以半導體公司安謀國際科技股份有限公司(Arm Holdings)為首的三家知名科技公司將于9月上市,預計將喚醒沉睡的新股發行市場。但別指望今年會有大量企業上市。
除了安謀國際科技股份有限公司之外,其他進行首次公開募股的科技公司還包括雜貨科技公司Instacart和數據與營銷自動化公司Klaviyo。這三家公司都公開提交了注冊聲明,將允許它們在公開股權市場銷售股票。(據知情人士透露,另一家即將上市的大公司是由全球最大消費品私募基金L Catterton支持的鞋類品牌Birkenstock。)
復興資本公司(Renaissance Capital)的高級首次公開募股策略師馬特·肯尼迪說:“安謀國際科技股份有限公司首次公開募股將成為2023年的頭條新聞。由于規模龐大,它的表現將對投資者的投資組合產生極大的影響。”復興資本公司是一家提供首次公開募股前研究的公司,管理著兩只專注于首次公開募股的交易型開放式指數基金(ETF)(基金代碼:NYSE: IPO, IPOS)。
這三家公司中最受矚目的是軟銀集團(SoftBank Group)控股的安謀國際科技股份有限公司。根據提交給監管機構的文件,這家英國公司設計的CPU或芯片為全球99%以上的智能手機提供了動力。安謀國際科技股份有限公司的目標估值為600億美元至700億美元。據路透社(Reuters)報道,該公司最初預計將籌集80億美元至100億美元,但現在的發行可能會減少。預計此次首次公開募股仍將成為今年規模最大的首次公開募股。
私募股權公司美國泛大西洋資本集團(General Atlantic)的資本市場主管賈斯汀·科津說:“安謀國際科技股份有限公司將成為真正的首次公開募股標桿,如果交易表現良好,那么除了已經公開申請首次公開募股的公司外,我們可能就會看到更多的首次公開募股市場重新開放。”
這兩年的情況與2021年的情況大不相同,當時有397家公司上市,募集資金達1,540億美元。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的美洲股權資本市場聯席主管安德魯·韋滕霍爾認為,把當前的首次公開募股市場與2021年進行比較是不公平的。韋滕霍爾指出:“[那一年]是首次公開募股創紀錄的時期,只有20世紀90年代末的互聯網泡沫才能與之匹敵。”
今年,大盤已經反彈。標準普爾500指數(S&P 500)上漲了近17%,納斯達克指數(Nasdaq)上漲了約35%。利率正在企穩。威靈頓資產管理公司(Wellington Management)的私人投資部消費/科技行業主管馬特·維特希勒表示,首次公開募股市場“正在迎來曙光”。維特希勒是威靈頓哈德利港基金(Hadley Harbor funds)的經理之一,該基金已經投資了110家處于后期階段的成長型公司。他說,這些公司中有一半以上(54家)已經上市或出售。Spotify、Uber和愛彼迎(Airbnb)都是其投資對象。
復興資本公司指出,今年5月募集了1.242億美元的Inspire Medical Systems公司已經較16美元的首發價飆升1,322%,成為今年和過去五年里表現最好的首次公開募股公司。地中海連鎖餐廳Cava Group今年6月募集了3.18億美元,較22美元的首發價上漲了近92%,目前在今年規模較大的首次公開募股中處于領先地位。
由于安謀國際科技股份有限公司首次公開募股規模較大,投資者并不指望它能夠像Cava和ODDITY等規模較小的公司一樣,在首次公開募股時股價大漲,甚至上漲50%。人們希望安謀國際科技股份有限公司的股價在首次公開募股期間或之后的幾周內不會跌破首發價。幾位銀行家和私募股權公司高管表示,上市首日表現不佳或售后市場表現疲軟,可能對新股發行產生負面影響。一些人指出,10多年前,Facebook的首次公開募股表現不佳。2012年5月,這家現在名為Meta Platforms的公司籌集了160億美元,成為當時規模最大的科技公司首次公開募股。Facebook的股價在上市首日觸及45美元的高點,但最終收于38.23美元,僅比38美元的首發價上漲了23美分。在接下來的幾個月里,Facebook的股價跌至每股18美元以下,直到2013年8月才最終反彈。Facebook上市首日表現不佳給首次公開募股蒙上了一層陰影。一位銀行家說:“此后三四個月都沒有其他公司再進行首次公開募股。”Meta股票在8月31日的交易價格為每股300.39美元。
以半導體公司安謀國際科技股份有限公司(Arm Holdings)為首的三家知名科技公司將于9月上市,預計將喚醒沉睡的新股發行市場。但別指望今年會有大量企業上市。
除了安謀國際科技股份有限公司之外,其他進行首次公開募股的科技公司還包括雜貨科技公司Instacart和數據與營銷自動化公司Klaviyo。這三家公司都公開提交了注冊聲明,將允許它們在公開股權市場銷售股票。(據知情人士透露,另一家即將上市的大公司是由全球最大消費品私募基金L Catterton支持的鞋類品牌Birkenstock。)
復興資本公司(Renaissance Capital)的高級首次公開募股策略師馬特·肯尼迪說:“安謀國際科技股份有限公司首次公開募股將成為2023年的頭條新聞。由于規模龐大,它的表現將對投資者的投資組合產生極大的影響。”復興資本公司是一家提供首次公開募股前研究的公司,管理著兩只專注于首次公開募股的交易型開放式指數基金(ETF)(基金代碼:NYSE: IPO, IPOS)。
這三家公司中最受矚目的是軟銀集團(SoftBank Group)控股的安謀國際科技股份有限公司。根據提交給監管機構的文件,這家英國公司設計的CPU或芯片為全球99%以上的智能手機提供了動力。安謀國際科技股份有限公司的目標估值為600億美元至700億美元。據路透社(Reuters)報道,該公司最初預計將籌集80億美元至100億美元,但現在的發行可能會減少。預計此次首次公開募股仍將成為今年規模最大的首次公開募股。
私募股權公司美國泛大西洋資本集團(General Atlantic)的資本市場主管賈斯汀·科津說:“安謀國際科技股份有限公司將成為真正的首次公開募股標桿,如果交易表現良好,那么除了已經公開申請首次公開募股的公司外,我們可能就會看到更多的首次公開募股市場重新開放。”
這兩年的情況與2021年的情況大不相同,當時有397家公司上市,募集資金達1,540億美元。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的美洲股權資本市場聯席主管安德魯·韋滕霍爾認為,把當前的首次公開募股市場與2021年進行比較是不公平的。韋滕霍爾指出:“[那一年]是首次公開募股創紀錄的時期,只有20世紀90年代末的互聯網泡沫才能與之匹敵。”
今年,大盤已經反彈。標準普爾500指數(S&P 500)上漲了近17%,納斯達克指數(Nasdaq)上漲了約35%。利率正在企穩。威靈頓資產管理公司(Wellington Management)的私人投資部消費/科技行業主管馬特·維特希勒表示,首次公開募股市場“正在迎來曙光”。維特希勒是威靈頓哈德利港基金(Hadley Harbor funds)的經理之一,該基金已經投資了110家處于后期階段的成長型公司。他說,這些公司中有一半以上(54家)已經上市或出售。Spotify、Uber和愛彼迎(Airbnb)都是其投資對象。
復興資本公司指出,今年5月募集了1.242億美元的Inspire Medical Systems公司已經較16美元的首發價飆升1,322%,成為今年和過去五年里表現最好的首次公開募股公司。地中海連鎖餐廳Cava Group今年6月募集了3.18億美元,較22美元的首發價上漲了近92%,目前在今年規模較大的首次公開募股中處于領先地位。
由于安謀國際科技股份有限公司首次公開募股規模較大,投資者并不指望它能夠像Cava和ODDITY等規模較小的公司一樣,在首次公開募股時股價大漲,甚至上漲50%。人們希望安謀國際科技股份有限公司的股價在首次公開募股期間或之后的幾周內不會跌破首發價。幾位銀行家和私募股權公司高管表示,上市首日表現不佳或售后市場表現疲軟,可能對新股發行產生負面影響。一些人指出,10多年前,Facebook的首次公開募股表現不佳。2012年5月,這家現在名為Meta Platforms的公司籌集了160億美元,成為當時規模最大的科技公司首次公開募股。Facebook的股價在上市首日觸及45美元的高點,但最終收于38.23美元,僅比38美元的首發價上漲了23美分。在接下來的幾個月里,Facebook的股價跌至每股18美元以下,直到2013年8月才最終反彈。Facebook上市首日表現不佳給首次公開募股蒙上了一層陰影。一位銀行家說:“此后三四個月都沒有其他公司再進行首次公開募股。”Meta股票在8月31日的交易價格為每股300.39美元。
A trio of high-profile technology companies, led by semiconductor firm Arm Holdings, is expected to wake up the slumbering new issues market when they go public in September. But don’t expect a gush of businesses listing their shares this year.
In addition to Arm, the other tech IPOs include grocery technology business Instacart and Klaviyo, a data and marketing automation firm. The three companies have each publicly filed registration statements that will allow them to sell shares in the public equity markets. (Another big name expected to list soon is Birkenstock, the shoe brand backed by L Catterton, according to a person familiar with the situation.)
“Arm is the headline IPO of 2023. Because of its sheer size, its performance will have the biggest impact across investors’ portfolios,” said Matt Kennedy, senior IPO strategist at Renaissance Capital, a provider of pre-IPO research that manages two IPO-focused ETFs (NYSE: IPO, IPOS).
The trio of deals represent different parts of the tech sector: semiconductors (Arm), software (Klaviyo) and Internet (Instacart). If they perform well, the deals will likely give smaller cap businesses the confidence to launch their own offerings, according to bankers. Companies that were planning to go public in 2024, or wanted to test the waters, are now considering moving up their plans, they said.
The 2023 IPO calendar looks flush
Roadshows for ARM, Klaviyo and Instacart are expected to begin sometime in September while the companies could possibly price their deals that month, bankers said.
The most high-profile of the trio is Arm, which is majority owned by SoftBank Group. The U.K. company designs the CPUs, or chips, that power more than 99% of the world’s smartphones, according to its regulatory filing. Arm is targeting a $60 billion to $70 billion valuation. The company was initially expected to raise $8 billion to $10 billion but the offering will likely come in lower now, Reuters reported. The IPO is still expected to clock in as the year’s biggest.
“Arm will be a real benchmark IPO and if they trade well, then we might see more of a re-opening of the IPO market, in addition to the companies that have already publicly filed for an IPO,” said Justin Kotzin, head of capital markets at private equity firm General Atlantic.
The ARM IPO is coming during a very slow period for new issues. So far this year, 77 traditional IPOs have raised $10.2 billion as of Aug. 29, according to data from Dealogic. This is up from 70 offerings for the same time period in 2022 that collected $5.2 billion.
Both years are a far cry from 2021 when a tsunami of companies, or 397, went public raising $154 billion. Andrew Wetenhall, co-head of equity capital markets in the Americas at Morgan Stanley, thinks comparing the current IPO market to 2021 is unfair. “[That year] was a record period for IPOs that was only matched by the dot.com bubble of late 1990s,” Wetenhall noted.
The IPO boom of 2021 didn’t last. Rising interest rates, the war in Ukraine, inflation, the threat of a recession and a broad market downturn (the Nasdaq dropped 33% in 2022 while the S&P 500 fell 19.4%) helped put the brakes on new issues.
One of the main reasons IPOs slowed down so much is the dismal performance from the IPO Class of 2021. Of the 397 companies that went public that year, only 56, or 14%, are currently trading above their offer prices as of Aug. 29, according to Renaissance Capital. “In 2021, we witnessed a record year for the IPO market, including many high growth but unprofitable companies which are still trading below issue price,” GA’s Kotzin said.
“Glimmers of hope” for companies hoping to stage IPOs
This year, the broad market has rebounded. The S&P 500 is up nearly 17% while the Nasdaq has gained about 35%. Interest rates are stabilizing. The IPO market is “seeing opening glimmers of light,” said Matt Witheiler, consumer/technology sector lead at Wellington Management private investments. Witheiler is one of the managers that oversees Wellington’s Hadley Harbor funds, which has invested in 110 late-stage growth companies. More than half, or 54, of the companies have gone public or been sold, he said. Spotify, Uber and Airbnb are some of its investments.
This year’s crop of IPOs is also performing better…mostly. So far in 2023, 19 IPOs have raised $100 million or more; over two-thirds, or nearly 85%, of this group are trading above their offer price, with an average return of 25%. But when all IPOs are included, the average return is -11%, Renaissance said. The Renaissance Capital ETF, which contains the largest and most liquid IPOs since mid-2020, is up 31.4% as of Aug. 29.
Inspire Medical Systems, which raised $124.2 million in May, has jumped 1,322% from its $16 IPO price, making it the best performing IPO this year and of the last five years, Renaissance said. Cava Group, the Mediterranean restaurant chain that raised $318 million in June, is up nearly 92% from its $22 IPO price and is the current leader among larger IPOs this year.
In a challenging new issues market, companies with strong fundamentals are typically priced attractively, Kennedy, of Renaissance Capital, said. “It makes sense we’re seeing mostly positive returns. I do think there is some element of pent-up demand,” Kennedy said.
“We’re seeing strong aftermarket performance for well placed, well-structured deals,” said Morgan Stanley’s Wetenhall.
Companies going public right now are well-known big businesses that are growing and profitable, Wetenhall said. He expects consumer and technology to remain core parts of the IPO market but also foresees companies in healthcare and energy transition, like cleantech, tapping the IPO market.
For the IPO market, recovery will come in stages, Wetenhall said. “Time plus success will set the tone, not a single transaction,” he said. Still, Arm’s debut is important for new issues. A poor performance by the company “will hurt the IPO market. It doesn’t mean no one else can go public. It’s just a harder glide path,” one of the bankers said.
How is Arm’s IPO expected to perform?
Because it will be big, investors aren’t expecting Arm to soar in its debut like smaller deals from Cava and ODDITY or to even rise 50%. The hope is that Arm’s shares don’t fall below its IPO price during its debut or in the weeks after. A negative first day or a weak aftermarket performance could negatively impact new issues, several bankers and PE executives said. Some pointed to Facebook’s dismal IPO more than 10 years ago. In May 2012, the company that is now called Meta Platforms, raised $16 billion, making it the largest tech IPO at the time. Facebook’s stock hit a high of $45 during its debut but ended up closing at $38.23, up just 23 cents from its $38 IPO price. In the following months, Facebook’s stock dropped to below $18 a share, before eventually rebounding in August 2013. Facebook’s weak debut cast a pall on IPOs. “There wasn’t another IPO for three or four months,” one banker said. Meta shares on August 31 were trading at $300.39.
But how well should Arm do? During its first day, the IPO should trade up by 3% or more, one private equity executive said. A gain of between 5% to 15% “would be fine and like a win. Investors wouldn’t be jumping up and down, but they would be happy to gradually open up the IPO market,” the exec said. A rise of 20% or more would be considered a homerun, they said. “Then, everyone would be happy about the IPO, and this would accelerate the pace of new issues,” the exec said.
Arm’s stock needs to hold its price during its first day and appreciate during the weeks after, said Wellington’s Witheiler. “That’ll be a really strong signal to the market,” he said.
If Arm trades up, and Instacart and Klaviyo also perform well, this could create an environment where another 20 to 30 companies could go public this year, bankers said. However this assumes that macro events like another war, rising interest rates or the stock market plunging into negative territory do not happen.
Most don’t expect the IPO market to really return until 2024. It typically takes about six to 12 months of preparation before companies can go public.
“You can’t just flip a switch and the next week could go public,” said Wellington’s Witheiler.
“Reopening the IPO market is a slow process. Even if these IPOs go well, it likely will take months for other private companies who are not as far along in the listing process to be in a position to launch a deal,” added GA’s Kotzin.