2011年,埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)嘲笑中國比亞迪(BYD)生產的電動汽車質量不過關。今年5月,他承認“現在,比亞迪的汽車極具競爭力。”如今,這位特斯拉首席執行官對中國電動汽車制造商大加贊賞。
就比亞迪而言,其制造能力一直令伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway)副董事長查理·芒格(Charlie Munger)(芒格于本周去世)印象深刻。雖然伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司一般不涉足汽車行業——它拒絕投資特斯拉——但芒格主導的比亞迪投資取得了巨大成功。他稱比亞迪創始人兼首席執行官王傳福是一位“天生的工程師”,并補充說,“比亞迪的工作人員比埃隆的工作人員更擅長制造產品。”
但王傳福本人認為,許多中國汽車制造商——包括蔚來汽車(Nio)、小鵬汽車(Xpeng)和理想汽車(Li Auto)——前景廣闊。“我相信中國品牌的時代已經到來。”他在今年早些時候表示。他呼吁其他中國汽車制造商走向世界,打破汽車行業的“舊神話”。
不過,對中國強大的電動汽車制造商虎視眈眈的不僅僅是馬斯克。福特汽車公司(Ford Motor)執行董事長比爾-福特(Bill Ford Jr.)今年早些時候警告說,美國汽車制造商"還沒有準備好”與中國的電動汽車制造商競爭。
與此同時,根據世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum)的數據,中國仍是全球最大的電動汽車市場,去年中國的電動汽車銷量占全球銷量的59%。
福特汽車公司首席執行官吉姆·法利(Jim Farley)在5月份的一次金融活動中談到電動汽車的未來時補充道:“我們將中國視為主要競爭對手,而不是通用(GM)或豐田。中國將成為全球電動汽車強國。”
2011年,埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)嘲笑中國比亞迪(BYD)生產的電動汽車質量不過關。今年5月,他承認“現在,比亞迪的汽車極具競爭力。”如今,這位特斯拉首席執行官對中國電動汽車制造商大加贊賞。
就比亞迪而言,其制造能力一直令伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway)副董事長查理·芒格(Charlie Munger)(芒格于本周去世)印象深刻。雖然伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司一般不涉足汽車行業——它拒絕投資特斯拉——但芒格主導的比亞迪投資取得了巨大成功。他稱比亞迪創始人兼首席執行官王傳福是一位“天生的工程師”,并補充說,“比亞迪的工作人員比埃隆的工作人員更擅長制造產品。”
但王傳福本人認為,許多中國汽車制造商——包括蔚來汽車(Nio)、小鵬汽車(Xpeng)和理想汽車(Li Auto)——前景廣闊。“我相信中國品牌的時代已經到來。”他在今年早些時候表示。他呼吁其他中國汽車制造商走向世界,打破汽車行業的“舊神話”。
不過,對中國強大的電動汽車制造商虎視眈眈的不僅僅是馬斯克。福特汽車公司(Ford Motor)執行董事長比爾-福特(Bill Ford Jr.)今年早些時候警告說,美國汽車制造商"還沒有準備好”與中國的電動汽車制造商競爭。
與此同時,根據世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum)的數據,中國仍是全球最大的電動汽車市場,去年中國的電動汽車銷量占全球銷量的59%。
福特汽車公司首席執行官吉姆·法利(Jim Farley)在5月份的一次金融活動中談到電動汽車的未來時補充道:“我們將中國視為主要競爭對手,而不是通用(GM)或豐田。中國將成為全球電動汽車強國。”
In 2011, Elon Musk ridiculed the quality of electric vehicles made by China’s BYD. Then he admitted this May that “their cars are highly competitive these days.” Now, the Tesla CEO is amping up his praise of Chinese EV makers.
“The Chinese car companies are extremely competitive,” Musk said at this week’s New York Times Dealbook conference. “China is super good at manufacturing, and the work ethic is incredible.”
He even went so far as to suggest that the top 10 automakers of the future might be mostly Chinese ones—although he still envisions Tesla sitting atop them all.
“There’s a lot of people out there who think that the top 10 car companies are going to be Tesla followed by nine Chinese car companies,” he said at the conference. “I think they might not be wrong.”
In the case of BYD, its manufacturing prowess had long impressed Berkshire Hathaway vice chairman Charlie Munger, who passed away this week. While Berkshire generally steers clear of the auto industry—it declined to invest in Tesla—Munger led an enormously successful investment in BYD. He called the carmaker’s founder and CEO Wang Chuanfu a “natural engineer,” adding that “the guy at BYD is better at actually making things than Elon is.”
‘Demolish the old legends’
BYD came within a few thousand vehicles of surpassing Tesla in global EV sales in the third quarter (it already sells more when factoring in other categories including hybrids). It’s widely expected to take the lead this quarter or in the near future, even though it hasn’t entered the U.S. market amid a global expansion.
But Wang himself thinks many Chinese automakers—others include Nio, Xpeng, and Li Auto—have a bright future. “I believe the time has come for Chinese brands,” he said earlier this year. He called upon other Chinese automakers to go global and “demolish the old legends” of the industry.
Not everyone agrees with Musk on the auto industry’s future, of course. Toyota, for instance, doubled down on hybrids even as Musk called them a “phase,” and this year they’ve proven to be a “smoking-hot market,” as one executive put it.
But it isn’t just Musk warily eyeing China’s formidable EV makers. Ford Motor executive chairman Bill Ford Jr. warned earlier this year that U.S. automakers are “not quite ready yet” to compete with them on electric vehicles.
“They developed very quickly, and they’ve developed them in large scale, and now they are exporting,” Ford said.
China atop Tesla’s EV ‘leagues’
Meanwhile China itself remains the world’s largest EV market, with 59% of global sales last year, according to the World Economic Forum.
Ford CEO Jim Farley added at a finance event in May, while discussing the EV future: “We see the Chinese as the main competitor, not GM or Toyota. The Chinese are going to be the powerhouse.”
One key advantage for China is its dominance in the EV supply chain. BYD, for instance, can keep its vehicle prices low in part because it owns the supply chain of its EV batteries, from the raw materials to the finished battery packs. It also designs its own semiconductors.
BYD launched an EV called the Seagull with a cutthroat price of about $11,000 earlier this year. It’s quickly become one of the best-selling EVs in China. The Seagull and similar vehicles from China could prove to be a disruptive force in overseas markets.
“If we consider different leagues of competitiveness at Tesla,” Musk said, “we consider the Chinese league to be the most competitive.”