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Luisa Beltran



黑石集團聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人及首席執(zhí)行官蘇世民,攝于2019年9月。圖片來源:DAVID “DEE” DELGADO—BLOOMBERG/GETTY IMAGES

對于應屆畢業(yè)生而言,華爾街最讓人夢寐以求的崗位是黑石集團(Blackstone)的分析師。這個崗位的競爭非常激烈。有無數(shù)人在這個崗位上開創(chuàng)了自己的事業(yè),包括黑石集團的總裁兼首席運營官喬恩·格雷,預計他將是黑石集團聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人及首席執(zhí)行官蘇世民(Stephen Schwarzman)的接班人。

蘇世民在7月20日召開的討論公司第二季度營收的電話會議上表示,今年黑石集團有169個初級分析師崗位,但收到了62,000份求職申請。他指出,這相當于錄用率不到0.3%,意味著在黑石集團得到一個初級崗位的難度,是被哈佛大學(Harvard University)錄取的12倍。蘇世民在電話會議上說:“我懷疑放到今天我是否會被錄用;也不確定這是否是好事?!?/p>


黑石集團成立于1985年,是最早的私募股權(quán)公司之一,其他早期的私募股權(quán)公司還包括凱雷投資集團(Carlyle Group)、KKR、阿波羅全球管理公司(Apollo Global Management)和德太投資(TPG)等競爭對手。如今,這些公司的業(yè)務都已經(jīng)不再局限于私募股權(quán),而是自稱另類資產(chǎn)管理公司或投資公司。黑石集團目前投資的領域包括房地產(chǎn)、基礎設施、信貸、增長基金和私募股權(quán)等。截至2022年12月31日,黑石集團共有近4,700名員工。黑石集團是規(guī)模最大的另類資產(chǎn)管理公司,也是第一家管理資產(chǎn)規(guī)模超過1萬億美元的公司。

多年來,黑石集團一直以僅招聘最優(yōu)秀的人才而聞名,即從哈佛大學或耶魯大學(Yale University)等常春藤盟校(Ivy League)畢業(yè)的優(yōu)等生。這種情況目前已經(jīng)有所改變。黑石集團的全球人力資源總監(jiān)佩奇·羅斯表示,科技幫助黑石集團擴大了招聘范圍。2015年,黑石集團的現(xiàn)場招聘政策,意味著其僅從九所學校進行招聘。羅斯稱,目前,該公司通過現(xiàn)場招聘和虛擬招聘相結(jié)合的混合招聘策略,與1,000多所學校合作,包括傳統(tǒng)黑人高校。

私募股權(quán)行業(yè)一直被批評缺乏多樣性。據(jù)Preqin的《2023年另類資產(chǎn)管理公司的女性》(Women in Alternatives 2023)報告顯示,在另類資產(chǎn)管理公司的初級崗位里,女性占32.5%,其中包括私募股權(quán)、對沖基金和風險投資公司,但女性僅擔任13.6%的高層崗位。與許多公司一樣,黑石集團多年來一直在努力拓寬其招聘和雇傭渠道。該公司通過未來女性領導者(Future Women Leaders)和多元化領導者(Diverse Leaders)等項目,從大學二年級開始與來自弱勢群體的學生建立關系。霍爾德內(nèi)斯指出,2023年,黑石集團43%的全球分析師是女性,59%的美國分析師來自不同族裔。




知名度最高的黑石集團前分析師格雷,畢業(yè)于賓夕法尼亞大學(University of Pennsylvania)。[格雷從賓夕法尼亞大學取得了兩個學位:沃頓商學院(Wharton School)的經(jīng)濟學理學學士學位和藝術與科學學院(College of Arts and Sciences)的英語專業(yè)文學碩士學位。]據(jù)他的LinkedIn資料顯示,他于1992年加入黑石集團擔任私募股權(quán)/并購分析師,整個職業(yè)生涯都在該公司度過。一年后,格雷被調(diào)任至房地產(chǎn)部門,2005年擔任黑石集團的房地產(chǎn)部門負責人。2018年,格雷被任命為黑石集團的總裁兼首席運營官,并且被普遍認為將是蘇世民的接班人。








這位前分析師指出,黑石集團希望了解求職者是否對市場和經(jīng)濟有基本了解,衡量求職者解決問題的能力,以及他們口頭展示自己的能力。這位前分析師回憶稱,在準備面試的過程中,他閱讀了《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)、彭博社(Bloomberg)、華爾街綠洲(Wall Street Oasis)和Reddit等媒體的文章。這位前分析師表示,求職者應該了解全世界以及他們所在行業(yè)的現(xiàn)狀。



1. 準時參加面試。雖然黑石集團不會因為你遲到而對你抱有成見,但遲到并非好事。羅斯表示。

2. 善于團隊合作。黑石集團看重的是與人為善并且知道如何與他人合作的人才。求職者如果可以說出自己在球隊或俱樂部中的經(jīng)歷和曾經(jīng)在其中擔任的領導崗位,通常在面試里就會有更好的結(jié)果。而只強調(diào)個人成績(例如“我曾經(jīng)做過某某事,我贏得了某某獎項)的求職者,往往難有滿意的結(jié)果。

3. 寄感謝信,而且一定要拼對高管的姓名。雖然能夠發(fā)送電子郵件,但羅斯稱她的職業(yè)生涯中收到過10多份手寫感謝信,并且非常感謝每個寫信的人。她說:“我再也沒有收到[手寫感謝信]。如果可以收到一份手寫感謝信,我就會想:‘哦,太棒了。’”

4. 推薦人對于高級崗位招聘更重要,但對分析師崗位并不重要。

5. 在面試時,求職者應該做好在回答問題時自我介紹的準備。羅斯表示她經(jīng)常會問的一個問題是:“用一個例子介紹你在哪方面有所欠缺。你如何解決這個問題,你從中學到了什么?”


6. 在回答問題時,求職者應該避免指責他人。黑石集團將把其他人“推入火坑”視為危險信號。

7. 一定要檢查簡歷里的拼寫和語法錯誤。黑石集團的前分析師表示,公司通常會把有錯誤的簡歷丟在一旁。

8. 準備面試不只是在坐地鐵去面試的途中閱讀一些顯而易見的話題。在接受特定團隊面試時,要了解這個團隊的工作內(nèi)容,并準備合理的問題。

9. 更新LinkedIn的個人簡介,并保證其正確性。

10. 仔細檢查,確保你的社交媒體已經(jīng)設置為非公開狀態(tài)和/或是干凈的。(財富中文網(wǎng))



對于應屆畢業(yè)生而言,華爾街最讓人夢寐以求的崗位是黑石集團(Blackstone)的分析師。這個崗位的競爭非常激烈。有無數(shù)人在這個崗位上開創(chuàng)了自己的事業(yè),包括黑石集團的總裁兼首席運營官喬恩·格雷,預計他將是黑石集團聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人及首席執(zhí)行官蘇世民(Stephen Schwarzman)的接班人。

蘇世民在7月20日召開的討論公司第二季度營收的電話會議上表示,今年黑石集團有169個初級分析師崗位,但收到了62,000份求職申請。他指出,這相當于錄用率不到0.3%,意味著在黑石集團得到一個初級崗位的難度,是被哈佛大學(Harvard University)錄取的12倍。蘇世民在電話會議上說:“我懷疑放到今天我是否會被錄用;也不確定這是否是好事?!?/p>


黑石集團成立于1985年,是最早的私募股權(quán)公司之一,其他早期的私募股權(quán)公司還包括凱雷投資集團(Carlyle Group)、KKR、阿波羅全球管理公司(Apollo Global Management)和德太投資(TPG)等競爭對手。如今,這些公司的業(yè)務都已經(jīng)不再局限于私募股權(quán),而是自稱另類資產(chǎn)管理公司或投資公司。黑石集團目前投資的領域包括房地產(chǎn)、基礎設施、信貸、增長基金和私募股權(quán)等。截至2022年12月31日,黑石集團共有近4,700名員工。黑石集團是規(guī)模最大的另類資產(chǎn)管理公司,也是第一家管理資產(chǎn)規(guī)模超過1萬億美元的公司。

多年來,黑石集團一直以僅招聘最優(yōu)秀的人才而聞名,即從哈佛大學或耶魯大學(Yale University)等常春藤盟校(Ivy League)畢業(yè)的優(yōu)等生。這種情況目前已經(jīng)有所改變。黑石集團的全球人力資源總監(jiān)佩奇·羅斯表示,科技幫助黑石集團擴大了招聘范圍。2015年,黑石集團的現(xiàn)場招聘政策,意味著其僅從九所學校進行招聘。羅斯稱,目前,該公司通過現(xiàn)場招聘和虛擬招聘相結(jié)合的混合招聘策略,與1,000多所學校合作,包括傳統(tǒng)黑人高校。

私募股權(quán)行業(yè)一直被批評缺乏多樣性。據(jù)Preqin的《2023年另類資產(chǎn)管理公司的女性》(Women in Alternatives 2023)報告顯示,在另類資產(chǎn)管理公司的初級崗位里,女性占32.5%,其中包括私募股權(quán)、對沖基金和風險投資公司,但女性僅擔任13.6%的高層崗位。與許多公司一樣,黑石集團多年來一直在努力拓寬其招聘和雇傭渠道。該公司通過未來女性領導者(Future Women Leaders)和多元化領導者(Diverse Leaders)等項目,從大學二年級開始與來自弱勢群體的學生建立關系?;魻柕聝?nèi)斯指出,2023年,黑石集團43%的全球分析師是女性,59%的美國分析師來自不同族裔。




知名度最高的黑石集團前分析師格雷,畢業(yè)于賓夕法尼亞大學(University of Pennsylvania)。[格雷從賓夕法尼亞大學取得了兩個學位:沃頓商學院(Wharton School)的經(jīng)濟學理學學士學位和藝術與科學學院(College of Arts and Sciences)的英語專業(yè)文學碩士學位。]據(jù)他的LinkedIn資料顯示,他于1992年加入黑石集團擔任私募股權(quán)/并購分析師,整個職業(yè)生涯都在該公司度過。一年后,格雷被調(diào)任至房地產(chǎn)部門,2005年擔任黑石集團的房地產(chǎn)部門負責人。2018年,格雷被任命為黑石集團的總裁兼首席運營官,并且被普遍認為將是蘇世民的接班人。








這位前分析師指出,黑石集團希望了解求職者是否對市場和經(jīng)濟有基本了解,衡量求職者解決問題的能力,以及他們口頭展示自己的能力。這位前分析師回憶稱,在準備面試的過程中,他閱讀了《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)、彭博社(Bloomberg)、華爾街綠洲(Wall Street Oasis)和Reddit等媒體的文章。這位前分析師表示,求職者應該了解全世界以及他們所在行業(yè)的現(xiàn)狀。



1. 準時參加面試。雖然黑石集團不會因為你遲到而對你抱有成見,但遲到并非好事。羅斯表示。

2. 善于團隊合作。黑石集團看重的是與人為善并且知道如何與他人合作的人才。求職者如果可以說出自己在球隊或俱樂部中的經(jīng)歷和曾經(jīng)在其中擔任的領導崗位,通常在面試里就會有更好的結(jié)果。而只強調(diào)個人成績(例如“我曾經(jīng)做過某某事,我贏得了某某獎項)的求職者,往往難有滿意的結(jié)果。

3. 寄感謝信,而且一定要拼對高管的姓名。雖然能夠發(fā)送電子郵件,但羅斯稱她的職業(yè)生涯中收到過10多份手寫感謝信,并且非常感謝每個寫信的人。她說:“我再也沒有收到[手寫感謝信]。如果可以收到一份手寫感謝信,我就會想:‘哦,太棒了?!?/p>

4. 推薦人對于高級崗位招聘更重要,但對分析師崗位并不重要。

5. 在面試時,求職者應該做好在回答問題時自我介紹的準備。羅斯表示她經(jīng)常會問的一個問題是:“用一個例子介紹你在哪方面有所欠缺。你如何解決這個問題,你從中學到了什么?”


6. 在回答問題時,求職者應該避免指責他人。黑石集團將把其他人“推入火坑”視為危險信號。

7. 一定要檢查簡歷里的拼寫和語法錯誤。黑石集團的前分析師表示,公司通常會把有錯誤的簡歷丟在一旁。

8. 準備面試不只是在坐地鐵去面試的途中閱讀一些顯而易見的話題。在接受特定團隊面試時,要了解這個團隊的工作內(nèi)容,并準備合理的問題。

9. 更新LinkedIn的個人簡介,并保證其正確性。

10. 仔細檢查,確保你的社交媒體已經(jīng)設置為非公開狀態(tài)和/或是干凈的。(財富中文網(wǎng))



For recent college graduates, one of the most coveted jobs on Wall Street is the Blackstone analyst role. Competition is fierce for a position that has helped launch countless careers, including that of Jon Gray, Blackstone’s president and chief operating officer, the executive who is expected to take the reins from cofounder and CEO Stephen Schwarzman.

This year, Blackstone had 169 first-year analyst positions available and received applications from 62,000 candidates worldwide, Schwarzman said during a July 20 conference call to discuss BX’s second quarter earnings. This translates to a selection rate of less than 0.3% and means that getting an entry-level job at Blackstone is 12 times as tough as getting accepted to Harvard, Schwarzman noted. “I doubt I would be able to be hired today; not sure that’s a great thing,” he said during the call.

The Blackstone analyst role is a full-time, entry-level position. The majority of Blackstone’s investment analysts are hired fresh out of college, said Kate Holderness, a Blackstone spokeswoman. “We also have analyst opportunities for people with some experience,” she added.

Founded in 1985, Blackstone is one of the original private equity firms, a list that includes rivals such as the Carlyle Group, KKR, Apollo Global Management, and TPG. All of these firms have expanded beyond private equity and now call themselves alternative asset managers or investment firms. Blackstone currently invests in real estate, infrastructure, credit, and growth, as well as PE. It employed nearly 4,700 people as of Dec. 31, 2022. Blackstone is the biggest of the alt managers and was the first to surpass $1 trillion in assets under management.

For years Blackstone has been known for hiring only the best, or those who graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Ivy League schools like Harvard or Yale. That’s changed somewhat. Technology has helped Blackstone expand its reach, said Paige Ross, the firm’s global head of human resources. In 2015, Blackstone’s in-person approach meant the firm recruited from just nine schools. It currently uses a hybrid in-person and virtual recruiting strategy to connect to more than 1,000 schools, including historically black colleges and universities, Ross said.

The private equity industry has long been criticized for its lack of diversity. Women account for 32.5% of junior-level roles at alternative firms, which include private equity, hedge funds, and venture capital, but hold only 13.6% of senior positions, according to the Preqin report, Women in Alternatives 2023. Like many firms, Blackstone has sought to widen its recruitment and hiring funnel for many years. The firm uses programs like Future Women Leaders and Diverse Leaders to build relationships with underrepresented students starting in their sophomore year. In 2023, 43% of Blackstone’s global analyst class were female, while 59% of its U.S. class were ethnically diverse, Holderness said.

“We reach places that we historically didn’t reach before, like every school out there, pretty much. We’re able to get to any school and any student that wants to apply,” Ross told Fortune.

GPAs are important and do play a role in hiring, but Blackstone is looking for well-balanced people, Ross noted. The firm favors candidates who take a leadership role in school activities or on sports teams, she said. “We fundamentally believe that investing and business is a team sport,” Ross added.

Blackstone hires candidates from many different majors, not just finance and math. “We have people that [were] English majors,” Ross noted. Blackstone is known for its dealmaking, but it also hires analysts for its non-investment positions, including roles in accounting, communications, and technology.

The most famous former Blackstone analyst is Gray, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. (Gray earned two degrees from Penn: a BS in economics from the Wharton School and a BA in English from the College of Arts and Sciences.) He’s spent his entire career at Blackstone, starting off as a private equity/M&A analyst in 1992, according to his LinkedIn page. A year later, Gray switched over to real estate, becoming head of the Blackstone unit in 2005. In 2018, he was named president and COO of Blackstone and is widely considered the heir apparent to Schwarzman.

Blackstone typically does not use recruiters for the analyst position. The window for applications opens in the fall, Holderness said. Candidates should head to the Blackstone website and send in their résumés. “Cover letters are important, but the résumé is what will really play into it,” Ross said. Pay for a first-year data science analyst, located in New York, is $100,000 to $110,000, according to the Blackstone website. Analysts also usually receive an annual bonus.

Blackstone did not disclose how many interviews are involved. But applicants who are selected will initially meet with someone from human resources and then with executives from the divisions for which they are applying. Blackstone also uses Pymetrics, a game-based recruiting tool that uses A.I. to measure attributes like risk tolerance, fairness, and attention span in candidates.

The easiest way to snag a Blackstone analyst spot is to serve as a summer intern. The 10-week internship is a major feeder for the Blackstone full-time analyst program, Ross said. The window for internship applications runs from January to March. Ross said her team will usually ask each Blackstone business unit how many interns it needs that particular year. “That’ll determine the size of the class,” she said. These positions are also highly sought after, she noted.

The Blackstone internship occurs during the summer between a candidate’s junior and senior year, Holderness said. This means students should begin applying in their sophomore year, she advised. When it comes to majors, it depends on what group the student is applying to, Ross said. “We have summer analyst positions across the board as a firm, not just for our investment roles,” she said.

Blackstone summer interns are eligible to receive full-time offers in August for positions that begin the following year. For example, if a student finishes the internship in August of 2023, and receives an offer for a full-time spot, they could start working at Blackstone during the summer of 2024. Any full-time positions not filled by the interns will become available on the BX website in August, Holderness said. (There are several internship positions available now on the Blackstone career site but only a few of the more permanent analyst roles.)

Interviewing at Blackstone for the analyst position is a rigorous process. One former Blackstone analyst said they completed 13 interviews, including meeting with the head of the team they were applying to, as well as with a senior managing director, over a three-week period. The former Blackstone analyst, an economics major who attended a New York City college and had a 3.8 GPA, said they were quizzed on what was happening in the market, given ethical problems to solve that had no clear solution, and questioned about two case studies. The former BX analyst even gave a presentation, which included Excel modeling, to executives. The interview process culminated in a team lunch, where candidates were judged on whether they were a good overall fit, the former analyst recalled.

“It was exhausting…I spent more time preparing for the interviews than in the interviews themselves,” the ex-Blackstone analyst said.

Blackstone wanted to see whether applicants had a basic grasp of the market and economics, and to gauge their problem-solving skills and how they presented themselves verbally, the former BX employee noted. To prepare, the ex-Blackstone analyst recalled reading the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Wall Street Oasis, and Reddit. Candidates should know what is happening in the world and in their particular sector, the former analyst advised.

Blackstone employees, like most Wall Street staffers, are back in the office. For many at BX, the day starts between 8:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. each morning and finishes whenever the work is done. (The former Blackstone analyst said staff will work until 9 p.m. when their managers are in the office. When they’re not present, employees typically leave between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m.) Blackstone staff don’t watch the clock, Ross noted. “We hire people that are really talented and professional, and we ask them to use their judgment,” she said.

Here are some tips for navigating the Blackstone interview process:

1. Be on time for your interview. Blackstone won’t hold arriving late against you, but it’s not a good thing, Ross said.

2. Be a team player. Blackstone likes people who are friendly and know how to work well with others. Candidates who can speak about their experiences in teams or clubs, as well as their leadership roles, typically do better. Those who emphasize their accomplishments alone (i.e., “I did this, I won that”) don’t.

3. Send thank-you notes and make sure to get the proper spelling of the executive’s name. While emails are acceptable, Ross said she has received about a dozen handwritten notes in her career and appreciated each of them. “I don’t really get [handwritten notes] anymore. When I do get one, I’m like, ‘Oh, that’s so nice,’” she said.

4. References are more important for senior hires and less so for analyst roles.

5. In interviews, candidates should be prepared to speak about themselves while answering questions. One question that Ross said she often asks is: “Give me an example of something that you didn’t do well. What did you do to fix it, and what did you learn from it?”

Another possible question is: “What advice would you give your younger self?”

6. When answering questions, candidates should avoid blaming others. Throwing others “under the bus” is a red flag for Blackstone.

7. Make sure to check your résumé for spelling and grammar. Firms will often throw out résumés with errors, the former BX analyst said.

8. Prepare for interviews by doing more than just reading up on salient topics during your subway ride to the meeting. When interviewing with a specific group, learn what they do and come armed with good questions.

9. Update your LinkedIn profile and make sure it’s correct.

10. Double-check that your social media is private and/or clean.



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