
做為最受歡迎的加密貨幣,比特幣在25,000美元的價位遭遇阻力,這一方面要歸因于美聯儲(Federal Reserve)在其3月份召開的會議上的加息幅度可能高于預期。圣路易斯聯儲(St. Louis Federal Reserve)總裁詹姆斯·布拉德上周表示,他在上一次會議上推動加息半個百分點,在3月的會議上也可能這樣做。克利夫蘭聯儲(Cleveland Fed)總裁洛雷塔·梅斯特也表示認同。消息傳出后,股市下跌,這可能導致投資者在將比特幣價格推高到突破25,000美元時出現了猶豫。
更嚴格的監管執法也可能打擊了加密貨幣投資者的樂觀情緒。上周,在收到紐約金融服務部(New York Department of Financial Services)的命令之后,Paxos表示將停止發行新的Binance USD(BUSD)穩定幣。來自紐約的加密貨幣公司Paxos還可能面臨美國證券交易委員會(Securities and Exchange Commission)所提起的訴訟。雙方爭論的焦點是加密貨幣是否是一種未注冊的證券。此次訴訟可能對投資者和美國的穩定幣產生影響。
做為最受歡迎的加密貨幣,比特幣在25,000美元的價位遭遇阻力,這一方面要歸因于美聯儲(Federal Reserve)在其3月份召開的會議上的加息幅度可能高于預期。圣路易斯聯儲(St. Louis Federal Reserve)總裁詹姆斯·布拉德上周表示,他在上一次會議上推動加息半個百分點,在3月的會議上也可能這樣做。克利夫蘭聯儲(Cleveland Fed)總裁洛雷塔·梅斯特也表示認同。消息傳出后,股市下跌,這可能導致投資者在將比特幣價格推高到突破25,000美元時出現了猶豫。
更嚴格的監管執法也可能打擊了加密貨幣投資者的樂觀情緒。上周,在收到紐約金融服務部(New York Department of Financial Services)的命令之后,Paxos表示將停止發行新的Binance USD(BUSD)穩定幣。來自紐約的加密貨幣公司Paxos還可能面臨美國證券交易委員會(Securities and Exchange Commission)所提起的訴訟。雙方爭論的焦點是加密貨幣是否是一種未注冊的證券。此次訴訟可能對投資者和美國的穩定幣產生影響。
Over the course of a three-day weekend marked by skittishness over the Fed’s next rate hike, Bitcoin broke above the $25,000 level four times before promptly retreating on each occasion, according to data from CoinMarketCap.
After surpassing that benchmark for the first time in eight months on Feb. 17, Bitcoin did it again on Sunday, twice on Monday, and again around 3:30 a.m. ET on Monday.
As of Tuesday morning, the cryptocurrency had pared back gains and was trading at about $24,500, down 1.5% in the last 24 hours. The second leading cryptocurrency, Ether, was trading down 2% at about $1,600 on Tuesday.
Bitcoin has struggled to maintain its momentum past the $25,000 mark.
The most popular cryptocurrency is facing resistance at the $25,000 level that’s being partly fueled by what could be a higher-than-expected rate increase by the Federal Reserve at its March meeting. St. Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard said last week that he had pushed for a half-a-percentage-point rate increase at the last meeting and may do so at the March meeting. Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester concurred. Stocks declined on the news, likely contributing to the hesitancy of investors to push Bitcoin beyond $25,000.
Tougher regulatory enforcement could also be a hindrance for crypto investor optimism. Last week, Paxos said it would stop minting the Binance USD (BUSD) stablecoin, after the New York Department of Financial Services ordered it to do so. The New York-based crypto company also faces a possible lawsuit from the Securities and Exchange commission over whether the cryptocurrency is an unregistered security—an action that could have ramifications for investors and U.S.-based stablecoins.
Despite inflows of $158 million year-to-date, last week Bitcoin saw an increase in money leaving the asset, according to a note from digital investment and trading group CoinShares. There were about $25 million in Bitcoin outflows, the highest among top cryptocurrencies, along with $3.7 million in inflows to investment products meant to short it—or bet on it losing value.
Still, after an abysmal end to 2022, Bitcoin is up nearly 50% in 2023. Last week, fueled in part by emerging NFT collection Ordinals, the total number of Bitcoin wallet addresses with a non-zero balance reached an all-time high of 44 million, according to a note from crypto exchange Bitfinex.
“This suggests an influx of new investors, likely helping drive the recent gains for Bitcoin,” the exchange wrote.