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Chloe Berger



Paradox測試中的一張幻燈片。圖片來源:CHLOE BERGER; SCREENHOT



藍色形象由Paradox.ai提供,該公司的客戶包括多家數十億美元的大公司,比如麥當勞(McDonald’s)、Wendy’s、Citizens等。值得注意的是,并非Paradox.ai的每家客戶都采用了人格測試,Citizens、3M和CVS Health的多位發言人都證實了這一點。不過人們還是在社交媒體上表示疑惑,既然不少公司都聲稱人員短缺,那么為什么要給求職者設置額外障礙,而且還是冗長又奇怪的性格測試。

“現在去Olive Garden(一家美國休閑連鎖餐廳,專門提供意大利美式菜肴——譯注)應聘洗碗工還得做一家人工智能公司的性格測試,測試中要對60多張與藍色外星人艾什(Ash)相關的幻燈片做出反應。”埃瑪努奧爾·邁貝格發推文稱,他在404 Media一篇更詳細的文章中首次提到該測試。

員工和求職者原本就對工作狀態感到緊張悲觀,再碰上這種測試感覺就像壓死駱駝的最后一根稻草。盡管經濟學家們堅稱當前的就業市場偏緊張,但如今的招聘流程比過去更長也更麻煩,部分原因就是不相關的測驗和面試。根據Josh Bersin公司和AMS的數據,2023年招聘員工的平均時間達到了44天的歷史新高。

Workplace Intelligence的管理合伙人丹·肖貝爾將當前的情況與2008年經濟衰退后的就業市場進行了比較。

申請Olive Garden工作漫長而曲折的藍色道路

如果有人去Olive Garden求職,映入眼簾就是名叫奧利維亞的人工智能聊天機器人(名字與Paradox創始人的未婚妻相同,也使用了其肖像)。



Traitify by Paradox(人格測試的官方名稱)的首席IO心理學家希瑟·邁爾斯告訴《財富》雜志,人格測試不到兩分鐘就可以完成,還聲稱該公司測試的競爭力水平“明顯高于”其他評估,Paradox客戶公司的人員流轉率減少了25%。邁爾斯表示,Paradox的目標是“簡化招聘流程,為求職者減少阻礙”,雖然自動化并不意味著徹底拋棄人力決策過程,但能夠幫助消解困境,打造更高效的工作系統。







另一位用戶發布了Olive Garden相同的入職測試。“老大,我只想當洗碗工。”他說。評論區里有人斷言:“只說個人觀點,但企業把標準定得這么高,似乎沒有人能夠符合標準,以后再也招不到人了。”


過去幾年里,零售和酒店業(Paradox在該行業擁有多家客戶)公司一直抱怨員工不夠。大辭職潮(Great Resignation)期間,不少員工選擇離職,尋找工作壓力更小、薪水更高的機會。

但是,抱怨很難招聘也很難留住員工的公司并未對求職者更友好,連薪水都沒有競爭力,招聘還設置了一系列問題、測試和面試。美國消費者新聞與商業頻道(CNBC)Make It的專家稱,面試過程總體上變得更長。至于招聘經理,“也許太挑剔了。只是他們自己不覺得?!毙へ悹栒f。

Olive Garden方面表示,這只是流程的一部分。“這是本餐廳領導者評估求職者,確保由合適的人擔任合適崗位的方式之一,有利于團隊成員取得成功為顧客提供良好的體驗?!監live Garden母公司達登餐飲集團(Darden Restaurants)的發言人向《財富》雜志提供的聲明稱。







藍色形象由Paradox.ai提供,該公司的客戶包括多家數十億美元的大公司,比如麥當勞(McDonald’s)、Wendy’s、Citizens等。值得注意的是,并非Paradox.ai的每家客戶都采用了人格測試,Citizens、3M和CVS Health的多位發言人都證實了這一點。不過人們還是在社交媒體上表示疑惑,既然不少公司都聲稱人員短缺,那么為什么要給求職者設置額外障礙,而且還是冗長又奇怪的性格測試。

“現在去Olive Garden(一家美國休閑連鎖餐廳,專門提供意大利美式菜肴——譯注)應聘洗碗工還得做一家人工智能公司的性格測試,測試中要對60多張與藍色外星人艾什(Ash)相關的幻燈片做出反應。”?,斉瑠W爾·邁貝格發推文稱,他在404 Media一篇更詳細的文章中首次提到該測試。

員工和求職者原本就對工作狀態感到緊張悲觀,再碰上這種測試感覺就像壓死駱駝的最后一根稻草。盡管經濟學家們堅稱當前的就業市場偏緊張,但如今的招聘流程比過去更長也更麻煩,部分原因就是不相關的測驗和面試。根據Josh Bersin公司和AMS的數據,2023年招聘員工的平均時間達到了44天的歷史新高。

Workplace Intelligence的管理合伙人丹·肖貝爾將當前的情況與2008年經濟衰退后的就業市場進行了比較。

申請Olive Garden工作漫長而曲折的藍色道路

如果有人去Olive Garden求職,映入眼簾就是名叫奧利維亞的人工智能聊天機器人(名字與Paradox創始人的未婚妻相同,也使用了其肖像)。



Traitify by Paradox(人格測試的官方名稱)的首席IO心理學家希瑟·邁爾斯告訴《財富》雜志,人格測試不到兩分鐘就可以完成,還聲稱該公司測試的競爭力水平“明顯高于”其他評估,Paradox客戶公司的人員流轉率減少了25%。邁爾斯表示,Paradox的目標是“簡化招聘流程,為求職者減少阻礙”,雖然自動化并不意味著徹底拋棄人力決策過程,但能夠幫助消解困境,打造更高效的工作系統。







另一位用戶發布了Olive Garden相同的入職測試?!袄洗螅抑幌氘斚赐牍??!彼f。評論區里有人斷言:“只說個人觀點,但企業把標準定得這么高,似乎沒有人能夠符合標準,以后再也招不到人了?!?/p>


過去幾年里,零售和酒店業(Paradox在該行業擁有多家客戶)公司一直抱怨員工不夠。大辭職潮(Great Resignation)期間,不少員工選擇離職,尋找工作壓力更小、薪水更高的機會。

但是,抱怨很難招聘也很難留住員工的公司并未對求職者更友好,連薪水都沒有競爭力,招聘還設置了一系列問題、測試和面試。美國消費者新聞與商業頻道(CNBC)Make It的專家稱,面試過程總體上變得更長。至于招聘經理,“也許太挑剔了。只是他們自己不覺得?!毙へ悹栒f。

Olive Garden方面表示,這只是流程的一部分。“這是本餐廳領導者評估求職者,確保由合適的人擔任合適崗位的方式之一,有利于團隊成員取得成功為顧客提供良好的體驗?!監live Garden母公司達登餐飲集團(Darden Restaurants)的發言人向《財富》雜志提供的聲明稱。





Step aside, Na’vi version of Sigourney Weaver: A new blue avatar is becoming famous. If you apply to one of several large corporations today, you might see a blue guy that looks like the Walmart version of Disney’s wide-eyed style of animation. No, it’s not a company mascot; it’s actually part of your evaluation.

The blue avatars are part of a long and confusing personality quiz in the hiring process at a handful of big companies. Many applicants find their presence not only bizarre, but also a bit insulting.

The blue people are courtesy of Paradox.ai, which boasts several billion-dollar companies as clients, including McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Citizens, and more. It’s worth noting that not all of the clients of Paradox.ai use the personality test feature, as different spokespeople from Citizens, 3M, and CVS Health all confirm. Still, many have taken to social media to express their confusion as to why this extra hoop—a long, bizarre personality test—is being placed in front of applicants considering many of these same companies claim to suffer a staffing shortage.

“Getting a dishwashing job at Olive Garden now requires a personality test from an AI company where you respond to more than 60 slides featuring a blue alien called Ash,” tweets Emanual Maiberg, who first reported on said quiz in a larger piece for 404 Media.

Already strung out and cynical about the state of work, employees and job applicants found these types of assessments to be the final nail in the coffin. Although economists maintain that we’re in a tight job market, the hunt is longer and trickier than it used to be in part because of extraneous quizzes and interviews. Just last year, the average time it took to hire an employee reached a record high of 44 days, per Josh Bersin Company and AMS.

“Companies are quick to fire and then are very slow to hire,” says Dan Schawbel, managing partner at Workplace Intelligence, comparing the current situation to the job market coming out of the 2008 recession.

The long, winding, blue road to an Olive Garden job

Let’s say you decide to apply for a job at Olive Garden. One of the first things you’ll see is an A.I. chatbot named Olivia (named after, and using the likeness of, the Paradox’s founder’s fiancée).

After answering a couple of screening questions, you’ll get a pop-up for the personality assessment, illustrated with weird blue humanoids. The personality quiz itself will tell you there’s “not one right answer,” but to look at the picture and either click “me” or “not me” if the depiction of the blue avatar describes how you might act, or feel. You’ll see a bunch of slides like this, featuring the blue avatars in situations like grabbing pizza before others partake, or engaging in artistic endeavors. The process culminates with the AI system telling you your Big 5 personality traits. Many have commented on Maiberg’s tweet to discuss how dystopian these tests feel. Some suggest not being honest on the tests, as answers can be used against you.

Part of the whole process is seeing if you’ll be a willing cog in the machine or rage against it. Companies often shirk applicants that aren’t personality fits “because they don’t want this person that they’re hiring to shake things up. They really want someone to fall in line with the status quo,” says Schawbel.

Dr. Heather Myers, chief IO psychologist at Traitify by Paradox (the official name of the personality test), tells Fortune the personality test can be done in under two minutes, claiming the competition rates for their tests are “significantly higher” than other assessments and that turnover has decreased by up to 25% for Paradox’s clients. Myers says Paradox’s goal is to “simplify the hiring process and remove friction for job applicants,” and that while it’s not meant to eliminate a company’s human decision-making process, automation can help neutralize dead ends and create a more efficient job system.

But in attempting to alleviate employers’ frustration, Paradox is stirring employee frustration—it’s a bit of a paradox, if you will. The test is a way to filter out applicants, according to Schawbel. Adding that it’s a way of seeing who really wants the gig by “put[ting] individuals through the gauntlet,” he explains it “weeds out a lot of people.”

“Paradox was created entirely because we were frustrated by the experience of finding and getting jobs, too,” Adam Godson, Paradox’s president and chief product officer says. “So, we fully appreciate the job seeker perspective.” He added that there’s been too much friction and obstacles in the hiring process at many companies, and that Traitify is a way to take out those obstacles and conflict.

But if one side of the relationship is this irritated, obviously something is wrong. “The goal is, how do we make the entire hiring process good for employers and employees,” says Schawbel. “And if it’s only good for one party, then it’s a broken matchmaking system, or broken hiring system.” He adds that a long process creates more frustration, as burnt out employees are overburdened while they wait for help.

Worker shortage or picky employers?

Despite Paradox’s asserted intentions, the personality tests seem to have struck a chord with people, and not in a good way.

A prospective software engineer for FedEx went viral after posting screenshots of Paradox’s “bizarre personality test” to Reddit, voicing their frustration about “how blatantly prejudicial this type of thing is.” The applicant said they withdrew their application, having felt unrepresented by the results and areas of the test saying they had room to grow.

Another user posted about the same test that Olive Garden gave them. “Man I just want a dishwasher job,” they said. Someone in the comment section asserted, “this is just my opinion, but companies cant [sic] find anyone to hire anymore because they have set their standards so stupidly high that no one seems worth while.”

Indeed, companies are adding these personality tests “for a reason, because they can get away with it,” says Schawbel, explaining that, even if they cry hiring shortage wolf, they are getting enough qualified applicants to want to filter some out. It means that both within the white-collar and blue collar fields, application processes are feeling increasingly long and tiring. And that doesn’t come without consequences. These candidates who have a bad experience are also more likely to be deterred from applying again to the company, to complain about it on social media, and also avoid said company for services in their personal lives, he adds, pointing to past research and studies.

Over the last couple of years, companies in the retail and hospitality sectors (the sectors in which Paradox has many clients) have complained of staffing issues. During The Great Resignation, many workers left their jobs to find opportunities with less stressful working conditions and greater pay.

But the companies complaining it’s hard to hire and retain right now aren’t making applicants’ lives any easier as they deliver a slew of questions, quizzes, and interviews for jobs that don’t even offer competitive wages. Interview processes have gotten longer in general, according to experts from CNBC Make It. As for the hiring managers, “maybe they’re being too picky. But they don’t think they are,” Schawbel says.

It’s just part of the process, if you ask Olive Garden. “This is one of many ways our restaurant leaders assess candidates to ensure they have the right people in the right roles — which sets our team members up for success and provides great guest experiences,” a spokesperson for Darden Restaurants, which owns Olive Garden, said in a statement to Fortune.

Still, tired job applicants are understandably feeling a bit bristled by having to take the time to pretend to want to work somewhere. “Just in case you’re wondering, it’s absolute hell trying to get jobs of any kind out here, and that’s why half of America is struggling to pay rent (including me),” one person said, quote-tweeting Maiberg’s post.

“I think we’re going to reach a breaking point in labor soon. employers have gone completely off the rails and people are exhausted,” a Twitter user claimed. Americans are feeling disenchanted by their jobs and staring down the barrel of a long job market, these personality tests are all enough to leave us feeling, well … blue.



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