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在當今市場上,許多首次置業者都難以支付首付,而其中一大長期負擔能力問題則集中在抵押貸款利率不斷攀升所導致的月供問題上。根據房地美公司(Freddie Mac)的數據,目前美國30年期固定抵押貸款的利率為7.18%,與新冠疫情初期低于3%的利率形成鮮明對比。

抵押貸款利率飆升導致新購房者的月供增加。房地產數據和分析公司Black Knight的數據顯示,月供同比增長了60%(合871美元)。根據Black Knight的數據,2023年7月,30年期固定利率貸款的借款人平均每月本息支付額實際上超過2,300美元,是有史以來平均本息支付額最高的一次。

Black Knight的數據顯示,現在,超過一半的購房者每月要支付至少2,000美元的房貸,而四分之一購房者每月支付3,000美元或更多的房貸。與此同時,根據環亞經濟數據有限公司(CEIC)的數據,2023年7月,美國人的平均月收入僅為4,600美元。這意味著一些房主可能要把60%以上的工資用于抵押貸款。


“從什么時候開始,每月支付2,000美元的抵押貸款成為了常態?”Black Knight的企業研究副總裁安迪·沃爾登在報告中問道。“今年7月,近四分之一購房者的月供超過3,000美元,而2021年這一比例僅為5%。我們談論可負擔能力已經有一段時間了,但這讓情況變得更加嚴峻。”

《財富》美國500強中的投資銀行公司Raymond James的股票研究、房屋建筑和住宅房地產投資信托基金(REITS)主管巴克·霍恩稱,根據目前的抵押貸款利率、平均收入水平和房價,大多數支付“最低”首付的首次購房者可能需要將月收入的40%以上用于住房。


對于首次購房者來說,較高的月供尤其具有挑戰性。《財富》美國500強里的金融服務公司第一美國不動產經紀公司(First American)的首席經濟學家馬克·弗萊明告訴《財富》雜志,租房者的家庭月收入中位數為3,900美元。他補充道,這意味著2,000美元的本息支付額將占潛在購房者每月預算的51%。



住房負擔能力在很大程度上受到美聯儲(Federal Reserve)提高抵押貸款利率的挑戰,因此,幾乎無法預測未來什么時候情況能夠得到一定緩解(對房主而言)。





在當今市場上,許多首次置業者都難以支付首付,而其中一大長期負擔能力問題則集中在抵押貸款利率不斷攀升所導致的月供問題上。根據房地美公司(Freddie Mac)的數據,目前美國30年期固定抵押貸款的利率為7.18%,與新冠疫情初期低于3%的利率形成鮮明對比。

抵押貸款利率飆升導致新購房者的月供增加。房地產數據和分析公司Black Knight的數據顯示,月供同比增長了60%(合871美元)。根據Black Knight的數據,2023年7月,30年期固定利率貸款的借款人平均每月本息支付額實際上超過2,300美元,是有史以來平均本息支付額最高的一次。

Black Knight的數據顯示,現在,超過一半的購房者每月要支付至少2,000美元的房貸,而四分之一購房者每月支付3,000美元或更多的房貸。與此同時,根據環亞經濟數據有限公司(CEIC)的數據,2023年7月,美國人的平均月收入僅為4,600美元。這意味著一些房主可能要把60%以上的工資用于抵押貸款。


“從什么時候開始,每月支付2,000美元的抵押貸款成為了常態?”Black Knight的企業研究副總裁安迪·沃爾登在報告中問道。“今年7月,近四分之一購房者的月供超過3,000美元,而2021年這一比例僅為5%。我們談論可負擔能力已經有一段時間了,但這讓情況變得更加嚴峻。”

《財富》美國500強中的投資銀行公司Raymond James的股票研究、房屋建筑和住宅房地產投資信托基金(REITS)主管巴克·霍恩稱,根據目前的抵押貸款利率、平均收入水平和房價,大多數支付“最低”首付的首次購房者可能需要將月收入的40%以上用于住房。


對于首次購房者來說,較高的月供尤其具有挑戰性。《財富》美國500強里的金融服務公司第一美國不動產經紀公司(First American)的首席經濟學家馬克·弗萊明告訴《財富》雜志,租房者的家庭月收入中位數為3,900美元。他補充道,這意味著2,000美元的本息支付額將占潛在購房者每月預算的51%。



住房負擔能力在很大程度上受到美聯儲(Federal Reserve)提高抵押貸款利率的挑戰,因此,幾乎無法預測未來什么時候情況能夠得到一定緩解(對房主而言)。





While many first-time home buyers struggle to afford a down payment on a house in today’s market, one of the long-term affordability issues centers on monthly payments resulting from escalating mortgage rates. The current 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is 7.18%, according to Freddie Mac, a stark difference from the sub-3% rates seen during the early days of the pandemic.

The surging mortgage rate results in higher monthly payments for new buyers. Indeed, monthly payments are up 60% (or $871) year-over-year, according to real estate data and analytics firm Black Knight. The average monthly principal and interest payment for borrowers on a 30-year fixed rate loan in July 2023 was more than $2,300, which is the highest average principal and interest payment on record, according to Black Knight.

Now, more than half of homebuyers face a monthly mortgage payment of at least $2,000, while one-fourth are paying $3,000 or more, Black Knight data shows. Meanwhile, average U.S. monthly earnings in July 2023 were just $4,600, according to economic data firm CEIC. That means some home owners could be spending more than 60% of their paychecks on their mortgage.

Keep in mind that principal and interest figure is before factoring in expenses like property taxes and insurance.

“When did the $2,000 monthly mortgage payment become the norm?” questions Andy Walden, Black Knight vice president of enterprise research in the report. “Nearly one in four July homebuyers has payments north of $3,000, up from just 5% in 2021. We’ve been talking about affordability for quite some time now, but this puts the situation in stark relief.”

Based on current mortgage rates, average income levels, and home prices, most first-time home buyers using a “minimal” down payment could be paying more than 40% of their monthly income toward housing, says Buck Horne, director of equity research, homebuilding and residential REITS at Fortune 500 investment banking firm Raymond James.

“All else equal, that number certainly looks unsustainable relative to long-term averages closer to 30%,” Horne tells Fortune.

Higher monthly payments can be particularly challenging for first-time home buyers. The median renter’s monthly household income is $3,900, Mark Fleming, chief economist at Fortune 500 financial services company First American, tells Fortune. That implies that a $2,000 principal and interest payment would represent 51% of the prospective homebuyer’s monthly budget, he adds.

“That’s generally considered a high burden, and one reason why, in our estimation, affordability is at a 30-year low,” Fleming says. “The combination of higher rates and continued price appreciation has made affordability a real challenge for first-time homebuyers.”

Ultimately, some of the factors keeping buyers—not necessarily new homeowners—in the market include families providing financial support for a down payment and buyers using “significant” home equity from existing home sales to offset a mortgage on a new house, Horne says.

With housing affordability largely being challenged by mortgage rate increases by the Fed, it’s nearly impossible to predict when prospective homeowners could get some relief.

“Until the Fed is clearly done raising interest rates, there will be upward pressure on the mortgage rate,” Fleming says. “But given the historically fast and assertive pivot to tighter monetary policy we have just experienced, it’s likely that the majority of the adjustment in mortgage rates has already occurred.”

Overall, rising mortgage rates—coupled with tight housing inventory and pent-up demand—are likely to squeeze new buyers for a while.

“Any relief in mortgage rates is likely to get absorbed by even higher home prices,” Horne adds. “So until something more fundamental breaks within the larger economy and disrupts household balance sheets, the current level of mortgage payments might be the new normal for the foreseeable future.”



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