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Paige Hagy



埃隆·馬斯克對視頻游戲的癡迷,已經融入到他的商業和個人生活當中。圖片來源:TAYLOR HILL—GETTY IMAGES

埃隆·馬斯克在2022年4月提出收購推特(Twitter)的要約時,剛剛與格萊姆斯玩過視頻游戲。他和這位音樂人玩《艾爾登法環》(Elden Ring)直到凌晨5點。當時,這款戰爭和建立王朝的新視頻游戲剛剛發行兩個月。馬斯克與格萊姆斯有三個孩子。他們玩完游戲之后,馬斯克發起了對社交媒體公司推特的惡意收購。他在早上7點23分發推文稱:“我提出了一份要約”,并附上了一份向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交的披露收購計劃的文件鏈接。

沃爾特·艾薩克森在9月12日出版的馬斯克傳記《埃隆·馬斯克》(Elon Musk)中提到,了解馬斯克對視頻游戲的癡迷,是了解他“強烈的感情、專注力、競爭性、頑固的態度和愛情策略”的關鍵。難怪這位億萬富翁的生活,就像是在玩視頻游戲一樣。從貌似倉促的商業決策,例如收購推特的交易,到不考慮安全性設計自動駕駛汽車和火箭飛船等,馬斯克總是在冒險,卻幾乎不考慮后果。

馬斯克最喜歡的視頻游戲是多人策略游戲《低模之戰》(The Battle of Polytopia)。在這款顏色鮮亮、卡通畫風的游戲里,玩家相互競賽開發技術、爭奪資源和發起戰爭,最終目的是打造一個帝國。艾薩克森寫道,馬斯克會連續幾個小時玩這款游戲,有一次他甚至因為癡迷于玩游戲,在一次商業會議上遲到。












格萊姆斯為視頻游戲《賽博朋克2077》(Cyberpunk 2077)的一個角色錄制配音時,馬斯克帶著一把有200年歷史的槍前往錄音室,而該游戲的開發商給馬斯克添加了一個客串角色,因為游戲中的神經反饋性植入物,與馬斯克在大腦芯片初創公司Neuralink所研究的技術類似。


馬斯克還曾經為了說服風險投資家邁克爾·莫里茨投資特斯拉,帶著莫里茨乘坐路特斯(Lotus)的跑車原型進行了一次“激烈的駕駛”。但當時的紅杉資本(Sequoia Capital)負責人莫里茨并未上當。





埃隆·馬斯克在2022年4月提出收購推特(Twitter)的要約時,剛剛與格萊姆斯玩過視頻游戲。他和這位音樂人玩《艾爾登法環》(Elden Ring)直到凌晨5點。當時,這款戰爭和建立王朝的新視頻游戲剛剛發行兩個月。馬斯克與格萊姆斯有三個孩子。他們玩完游戲之后,馬斯克發起了對社交媒體公司推特的惡意收購。他在早上7點23分發推文稱:“我提出了一份要約”,并附上了一份向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交的披露收購計劃的文件鏈接。

沃爾特·艾薩克森在9月12日出版的馬斯克傳記《埃隆·馬斯克》(Elon Musk)中提到,了解馬斯克對視頻游戲的癡迷,是了解他“強烈的感情、專注力、競爭性、頑固的態度和愛情策略”的關鍵。難怪這位億萬富翁的生活,就像是在玩視頻游戲一樣。從貌似倉促的商業決策,例如收購推特的交易,到不考慮安全性設計自動駕駛汽車和火箭飛船等,馬斯克總是在冒險,卻幾乎不考慮后果。

馬斯克最喜歡的視頻游戲是多人策略游戲《低模之戰》(The Battle of Polytopia)。在這款顏色鮮亮、卡通畫風的游戲里,玩家相互競賽開發技術、爭奪資源和發起戰爭,最終目的是打造一個帝國。艾薩克森寫道,馬斯克會連續幾個小時玩這款游戲,有一次他甚至因為癡迷于玩游戲,在一次商業會議上遲到。












格萊姆斯為視頻游戲《賽博朋克2077》(Cyberpunk 2077)的一個角色錄制配音時,馬斯克帶著一把有200年歷史的槍前往錄音室,而該游戲的開發商給馬斯克添加了一個客串角色,因為游戲中的神經反饋性植入物,與馬斯克在大腦芯片初創公司Neuralink所研究的技術類似。


馬斯克還曾經為了說服風險投資家邁克爾·莫里茨投資特斯拉,帶著莫里茨乘坐路特斯(Lotus)的跑車原型進行了一次“激烈的駕駛”。但當時的紅杉資本(Sequoia Capital)負責人莫里茨并未上當。





Elon Musk had just finished playing a video game with Grimes when he made his offer to buy Twitter in April 2022. He and the musician, with whom he has three children, had stayed up until 5 a.m. playing Elden Ring, a new war and empire-building video game that was released a couple months prior. Right after they wrapped up, he pulled the trigger on his hostile bid to buy the social media company, tweeting at 7:23 a.m., “I made an offer,” with a link to a SEC filing disclosing the proposal.

Understanding Musk’s obsessions with video games is a key to understanding his “intensity, focus, competitiveness, die-hard attitudes, and love of strategy,” according to Walter Isaacson’s biography, Elon Musk, which was released on September 12. And it’s no wonder: The billionaire lives his life as though he’s constantly playing a video game. From making seemingly brash business decisions, like the Twitter deal, to how he designs self-driving cars and rocket ships with little regard for safety, Musk constantly takes on huge risks with little concern for the consequences.

Musk’s favorite video game is a multi-player strategy game called The Battle of Polytopia. Within the brightly-colored, cartoonish-looking game, players compete to develop technologies, control resources, and wage battles in order to build an empire. Musk spends hours playing the game—once he was even late for a business meeting because he was so consumed in it, Isaacson wrote.

Musk has gleaned life lessons from the game, which he called “Polytopia Life Lessons.” Among them: “do not fear losing” and “play life like a game.”

“Do not fear losing”

“You will lose,” Musk said. “It will hurt the first fifty times. When you get used to losing, you will play each game with less emotion.”

Whereas most entrepreneurs are risk averse, Musk is addicted to the thrill of it, entrepreneur and venture capitalist Peter Thiel told Isaacson. Just look at Musk’s businesses, which include multi-billion-dollar companies Tesla and SpaceX.

“Silicon Valley wisdom would be that these were both incredibly crazy bets,” Thiel said. “But if two crazy companies work that everyone thought couldn’t possibly work, then you say to yourself, ‘I think Elon understands something about risk that everybody else doesn’t.’” But despite his claim that playing the “game” with “less emotion” increases one’s odds of success, Musk is notorious for his bouts of anger, also known as “demon mode.”

“Demon mode is when he goes dark and retreats inside the storm in his brain,” Grimes said.

One instance of Musk embodying his alter ego was in 2018 at the Tesla factory in Fremont, Calif. Isaacson described Musk prowling the factory floor, reprogramming the factory’s manufacturing on the fly and even eliminating robots for certain tasks to speed up production.

Musk said that on a good day, he made a hundred command decisions while on the floor. “At least twenty percent are going to be wrong, and we’re going to alter them later, but if I don’t make decisions, we die,” he said.

“Elon was going completely apeshit,” Mark Juncosa, one of Musk’s closest colleagues at SpaceX, told Isaacson.

“Play life like a game”

Another one of Musk’s Polytopia Life Lessons is to “play life like a game.” In that case, Musk is the main character and the rest of us are just NPCs, or non-playable characters.

When Grimes was doing voice recordings for a character in the video game Cyberpunk 2077, Musk arrived at the studio with a 200-year-old gun and insisted that the video game makers give him a cameo, as the cybernetic implants in the game were similar to what he was working on at Neuralink, his brain chip startup.

“I told them that I was armed but not dangerous,” Musk said.

In another instance, Musk took venture capitalist Michael Moritz on an “absolutely bone-jarring ride” in a Lotus prototype in an effort to persuade him to invest in Tesla. Moritz, who then was running Sequoia Capital, didn’t bite.

Musk’s obsession with video games traces back to his childhood, according to Isaacson. Musk bought his first computer at age 11. By the time he was 13, he coded his own video game, called Blastar, and sold it for $500. Throughout his teenage years, he was known to hot wire arcade games at the mall so that he could play for hours for free, and even considered opening his own arcade. He even interned at a video game company and would’ve liked to have been a video game designer, but he “wanted to have more impact,” Musk told Isaacson. Still, the billionaire used video games to hone the tactical skills and strategic thinking he would later apply in his professional life.

“I have this feeling,” Shivon Zilis, a venture capitalist and with whom the billionaire has two children, once said to Musk, “that as a kid you were playing one of these strategy games and your mom unplugged it, and you just didn’t notice, and you kept playing life as if it were that game.”



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