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Jane Thier




我們度過了艱難的三年。百年一遇的新冠疫情奪走了數百萬人的生命,全球經濟實際上陷入停頓,而在商業領域,美國出現了近代史上不曾有過的裁員潮。我們重回相對意義上的基準線的過程也經歷了波折,例如轉為遠程辦公的重大變化,然后才半恢復正常。世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)在5月5日宣布,經過了三年多之后,新冠終于不再構成緊急突發事件,為這一段漫長的旅程畫上了一個標志符。曾經有一段時間,在恐慌和悲劇中,工人們比以往任何時候都更有效率。然而,今時不同往日了。

戰略咨詢公司安永-博智隆(EY-Parthenon)以美國聯邦勞工統計局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)的數據進行的研究顯示,美國的全國生產率已經連續五個季度同比下滑。追溯至1948年的數據,這種情況從未發生過。







他說,在過去的五六個季度里,盡管美國的勞動力市場恢復了活力,就業機會持續增加,但經濟活動一直低迷。達科還指出,人們的工作時間更長了,因此勞動力利用率也提高了。本季度單位勞動力成本增長6.3%,薪酬增長3.4%。這些因素的結合為完美風暴的形成創造了條件:生產率連續五個季度低迷,這是第二次世界大戰(World War II)后的第一次。





新冠疫情襲來時,導致提前退休、勞動力大規模退出市場、大規模跳槽的風潮同時出現,引發了被稱為“大辭職潮”(great resignation)和“勞動力短缺”(labor shortage)的現象。上述因素疊加,造成了生產率的疲軟。















達科稱,這將對美聯儲(Federal Reserve)和貨幣政策產生重大影響?!霸谄渌麠l件相同的情況下,我們將面臨高通脹壓力,因此美聯儲可能會更加強硬。”隆隆作響的銀行業危機凸顯了強硬的美聯儲對經濟的危害。



我們度過了艱難的三年。百年一遇的新冠疫情奪走了數百萬人的生命,全球經濟實際上陷入停頓,而在商業領域,美國出現了近代史上不曾有過的裁員潮。我們重回相對意義上的基準線的過程也經歷了波折,例如轉為遠程辦公的重大變化,然后才半恢復正常。世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)在5月5日宣布,經過了三年多之后,新冠終于不再構成緊急突發事件,為這一段漫長的旅程畫上了一個標志符。曾經有一段時間,在恐慌和悲劇中,工人們比以往任何時候都更有效率。然而,今時不同往日了。

戰略咨詢公司安永-博智?。‥Y-Parthenon)以美國聯邦勞工統計局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)的數據進行的研究顯示,美國的全國生產率已經連續五個季度同比下滑。追溯至1948年的數據,這種情況從未發生過。







他說,在過去的五六個季度里,盡管美國的勞動力市場恢復了活力,就業機會持續增加,但經濟活動一直低迷。達科還指出,人們的工作時間更長了,因此勞動力利用率也提高了。本季度單位勞動力成本增長6.3%,薪酬增長3.4%。這些因素的結合為完美風暴的形成創造了條件:生產率連續五個季度低迷,這是第二次世界大戰(World War II)后的第一次。





新冠疫情襲來時,導致提前退休、勞動力大規模退出市場、大規模跳槽的風潮同時出現,引發了被稱為“大辭職潮”(great resignation)和“勞動力短缺”(labor shortage)的現象。上述因素疊加,造成了生產率的疲軟。















達科稱,這將對美聯儲(Federal Reserve)和貨幣政策產生重大影響?!霸谄渌麠l件相同的情況下,我們將面臨高通脹壓力,因此美聯儲可能會更加強硬?!甭÷∽黜懙你y行業危機凸顯了強硬的美聯儲對經濟的危害。



It’s been a rough three years. The globe effectively shut down as a once-per-century pandemic claimed millions of lives, while on the business front, the U.S. saw a layoff wave incomparable in modern history. Working our way back to a relative baseline has come with hiccups, like a huge shift to remote work, and then a semi-return to normal. As a mark of what a long journey it’s been, the World Health Organization declared COVID is no longer an emergency on May 5, after more than three years. But for a while there, amid the panic and tragedy, workers were somehow more productive than ever. Not anymore.

The U.S. has now had five consecutive quarters of year-over-year declines in productivity, according to research from EY-Parthenon, using data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. That has never happened before, in data going back to 1948.

To figure out why this is happening, Fortune spoke with Gregory Daco, chief economist at EY-Parthenon, the global strategy consulting arm of one of the “Big Four” accounting and consulting firms. Daco has written and spoken extensively about remote work and the pandemic’s effect on the labor market. He said the low productivity reflects our current environment, defined by high inflation. Remote work is a real thing to consider, Daco said, but it’s not the only factor.

The drop in productivity, Daco tweeted on May 4, is exacerbating compensation pressures and pushing up unit labor costs. “The difficulty is that there is no magic productivity wand,” he wrote. “And cost-cutting via layoffs and wage growth compression is often ‘easier’ and faster to execute.”

Breaking down the numbers

U.S. productivity plunged 2.7% in the first quarter of this year compared to last year, EY found. That’s a 0.9% year-over-year drop. Concurrently, quarter-over-quarter output grew slightly (0.2%), and hours worked grew 3%. That means people are working longer hours and barely putting out more products, because they just aren’t as productive as they used to be.

“When you have an environment in which output is outpacing labor growth, that’s an environment of stronger productivity,” he explains to Fortune. “When you have the opposite, when output growth is sluggish but labor growth is strong, you have a weak productivity environment.”

A rebound in productivity will be key to solving many of the economy’s current issues, Daco said, as that would lift supply and thereby reduce inflationary pressures.

Over the past five or six quarters, he says, economic activity has been sluggish, even as the country has seen a resilient labor market and continued job gains. People are working longer hours, he adds, so labor utilization has also been higher. Unit labor costs grew 6.3% this quarter, while compensation grew 3.4%. That combination has created conditions for the perfect storm: Weak productivity for five quarters straight, for the first time since post-World War II.

Daco acknowledged hearing from clients that remote work could be making employees, well, work less hard. “From our clients across sectors, we hear similar stories of reduced productivity because of the new work environment,” Daco says. He acknowledged that imperfect hybrid arrangements could be apossible cause of the productivity plummet.

CEOs such as JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon and Salesforce’s Marc Benioff have argued that in-person workers are simply doing more work, better than their remote colleagues. Dimon says long-term remote work just doesn’t work for most employees; while Benioff says workers in the office consistently perform better. Both the bank and the tech giant have waffled on return-to-office mandates, but both have yielded to a hybrid plan—at least for now.

Daco, however, highlighted another factor, which he says economists often underestimate, is that, over the past 18 months, the churn of labor has been “tremendous.” He points to recent BLS and JOLTS reports, which have found that the number of job openings, hire rates and quit rates have all reached record highs.

“That tells you it’s been very difficult for employers to, essentially, train their employees and bring them up to par with the productivity levels that would have been deemed normal pre-pandemic,” he says.

When the pandemic hit, it brought a combination of early retirement, a mass exit from the workforce, and an avalanche of job-switchers, a phenomenon alternately called “the great resignation” and “the labor shortage.” Taken together, it created a dearth of productivity.

“Because people were job-hopping so regularly, there wasn’t really a chance to bring them up to the speed, or productivity, that a former worker would’ve had,” he says. In other words: the outsize rate of churn has been a key, if under-appreciated, factor in sluggish productivity.

Nonetheless, he’s optimistic numbers will trend towards normal again this year.

“Productivity is the key out of this mess we’ve been in,” he says. He characterizes the current environment as one of constraint: supply-chain constraint, labor constraint, and capital constraint. Increased productivity would alleviate each of those concerns—as well as cost pressures.

“One of the reasons sluggish productivity hurts the economy is not just that it limits supply; it leads to inflationary pressures,” he says. “Think of it like: a working employee has a cost. They have to be paid. That wage is offset by their productivity. What matters to an employer is how much they’re paying per unit of output. That’s unit labor cost.”

Generally, it’s difficult to ascertain how flexible work will impact productivity, and in turn, unit labor costs. But “the whole idea of remote work and flexible work is to allow people to be more productive,” Daco says.

Granted, that hasn’t always worked out according to plan. Workers have been using flexible hours to do things they otherwise wouldn’t have time to do during the workday—like laundry and grocery shopping—or would have had to delegate to someone else—like childcare or elderly care. Those are circumstances Dimon and Benioff would point at to argue remote workers are less productive because they’re doing chores instead of, well, working.

Now, Daco says he’s optimistic that workers and bosses are coming toward an equilibrium, where all sides are trying to be as efficient as possible to get work done in their desired amount of time. That would mean a gain in productivity, he adds.

Addressing the trust factor

The problem with flexible work is, Daco says, it all comes back to trust.

“Do you trust your employees to be working and producing the same as they would be if they’d been in the office?” he asks. “Some leaders believe that. Whether being in the office is more efficient depends on a number of things—your sector, the population you employ.”

But for a lot of white collar jobs, unlike manufacturing jobs, the fact is inescapable: the office isn’t essential. Work can be done remotely. The question is, he says, is there trust that employees are actually working?

The answer may be vital. As the labor market cools, employment growth diminishes, and the broader economy slows down, “that will gradually transfer bargaining power back towards the employer, and away from the employee,” Daco says.

As it stands, Daco said he thinks a hybrid arrangement will likely remain, but in-office cohorts will come out on top.

“We’ll probably see more weight towards three to four days in the office, rather than one or two, if the labor market slows,” he says. “I don’t think it will be all or nothing, necessarily.”

That will have big implications for the Fed and monetary policy, he says. “All else being equal, we’ll have high inflationary pressures, so the Fed will likely be more hawkish.” The rumbling banking crisis underscores the hazards to the economy of a hawkish Fed.

Productivity, in Daco’s view, is the missing part of the puzzle, because it will relax inflationary pressures. “In the absence of that productivity growth, we’ll see the Fed act more hawkish than doveish.”



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