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Chloe Berger



私人俱樂部Casa Cipriani內部一角,該俱樂部裝飾是在向豪門貴族的昔日奢華風格致敬。圖片來源:COURTESY OF CASA CIPRIANI

也許是因為泰勒·斯威夫特和馬特·希利在Casa Cipriani的約會以失敗告終,還備受爭議,引發人們恐慌,或者是因為它是這座城市相對較新的固定場所,但Casa Cipriani(位于紐約市)正在經歷發展初期的困難。這家會員制的社交俱樂部成立于2021年,是富人交際的又一專屬場所。會員費每年近4,000美元,一位發言人說有4,000人在候補名單上,Casa Cipriani吸引了德魯·巴里摩爾、約翰·傳奇和泰勒·斯威夫特(直到據說她在粉絲拍下她的照片后取消了該俱樂部的會員資格)等人。

它是2021年至2022年期間在該市開業或宣布計劃開業的六家會員制俱樂部之一,加入了歷史悠久且享有盛譽的Soho House和相對新近開業的Zero Bond的行列。自19世紀以來,私人俱樂部一直是紐約市社交場合的重要組成部分,最初遵循了倫敦的紳士俱樂部模式。如今,這里是豪門貴族和新貴聚集和炫耀身份地位的地方,滿是胸懷大志的20多歲、30多歲的年輕人,他們為參加派對、建立人際關系和使用泳池等設施而支付高昂的費用。其魅力在于排他性。這已經成了一樁大生意(不僅僅是在紐約市):根據數據服務公司Club Benchmarking的數據,全美3,500家私人俱樂部每家至少產生100萬美元的收入。美國全國俱樂部協會(National Club Association)的數據顯示,它們每年為美國經濟貢獻215億美元。

雖然當新冠疫情首次來襲時,紐約市的社交俱樂部似乎有消亡的跡象,但據《名利場》(Vanity Fair)報道,它們比以往任何時候都更強大。專家告訴《巴倫周刊》(Barron),這是因為私人俱樂部提供更高的安全性,并保護客戶隱私,在封城實施社交隔離之后,它既可以充當遠程工作場所,也是維持友誼的地方。

紐約的許多社交俱樂部的設計初衷是為了吸引更多的新貴客戶,但Casa Cipriani試圖通過營造豪門貴族氛圍來脫穎而出(考慮到Z世代被這種審美所吸引,這一策略很明智)。這家俱樂部的大部分裝飾都有意模仿蓋茨比風格,盡管只有兩年歷史,但它幾乎能夠以假亂真,偽裝成老派紐約人的固定社交場所。但由于流言四起,還出現在小報素材中(從不斷變化的客戶群到名人約會之夜),Casa Cipriani意外走紅。

以下是你需要了解的關于Casa Cipriani的情況。

Casa Cipriani是什么場所?

奇普里亞尼的名號在紐約赫赫有名,其歷史可以追溯到1985年,當時廚師兼族長朱塞佩·奇普里亞尼開了一家名為Harry’s Cipriani的餐廳(在其父親在意大利威尼斯的餐廳Harry’s Bar取得成功之后)。這家位于紐約的餐廳,黛安·馮芙絲汀寶和肖恩·康納利等一線明星云集,在其發展成為一家全球豪華餐廳和酒店連鎖店的過程中,奇普里亞尼的名字也為人所熟知。

近40年后,朱塞佩的曾孫、奇普里亞尼總裁馬喬·奇普里亞尼(常駐地紐約)領導創建了位于曼哈頓下城的社交俱樂部兼豪華酒店Casa Cipriani。馬喬·奇普里亞尼在2020年接受《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)采訪時說:“會員制俱樂部市場存在巨大空白。”



從Casa Cipriani的露臺能夠看到布魯克林大橋(Brooklyn Bridge)。圖片來源:COURTESY OF ARNAUD MONTGARD PHOTOGRAPHY

Casa Cipriani的內部裝潢是什么樣子的?

快速瀏覽一下Casa Cipriani擁有超過3.5萬名粉絲的Instagram頁面,你會看到精心策劃的、金碧輝煌的酒吧照片,以及弗蘭克·辛納特拉和艾娃·加德納等20世紀50年代明星和名人的黑白照片。這是在致敬老派紐約人。

Casa Cipriani的靈感來自Harry's Bar,在這里,你會發現斑馬條紋的家具,滿眼都是鑲木板的奢華裝飾,以及停放在門前的阿斯頓·馬丁(Ashton Martin)汽車。酒吧面朝河流,你可以在那里聽爵士樂,還可以假裝自己是黃金時代(Golden Age)的明星,比如《大城小妞》(Broad City)的阿比·雅各布斯。《好胃口》雜志(Bon Appétit)的薩姆·斯通在這家俱樂部進行了一番探索,他注意到地板上嵌著沙狐球場,服務員穿著白色夾克,還有一間用黑色大理石裝飾的浴室,菜單上沒有列出白醬意大利面、黑松露比薩和其他意大利菜的價格。

她寫道,她的同伴稱其為“《泰坦尼克號》(Titanic)和《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)的混合體”。這在一定程度上是建筑師兼設計師蒂埃里·德蓬的設想,他還設計了其他知名項目,包括巴黎的麗茲酒店(The Ritz)和倫敦的克拉里奇酒店(Claridge’s)。據康泰納仕(Condé Nast)報道,他希望喚起一種“復古豪華遠洋客輪”的感覺。

這與奇普里亞尼的基因相符。Casa Cipriani位于在1909年建造的炮臺海事大樓(Battery Maritime building)內,該大樓是舊輪渡碼頭的最后遺跡。據《華爾街日報》報道,直到今天,該建筑的許多開發以失敗告終。該集團由Midtown Equities、Centaur Properties和Cipriani S.A.擁有,能夠獲得價值1億美元的再融資交易用于開發。


誰是Casa Cipriani的會員?

Casa Cipriani吸引了公認的紐約HENRY人群——高收入,但還不能稱為富豪的人群。有很多商人位列其中。

“沒有人是真的來這里尋歡作樂的。他們來這里是為了獲得資金。”克里斯蒂·格里姆在Guest of the Guest上略帶諷刺地寫道。Guest of the Guest是關于上流社會的刊物,由溫克萊沃斯雙胞胎之一與他人聯合創辦。


不少名人出沒Casa Cipriani。艾麗西亞·凱斯、布萊克·萊弗利和瑞安·雷諾茲都曾經在那里出現過。該俱樂部有禁止拍照的規則,這使其成為名人的安全空間——但據報道,一些會員因為在那里拍攝泰勒·斯威夫特與馬蒂·希利約會的照片而被驅逐。消息人士告訴小報,她在其中一張照片泄露后取消了會員資格,而Casa Cipriani正試圖“清理”“不遵守規則的客戶”。


如果你有時間,每年手頭都有幾千美元閑錢,你就可以自己探索奇普里亞尼最新的風險項目,即Casa Cipriani,到底是什么樣子的。在那之前,我們只能相信別人的話了。(財富中文網)


也許是因為泰勒·斯威夫特和馬特·希利在Casa Cipriani的約會以失敗告終,還備受爭議,引發人們恐慌,或者是因為它是這座城市相對較新的固定場所,但Casa Cipriani(位于紐約市)正在經歷發展初期的困難。這家會員制的社交俱樂部成立于2021年,是富人交際的又一專屬場所。會員費每年近4,000美元,一位發言人說有4,000人在候補名單上,Casa Cipriani吸引了德魯·巴里摩爾、約翰·傳奇和泰勒·斯威夫特(直到據說她在粉絲拍下她的照片后取消了該俱樂部的會員資格)等人。

它是2021年至2022年期間在該市開業或宣布計劃開業的六家會員制俱樂部之一,加入了歷史悠久且享有盛譽的Soho House和相對新近開業的Zero Bond的行列。自19世紀以來,私人俱樂部一直是紐約市社交場合的重要組成部分,最初遵循了倫敦的紳士俱樂部模式。如今,這里是豪門貴族和新貴聚集和炫耀身份地位的地方,滿是胸懷大志的20多歲、30多歲的年輕人,他們為參加派對、建立人際關系和使用泳池等設施而支付高昂的費用。其魅力在于排他性。這已經成了一樁大生意(不僅僅是在紐約市):根據數據服務公司Club Benchmarking的數據,全美3,500家私人俱樂部每家至少產生100萬美元的收入。美國全國俱樂部協會(National Club Association)的數據顯示,它們每年為美國經濟貢獻215億美元。

雖然當新冠疫情首次來襲時,紐約市的社交俱樂部似乎有消亡的跡象,但據《名利場》(Vanity Fair)報道,它們比以往任何時候都更強大。專家告訴《巴倫周刊》(Barron),這是因為私人俱樂部提供更高的安全性,并保護客戶隱私,在封城實施社交隔離之后,它既可以充當遠程工作場所,也是維持友誼的地方。

紐約的許多社交俱樂部的設計初衷是為了吸引更多的新貴客戶,但Casa Cipriani試圖通過營造豪門貴族氛圍來脫穎而出(考慮到Z世代被這種審美所吸引,這一策略很明智)。這家俱樂部的大部分裝飾都有意模仿蓋茨比風格,盡管只有兩年歷史,但它幾乎能夠以假亂真,偽裝成老派紐約人的固定社交場所。但由于流言四起,還出現在小報素材中(從不斷變化的客戶群到名人約會之夜),Casa Cipriani意外走紅。

以下是你需要了解的關于Casa Cipriani的情況。

Casa Cipriani是什么場所?

奇普里亞尼的名號在紐約赫赫有名,其歷史可以追溯到1985年,當時廚師兼族長朱塞佩·奇普里亞尼開了一家名為Harry’s Cipriani的餐廳(在其父親在意大利威尼斯的餐廳Harry’s Bar取得成功之后)。這家位于紐約的餐廳,黛安·馮芙絲汀寶和肖恩·康納利等一線明星云集,在其發展成為一家全球豪華餐廳和酒店連鎖店的過程中,奇普里亞尼的名字也為人所熟知。

近40年后,朱塞佩的曾孫、奇普里亞尼總裁馬喬·奇普里亞尼(常駐地紐約)領導創建了位于曼哈頓下城的社交俱樂部兼豪華酒店Casa Cipriani。馬喬·奇普里亞尼在2020年接受《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)采訪時說:“會員制俱樂部市場存在巨大空白。”



Casa Cipriani的內部裝潢是什么樣子的?

快速瀏覽一下Casa Cipriani擁有超過3.5萬名粉絲的Instagram頁面,你會看到精心策劃的、金碧輝煌的酒吧照片,以及弗蘭克·辛納特拉和艾娃·加德納等20世紀50年代明星和名人的黑白照片。這是在致敬老派紐約人。

Casa Cipriani的靈感來自Harry's Bar,在這里,你會發現斑馬條紋的家具,滿眼都是鑲木板的奢華裝飾,以及停放在門前的阿斯頓·馬丁(Ashton Martin)汽車。酒吧面朝河流,你可以在那里聽爵士樂,還可以假裝自己是黃金時代(Golden Age)的明星,比如《大城小妞》(Broad City)的阿比·雅各布斯。《好胃口》雜志(Bon Appétit)的薩姆·斯通在這家俱樂部進行了一番探索,他注意到地板上嵌著沙狐球場,服務員穿著白色夾克,還有一間用黑色大理石裝飾的浴室,菜單上沒有列出白醬意大利面、黑松露比薩和其他意大利菜的價格。

她寫道,她的同伴稱其為“《泰坦尼克號》(Titanic)和《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)的混合體”。這在一定程度上是建筑師兼設計師蒂埃里·德蓬的設想,他還設計了其他知名項目,包括巴黎的麗茲酒店(The Ritz)和倫敦的克拉里奇酒店(Claridge’s)。據康泰納仕(Condé Nast)報道,他希望喚起一種“復古豪華遠洋客輪”的感覺。

這與奇普里亞尼的基因相符。Casa Cipriani位于在1909年建造的炮臺海事大樓(Battery Maritime building)內,該大樓是舊輪渡碼頭的最后遺跡。據《華爾街日報》報道,直到今天,該建筑的許多開發以失敗告終。該集團由Midtown Equities、Centaur Properties和Cipriani S.A.擁有,能夠獲得價值1億美元的再融資交易用于開發。

誰是Casa Cipriani的會員?

Casa Cipriani吸引了公認的紐約HENRY人群——高收入,但還不能稱為富豪的人群。有很多商人位列其中。

“沒有人是真的來這里尋歡作樂的。他們來這里是為了獲得資金。”克里斯蒂·格里姆在Guest of the Guest上略帶諷刺地寫道。Guest of the Guest是關于上流社會的刊物,由溫克萊沃斯雙胞胎之一與他人聯合創辦。


不少名人出沒Casa Cipriani。艾麗西亞·凱斯、布萊克·萊弗利和瑞安·雷諾茲都曾經在那里出現過。該俱樂部有禁止拍照的規則,這使其成為名人的安全空間——但據報道,一些會員因為在那里拍攝泰勒·斯威夫特與馬蒂·希利約會的照片而被驅逐。消息人士告訴小報,她在其中一張照片泄露后取消了會員資格,而Casa Cipriani正試圖“清理”“不遵守規則的客戶”。


如果你有時間,每年手頭都有幾千美元閑錢,你就可以自己探索奇普里亞尼最新的風險項目,即Casa Cipriani,到底是什么樣子的。在那之前,我們只能相信別人的話了。(財富中文網)


Maybe it’s the specter of Taylor Swift and Matt Healy’s ill-fated and controversial date there or the fact that it’s a relatively new fixture in the city, but NYC’s Casa Cipriani is going through some growing pains. The members-only social club was established in 2021 as another exclusive locale for the wealthy to rub elbows. Costing nearly $4,000 per year with what a spokesperson says is a 4,000-person waitlist, it’s attracted the likes of Drew Barrymore, John Legend, and Taylor Swift—until she reportedly canceled her membership there after fans took photos of her.

It’s one of six members-only clubs that opened or announced plans to open in the city between 2021 and 2022, joining the ranks of the well-established Soho House and the newer Zero Bond. Private clubs have been a staple of the New York City social scene since the 19th century, originally modeled off of London’s gentlemen’s clubs. Today, they’re a place where old and new money mix and flaunt their feathers, often filled with aspiring 20-and 30-somethings who are paying a hefty price tag for access to parties, networking, and amenities like pools. The allure: exclusivity. It’s all become a big business, not just in NYC: the 3,500 private clubs across the U.S. generate at least $1 million in revenue each, per data service Club Benchmarking. And National Club Association data finds they contribute $21.5 billion to the U.S. economy annually.

While it seemed that New York City might see the demise of the social club when the pandemic first hit, Vanity Fair reports they’ve been stronger than ever. That’s because private clubs offered safety and privacy, and served as a place to work remotely and maintain friendships following the isolation of lockdown, experts told Barron .

Many of New York’s social clubs are designed to appeal to a more nouveau riche clientele, but Casa Cipriani tries to set itself apart by with old money-like vibes (a smart tactic given that Gen Z is drawn to this aesthetic). Most things about the club read intentionally Gatsby-esque, almost masquerading as a fixture of old-school New York despite being only two years old. But it’s also unintentionally set itself apart by becoming part of the rumor mill, appearing in tabloid fodder for everything from its shifting clientele to its celebrity date nights.

Here’s what you need to know about Casa Cipriani.

What is Casa Cipriani?

The Cipriani name in New York is well-known, dating back to 1985 when chef and patriarch Giuseppe Cipriani opened Harry’s Cipriani following the success of his father’s restaurant, Harry’s Bar, in Venice, Italy. The New York establishment, which became home to A-listers like Diane von Furstenberg and Sean Connery, put the Cipriani name on the map as it grew into a global luxury restaurant and hospitality chain.

Nearly 40 years later, Giuseppe’s great–grandson and Cipriani’s New York-based president Maggio Cipriani led the creation of Casa Cipriani, a social club and luxury hotel in lower Manhattan. “There’s a huge void in the marketplace for membership clubs,” Maggio Cipriani told the Wall Street Journal in 2020.

While anyone can book the hotel (for an average of a bit more than $700 a night), you have to pay $3,900 a year, plus a $2,000 initiation fee to enjoy the social club (there’s also a junior discount and global membership options for those who wish to visit the Milan location). Those who do get first pickings of the 47 rooms and suites at the hotel.

The club, according to its website—which greets you with the slogan “Where heritage meets style”—has a restaurant, Jazz Café, bars and lounges, plus ample outdoor space in the form of terraces and a rooftop for classic NYC skyline views.

What does Casa Cipriani look like inside?

A quick scroll through Casa Cipriani’s Instagram page, which has upwards of 35,000 followers, shows a mix of carefully curated images of gleaming bars and black-and-white photos of 1950s stars and celebrities like Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner. It’s an ode to old-school New York.

Inside Casa Cipriani, which is inspired by Harry’s Bar, you’ll find zebra-printed furniture, wood-paneled opulence, and an Ashton Martin propped out front. The bar faces the river, where you can listen to jazz and possibly pretend to be a Golden Age era star like Broad City’s Abbi Jacobs. Bon Appétit’s Sam Stone explored the club, noting a floor inlaid with a shuffleboard court, waiters wearing white jackets, a black marble bathroom, and menus that neglected to the list the price of its white pastas, black truffle pizza, and the rest of its Italian fare.

Her companion called it “a cross between the Titanic and The Sopranos,” she wrote. That’s in part the vision of architect and designer Thierry Despont, who has designed other high-name projects, including The Ritz in Paris and Claridge’s in London. He wanted to evoke a “vintage luxury ocean liner” feel, according to Condé Nast.

It fits with the Cipriani DNA. Casa Cipriani lives inside the Battery Maritime building built in 1909, the last remnant of the old ferry terminals. The structure went through many failed development phases until today, the Journal reported. Owned by Midtown Equities, Centaur Properties, and Cipriani S.A., the group was able to secure a refinancing deal worth $100 million for development.

Who is a member of Casa Cipriani?

Casa Cipriani attracts the obvious New Yorker HENRY—high earners, not rich yet—crowd. There are a lot of business people.

“No one is really here to have fun. They’re here to be funded,” writes Christie Grimm a bit snarkily for Guest of the Guest, an outlet about high society co-founded by one of the Winklevoss twins.

Stone, the Bon Appétit writer, noted many young men in khakis and sports jackets who looked like they came from prestigious universities. She wrote that her friend found the crowd “ostentatious and obnoxious” and that it often becomes crowded with “wealthy housewives in for the night from Long Island wearing gowns and tiaras.” But it can be a good place to work during the day, the friend acknowledged.

Casa Cipriani has also seen quite a few famous faces. Alicia Keyes, Blake Lively, and Ryan Reynolds have all been spotted there. The club has a no-pics policy, making it a safe space for celebs—but some members were reportedly ousted for taking photos of Taylor Swift there on her date with Matty Healy. Sources told the tabloids she canceled her membership after one of the photos was leaked and that Casa Cipriani is trying to “clean up” with “cooler clientele.”

A spokesperson from Cipriani denied the allegations. “We pride ourselves on the privacy of our community and do not comment on false accusations,” they told Fortune, adding that the club is in high demand.

If you have time and a couple grand to shell out annually, you can find out for yourself what really lies in Cipriani’s latest venture. Until then, we’ll have to take everyone else’s word for it.



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