波音(Boeing)又經歷了一次與737 Max客機有關的災難。但幾周后,波音終于迎來了一些好消息。印度經濟航空公司阿卡薩航空(Akasa Air)在1月18日宣布,訂購150架波音737 Max客機,這是波音自今年1月5日以來收到的第一份訂單。1月5日,阿拉斯加航空(Alaskan Airlines)的一架737 Max 9客機機身爆裂,不得不緊急迫降。阿卡薩航空訂購的737 Max 10和737 Max 8-200,將在八年內交付,其中沒有任何Max 9機型。
阿卡薩航空的首席執行官及創始人維奈·杜布在新聞稿里說:“737 Max飛機的排放量更低,這讓我們能夠繼續專注于可持續運營,同時為注重環保的乘客提供更舒適的飛行方式。”
據波音表示,阿卡薩航空訂購的737 Max客機,相比較老的機型,將使燃料消耗和碳排放減少20%,噪音減少50%。
這150架波音飛機,將讓阿卡薩航空的機隊規模擴大一倍以上,達到226架。據印度民航總局(Directorate General of Civil Aviation)統計,2022年成立的阿卡薩航空在印度市場的占比為4%。
提高飛機可持續性的工作,在過去幾年成果顯著。美國銀行研究(Bank of America Research)指出,雖然波音的努力吸引了阿卡薩航空,但這可能不足以讓它在與空客(Airbus)的競爭中勝出。波音和空客是全球“兩大巨頭”。
國際航空運輸協會(International Air Transport Association)的會員在2021年10月通過了“航空業凈零排放”(Fly Net Zero)決議,承諾到2050年實現凈零碳排放。飛機制造商積極研發使用非石油原料生產的可持續航空燃料、質量更輕的零部件以及電動和氫動力。
據波音的《2023年可持續性報告》(2023 Sustainability Report)顯示,為支持商業運營,波音購買了560萬加侖混合可持續航空燃料,在2022年這個數字只有200萬加侖。2022年1月,波音子公司Wisk投資了4.5億美元,開發可以乘坐四人的電動、自動駕駛空中出租車。
航空業顧問、空客前美洲區傳播負責人和美國國家航空協會(National Aeronautic Association)可持續咨詢委員會(Sustainability Advisory Committee)的成員詹姆斯·達西對《財富》雜志表示,航空公司在訂購更可持續的飛機時普遍面臨的一個挑戰是漫長的飛機交付時間,例如波音和空客的訂單都已經排到了十年以后。他說:“航空公司必須根據現有機型做出決策,而這個決策會影響未來10年的機隊組成。”由于供應鏈延誤阻礙了飛機生產,飛機生產速度根本跟不上可持續性技術的進步速度。
波音的發言人并未披露向阿卡薩航空交付737 Max飛機的時間。
雖然阿卡薩航空可能被波音的可持續性使命所吸引,但達西指出,波音737 Max在可持續性方面的表現,與空客A320neo不相上下。
波音(Boeing)又經歷了一次與737 Max客機有關的災難。但幾周后,波音終于迎來了一些好消息。印度經濟航空公司阿卡薩航空(Akasa Air)在1月18日宣布,訂購150架波音737 Max客機,這是波音自今年1月5日以來收到的第一份訂單。1月5日,阿拉斯加航空(Alaskan Airlines)的一架737 Max 9客機機身爆裂,不得不緊急迫降。阿卡薩航空訂購的737 Max 10和737 Max 8-200,將在八年內交付,其中沒有任何Max 9機型。
阿卡薩航空的首席執行官及創始人維奈·杜布在新聞稿里說:“737 Max飛機的排放量更低,這讓我們能夠繼續專注于可持續運營,同時為注重環保的乘客提供更舒適的飛行方式。”
據波音表示,阿卡薩航空訂購的737 Max客機,相比較老的機型,將使燃料消耗和碳排放減少20%,噪音減少50%。
這150架波音飛機,將讓阿卡薩航空的機隊規模擴大一倍以上,達到226架。據印度民航總局(Directorate General of Civil Aviation)統計,2022年成立的阿卡薩航空在印度市場的占比為4%。
提高飛機可持續性的工作,在過去幾年成果顯著。美國銀行研究(Bank of America Research)指出,雖然波音的努力吸引了阿卡薩航空,但這可能不足以讓它在與空客(Airbus)的競爭中勝出。波音和空客是全球“兩大巨頭”。
國際航空運輸協會(International Air Transport Association)的會員在2021年10月通過了“航空業凈零排放”(Fly Net Zero)決議,承諾到2050年實現凈零碳排放。飛機制造商積極研發使用非石油原料生產的可持續航空燃料、質量更輕的零部件以及電動和氫動力。
據波音的《2023年可持續性報告》(2023 Sustainability Report)顯示,為支持商業運營,波音購買了560萬加侖混合可持續航空燃料,在2022年這個數字只有200萬加侖。2022年1月,波音子公司Wisk投資了4.5億美元,開發可以乘坐四人的電動、自動駕駛空中出租車。
航空業顧問、空客前美洲區傳播負責人和美國國家航空協會(National Aeronautic Association)可持續咨詢委員會(Sustainability Advisory Committee)的成員詹姆斯·達西對《財富》雜志表示,航空公司在訂購更可持續的飛機時普遍面臨的一個挑戰是漫長的飛機交付時間,例如波音和空客的訂單都已經排到了十年以后。他說:“航空公司必須根據現有機型做出決策,而這個決策會影響未來10年的機隊組成。”由于供應鏈延誤阻礙了飛機生產,飛機生產速度根本跟不上可持續性技術的進步速度。
波音的發言人并未披露向阿卡薩航空交付737 Max飛機的時間。
雖然阿卡薩航空可能被波音的可持續性使命所吸引,但達西指出,波音737 Max在可持續性方面的表現,與空客A320neo不相上下。
After weeks of navigating yet another disaster related to its 737 Max aircraft, Boeing can share some good news. Low-budget Indian airline Akasa Air announced on January 18 an order of 150 Boeing 737 Max aircrafts, Boeing’s first order since a ripped fuselage on a 737 Max 9 model forced the emergency landing of an Alaskan Airlines flight on Jan. 5. Akasa Air’s order of 737 Max 10 and 737 Max 8-200 jets will be delivered over eight years and does not include any Max 9 aircraft.
Boeing has shed 15% of its market capitalization since the Jan. 5 failure—roughly $22 billion—starting the year with both a literal bang and a whimper. Akasa Air’s order of jets still represents a sorely needed boost for Boeing, though. Akasa Air will be banking on Boeing’s sustainable innovation to make a positive impression in India’s growing aviation market.
“The lower carbon emissions of the 737 Max family allow us to remain focused on sustainable operations, while also providing our environmentally conscious passengers with a more comfortable way to fly,” Akasa Air CEO and founder Vinay Dube said in a press release.
The ordered 737 Max jets will reduce fuel use and carbon emissions by 20% and produce 50% less noise compared to older generations of planes, according to Boeing.
The addition of 150 Boeing planes will more than double Akasa Air’s fleet to 226 aircraft. Launched in 2022, Akasa Air makes up 4% of India’s market, according to India’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation.
Aircraft sustainability efforts have flourished in the past few years. While Boeing’s efforts have attracted Akasa Air, it may not be enough to distinguish themselves from rival Airbus, which forms a global “duopoly,” as noted by Bank of America Research.
Everyone wants to be more sustainable
International Air Transport Association member airlines passed the Fly Net Zero resolution in October 2021, committing to reach net zero carbon status by 2050. Aircraft manufacturers have invested in sustainable aviation fuel made from non-petroleum feedstocks, lighter-weight parts and electric- and hydrogen-powered aircrafts to reduce carbon emissions.
Boeing bought 5.6 million gallons of blended SAF to support commercial operations, according to its 2023 Sustainability Report, compared to 2 million for 2022 operations. Boeing subsidiary Wisk invested $450 million in an electric, autonomous, four-passenger air taxi in January 2022.
Airbus announced on January 16 the successful powering on of their iron pod, a “hydrogen-propulsion system designed for Airbus’ electric concept aircraft,” the foundation of Airbus’ four hydrogen-powered concepts, including a fully electric aircraft, announced in 2020. Like Boeing, Airbus is expanding the use of SAF. Airbus updated its older commercial model family of the A320ceo to the A320neo in 2010, claiming that the A320neo models are able to use a 50% SAF blend. The company hopes to use 100% SAF for the models by 2030, as does Boeing. Airbus spokesperson Kristi Tucker said they hope to have a hydrogen-powered plane in service by 2035.
Boeing and Airbus share similar struggles
James Darcy, aviation consultant, former head of communications of Airbus for the Americas and member of the National Aeronautic Association’s Sustainability Advisory Committee, told Fortune that one challenge airline companies face when ordering more sustainable aircrafts is the time it takes for the planes to be delivered, saying that both Boeing and Airbus have 10-year backlogs. “Airlines are having to make decisions today based on what’s available that will influence their fleet composition 10 years from now,” he said. As supply chain delays have hampered aircraft production, manufacturing has been unable to keep up with advancing sustainable technologies.
A Boeing spokesperson did not disclose when the 737 Max aircraft would be delivered to Akasa Air.
While manufacturers are making long-term investments in hydrogen-propulsion systems and electric airplanes, airlines have to settle for purchasing aircrafts that use SAF to reduce carbon emissions gradually.
Akasa Air may have drawn to Boeing’s sustainability mission, but Darcy said the Boeing 737 Max is just as sustainable as Airbus’ A320neo.
“You’re not going to have a big competitive differentiator one way or another in the current generation on the sustainability front,” Darcy said. “Those decisions are more likely going to come down to things like cost to operate, cost to own and overall reliability. It’s an interesting choice given the current headlines on the Max aircraft.”
Akasa Air did not respond to Fortune’s request for comment.