來自法國以外的地區。根據高管獵頭公司海德思哲(Heidrick & Struggles)的數據,外籍首席執行官仍只占法國頂級企業的18%,低于25%的全球平均水平,但這表明,高管經驗正日益戰勝歷史上的精英主義傾向。這些舉措也是在總統埃馬紐埃爾·馬克龍(Emmanuel Macron)的監督下進行的,馬克龍本人曾是一名投資銀行家,于2017年首次當選,其親商立場幫助他贏得了白領階層的選票。馬克龍一直在推動法國的再工業化,試圖吸引更多的科技公司,以與倫敦、法蘭克福和柏林等中心城市競爭,同時也在吸引多樣化的國際人才。

這一趨勢的先驅之一是出生于加拿大的本·史密斯,現年52歲,他在2018年底法航荷航的關鍵時刻被任命為該公司的掌門人。這家法荷合資航空公司的法國分公司因勞資糾紛而四分五裂,并因罷工而陷入癱瘓——2015年,一張公司高管在被抗議者撕掉上衣后翻過圍欄逃離的照片使其聲名大噪。史密斯以一種非對抗性的態度,將重點放在該航空公司的法國傳統上,成功轉變了曾經的問題兒童——法國航空公司(Air France,以下簡稱法航),該公司去年的利潤創下了歷史新高。

不過,法航荷航董事長安妮-瑪麗·庫德克(Anne-Marie Couderc)在接受采訪時說,在考慮任命史密斯時,他的國籍是一大顧慮。


史密斯依靠與前部長庫德克的密切工作關系,幫助他處理錯綜復雜的法國政府事務,后者擁有該公司28%的股份。在勞資關系方面,他倚重法航首席執行官安妮·里加爾(Anne Rigail)。里加爾是法國人,她說自己“30%到50%的時間”都花在與工會和其他員工溝通上——-經常與史密斯并肩作戰——以確保員工理解公司的戰略。結果是:在2023年抗議政府養老金改革的數周全國性罷工期間,法航沒有發生任何罷工事件。

政府持有15%股份的雷諾公司也在進行類似的轉型。這家汽車制造商自2020年7月以來一直由56歲的意大利裔首席執行官盧卡·德·梅奧(Luca de Meo)領導,該公司再次在法國招聘員工,并押注至少有一些在國內生產的經濟實惠的電動汽車可以實現盈利。德·梅奧執掌雷諾時,該公司每天虧損數百萬歐元;現在,該公司已經扭虧為盈,開始支付股息,其市值多年來首次超過了合作伙伴日產汽車(Nissan Motor Co.)。

這位在汽車行業擁有30多年經驗的高管,在菲亞特500車型的成功改款中發揮了關鍵作用。目前,他正在大力投資,以推廣“法國制造”計劃——新款雷諾5甚至在前燈上印有法國國旗,玻璃則由另一家法國汽車巨頭Cie. de Saint Gobain提供。

他將雷諾的一級方程式車隊更名為Alpine,以重振該集團的跑車品牌,并為該車隊挑選了兩名法國F1賽車手。雷諾剛剛在市中心的豪斯曼大道開設了一家名為rnlt的新概念店,距離法國首都加尼葉歌劇院周圍的繁華旅游區僅一步之遙。4月23日,該公司將在法國首都的另一座地標性建筑蓬皮杜藝術中心前舉辦“雷諾5展示”(‘What the Five Show’)活動,以慶祝法國制造的全新純電動雷諾5汽車。與此同時,德·梅奧還在翻新香榭麗舍大街上的一家門店,因為其他品牌正紛紛撤出這條著名的巴黎大道。


在擔任雷諾首席執行官之前,德·梅奧從未經營過一家上市公司。為德·梅奧提供幫助的是雷諾董事長讓-多米尼克·塞納德(Jean-Dominique Senard),他是雷諾的導師和盟友,幫助德·梅奧完成扭虧為盈的艱巨的任務。彼時雷諾因前首席執行官卡洛斯·戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)在日本意外入獄而遭受重創。2005年戈恩執掌雷諾時,沒有法國國籍被視為這位有著黎巴嫩-巴西雙重國籍高管的一大障礙。

雷諾前董事長兼首席執行官路易斯·施維茨(Louis Schweitzer)表示:“當我希望戈恩接替我的職位時,我建議他加入法國國籍。雷諾對法國來說是一家具有象征意義的公司;我認為這會讓他成為一名更強大的首席執行官。”




去年,德·梅奧被授予法國最高榮譽勛章“法國榮譽軍團勛章”(Legion d’Honneur);史密斯將在4月23日獲此殊榮。

在其他幾家著名的法國企業中,外籍首席執行官(或擁有雙重國籍的首席執行官)也在擔任掌門人:57歲的德國籍高管何維克(Peter Herweck)掌管著工業巨頭施耐德電氣(Schneider Electric SE),56歲的韓保羅(Paul Hudson)是法國制藥公司賽諾菲的首席執行官。在戰略銀行業,有著法國-波蘭雙重國籍的高管斯拉沃米爾?克魯帕(Slawomir Krupa)在2022年擊敗了法國競爭對手,擔任法國興業銀行(Societe Generale SA)的最高職位。Stellantis集團(Stellantis NV)的標致品牌由英國籍高管琳達·杰克遜(Linda Jackson)管理。

與此同時,陷入困境的法國信息技術公司源訊公司(Atos)本月從法國政府獲得了臨時資金,以在努力應對近50億歐元的債務的同時維持運營。該公司現在由美國籍高管保羅·薩利赫(Paul Saleh)領導。該公司為核工業和國防部門提供信息技術服務,并負責處理奧運會網絡安全事務。

誠然,在一些非常重要的、高度全球化的行業,法國籍高管仍然掌控著高級職位,尤其是家族控制的行業,比如奢侈品行業。該行業為法國基準的CAC 40指數提供了動力,其中包括一些全球市值最大的公司,而這些公司的首席執行官必然是法國人:億萬富翁貝爾納·阿爾諾(Bernard Arnault)是路易威登(Louis Vuitton)的母公司法國酩悅·軒尼詩-路易·威登集團(LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton)的董事長兼首席執行官,該集團是歐洲市值最大的公司。古馳(Gucci)的母公司開云集團(Kering SA)和愛馬仕國際(Hermes International)的老板也是法國人。




For a little while now, a quiet revolution has been under way in France Inc.: Foreign-born CEOs are running some of the country’s most-strategic companies, something that would have been unthinkable just a few decades ago.

With some of them succeeding in the briefs they’ve been given, the trend may be here to stay.

The flag bearer Air France-KLM, the symbol of the country’s manufacturing industry Renault SA, the nation’s biggest pharmaceuticals company Sanofi and its troubled tech champion Atos SE that serves the critical nuclear and defense industries are all being helmed by executives who are not French. Although not unusual in the UK or the US, the phenomenon marks a sea change in the corporate landscape in France, where jobs at key companies used to go not just to French executives, but those that had attended certain elite schools — like the école Nationale d’Administration or Polytechique.

“The world has become a lot more flexible and very global, and CEO hires reflect this,” says Philippe Waechter, chief economist at Ostrum Asset Management. “The older generation didn’t have such an open culture.”

The hirings have also coincided with the increasing internationalization of France’s largest companies, with many getting more than 70% of their revenue outside France. Foreign CEOs still make up only 18% of top French firms — below the global average of 25%, according to data from executive recruiter Heidrick & Struggles, but it shows how executive experience is increasingly trumping a historic tendency toward elitism. The moves have also come on the watch of President Emmanuel Macron, himself a former investment banker who was first elected in 2017 and whose pro-business stance helped him win white-collar votes. Macron has pushed to re-industrialize France, seeking to attract more tech companies to rival the hubs of London, Frankfurt and Berlin, and also to woo diverse international talent.

One of the pioneers of the trend is the Canadian-born Ben Smith, 52, who was brought in to head Air France-KLM at a critical juncture for the carrier at the end of 2018. The French part of the Franco-Dutch airline was being torn apart by labor troubles and paralyzed by strikes — made famous by a photograph in 2015 of company executives fleeing over a fence with their shirts ripped off by protesters. Using a non-confrontational demeanor and focusing on the airline’s French heritage, Smith has been able to successfully transform the former problem-child, Air France, with the group reporting a record profit last year.

Still, his nationality was an issue when he was being considered, Air France-KLM Chairwoman Anne-Marie Couderc said in an interview.

“It was one of the questions the government had, the fact that he wasn’t French,” she said. “But after meeting him, after analyzing his profile, after listening to him, the government and all our shareholders backed our choice. It’s true that it was important for him to improve his French as soon as he arrived.”

Smith relied on a close working relationship with Couderc, a former minister, to help him navigate the intricacies of the French government, which owns a 28% stake. For labor relations, he leaned on Air France CEO Anne Rigail, who’s French and says she spends “between 30% and 50%” of her time talking with labor unions and other employees – often alongside Smith – to make sure the strategy is understood. The result: during weeks of national strikes in 2023 to protest the government’s pension reforms, Air France had none.

A similar transformation is under way at Renault, which is 15%-owned by the government. The carmaker, headed by 56-year-old Italian born CEO Luca de Meo since July 2020, is hiring in Franceagain and betting it can profitably build at least some affordable electric vehicles at home. De Meo took the reins at Renault when it was losing millions of euros a day; it’s now back in the black, is paying a dividend and has a market value surpassing that of partner Nissan Motor Co. for the first time in years.

The executive, who has more than 30 years of experience in the automotive sector and was crucial in the successful revamp of the Fiat 500, is now investing heavily to promote his made-in-France push – with the new Renault 5 even featuring French flags on its front lights with glass supplied by another French powerhouse, Cie. de Saint Gobain.

He renamed Renault’s Formula 1 team Alpine to revive the group’s sports-car brand, and picked two French F1 drivers for it. Renault just inaugurated a new concept store dubbed ‘rnlt’ on the central Boulevard Haussmann, a stone’s throw away from the French capital’s busy tourist area around the Opera Garnier. On April 23, the company will host a ‘What the Five Show’ in front of another landmark building of the French capital, the Centre Pompidou, to celebrate the new all-electric and made-in-France Renault 5. At the same time, De Meo also is refurbishing a Renault store on the Champs Elysees as other brands pull out from the renowned Paris avenue.

“You can’t get much more French than this,” de Meo said during an interview last year.

Helping de Meo – who had never run a listed company before taking the top job at Renault – is Chairman Jean-Dominique Senard, a mentor and ally in the difficult task of turning around a loss-making company that was traumatized by the drama surrounding the surprise imprisonment in Japan of former CEO Carlos Ghosn. When Ghosn had taken over the helm at Renault in 2005, his not being French had been seen as a handicap for the Lebanese-Brazilian executive.

“When I wanted Ghosn to succeed me, I advised him to get French citizenship,” says former Renault Chairman and CEO Louis Schweitzer. “Renault is a very symbolic company for France; I thought it would make him a stronger CEO.”

More modern governance practices, with a split of the chairman and CEO roles, probably makes it easier to hire non-French CEOs and days when English was a language barrier for a board and for French executives also are gone, Schweitzer said.

In fact, not being French may even have helped both Smith at Air France-KLM and de Meo at Renault. Both CEOs found fraught relations with their respective company’s foreign partners upon arrival, and being non-French and neutral may have made talks easier. De Meo has managed to disentangle complex relations with Japan’s Nissan, while Smith helped appease staff at Dutch carrier KLM, which is part of the French-Dutch group, in which both governments own a stake.

“Ben is sensitive to different cultures,” said Couderc. “He has respect not only for people but also for the group’s different brands and for the group’s cultures.”

De Meo was awarded France’s highest decoration, the Legion d’Honneur, last year; Smith is slated to get his on April 23.

Foreign CEOs – or CEOs with duel citizenships — are at the helm of several other notable French corporates: the 57-year-old German national Peter Herweck runs industrial giant Schneider Electric SE and Paul Hudson, 56, is the CEO of French drugmaker Sanofi. In the strategic banking industry, French-Polish executive Slawomir Krupa beat out a French rival for the top job of Societe Generale SA in 2022. Stellantis NV’s Peugeot brand is run by a British executive, Linda Jackson.

Meanwhile, the embattled French IT company Atos, which this month got interim funding from the French government to stay afloat as it struggles with almost €5 billion of debt, is now headed by US citizen Paul Saleh. The firm supplies IT services to the nuclear and defense sectors, and handles Olympics cybersecurity.

To be sure, there are very significant, highly global sectors in France where French executives still have a stranglehold on the top jobs — especially when they are family controlled — like the luxury industry. The sector powers the country’s benchmark CAC 40 Index with some of the world’s biggest companies by market value, and their CEOs remain resolutely French: the billionaire Bernard Arnault is the chairman and CEO of Louis Vuitton owner LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton, Europe’s biggest company by market value. The bosses of Gucci owner Kering SA and Hermes International also are French.

But increasingly, as French companies seek a bigger piece of the global markets in which they operate, old nationalist taboos are melting away, said Air France-KLM’s Couderc.

“Many companies can be French, and based in France, but with global businesses,” she said. “Many companies want to develop outside their borders, which means that being French isn’t a must.”



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