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“至少有十幾家獨角獸公司和上市公司會破產,這將給風險投資市場再潑一盆冷水?!薄锟恕ぷ媛澹≧ick Zullo)和理查德·克爾比(Richard Kerby),Equal Ventures聯合創始人及普通合伙人

“預計會有更多輪由內部人士主導的融資,尤其是考慮到目前的經濟環境。”——加利姆·伊曼巴耶夫(Galym Imanbayev)博士,Lightspeed Venture Partners合伙人

“我們預計2023年上半年投資將放緩,因為投資者會避開估值過高的進入后期融資階段的公司?!薄獰醿取さ贍枺℅ené Teare), Crunchbase News高級數據編輯

“風險投資不可能長期凍結,到2023年年底,我們會看到投資恢復正常。風投基金創紀錄的基金備用金必須按照時間表進行布局,并為投資者創造良好回報。風投界是由謠言和趨同思維驅動的。要釋放壓抑許久的旺盛需求,只需要有一個人進行投資,然后激發其他人對錯失良機的恐懼。”——彼得·佩扎里斯(Peter Pezaris),New Relic戰略及經驗高級副總裁

“2023年的估值修正不會像一些人預期的那樣極端,因為2021年獲得大規模融資且資金狀況良好的公司采取了現金留存策略。”——戴夫·齊爾伯曼(Dave Zilberman),Norwest Venture Partners普通合伙人

“2022年年初,全球有1,000多家獨角獸公司。到2023年,無論公司實力如何,這些公司中有四分之三都將面臨破產。實力雄厚的公司被迫自降估值,從而為自己在融資成長期創造良好機會?!薄W斯本(Mo Osborne),Capital V創始投資人

“2023年將出現世界上第一家氣候技術初創‘巨龍’(一家在B+輪融資中估值超過120億美元的私營初創公司)?!薄既R恩·沃爾什(Brian Walsh),WIND Ventures


“在收購推特(Twitter)交易陷入混亂之后,包括Mastodon在內的多個中心化和去中心化網站應運而生,成為推特的替代品,多個品牌和廣告商在2022年年底終止與該平臺合作。然而,據我預測,到2023年年底,用戶將重返推特——但推特在一年內會發生多大的變化,將為我們所有人帶來驚喜。”——邁克爾·瓊斯(Michael Jones),Science Inc.首席執行官兼常務董事

最近,推特公司將被迫出售更多股權來支付140億美元債務的利息(馬斯克收購推特時融資140億美元)。埃隆試圖以推特的實際價值(估計接近100億美元,而不是440億美元)來收購這些債務,并通過重組收回收購推特時支付的部分溢價。他將債務轉換為股權,進一步增加了他的投資敞口。他改變了盈利模式,將價值8美元的藍V認證、付費訂閱服務(可以使用高級功能)或某些特殊形式的訪問結合起來,并新增直接通訊功能,以期重新吸引流失的廣告客戶。他還納入了一個支付系統,轉賬時不需要銀行賬戶,只需要推特用戶定位和手機號碼。推特公司攻克了難題,能夠為‘尚未開立銀行賬戶的人提供銀行服務’,必將重返昔日的輝煌。”——馬特·巴比里(Matt Barbieri),Wiss & Company合伙人

“基于個人的傳統社交網絡(例如Facebook)持續走向沒落。相反,當今社交媒體最主要的形式是第三方算法內容——TikTok模式。這種模式將社交媒體從基于網絡的連接轉向娛樂消費。2023年,我將密切關注社區驅動的社交媒體的回歸。這些新型社交網絡將鼓勵人們積極參與社會活動,并尋找歸屬感。”——李尤利(Youri Lee),IVP投資者


“在OpenAI的GPT-3對會話式人工智能和聊天機器人的影響下,語音服務將滲透到各行業的軟件即服務(SaaS)應用場景中,因為自然語言處理涉及整個企業的所有業務功能。”——尼娜·阿查德吉安(Nina Achadjian),Index Ventures合伙人

“由于大型語言模型的興起,自然語言將開始取代圖形用戶界面(GUIs)成為主要的人機界面。消費者只需輸入語音或文本,就可以生成代碼,控制軟件應用程序,并創建豐富的多媒體內容?!薄麃啞じ甑卤ぃ═alia Goldberg),Bessemer Venture Partners合伙人

“我認為很多枯燥的哲學內容明年將變得重要起來,比如什么是真理,我們是如何認識事物的……我認為我們明年將面臨兩大難題(源自生成式人工智能和大型語言模型)。一是謊言和廢話將成倍增加,因為不法分子利用人工智能可以生成各種可怕的垃圾信息。二是人們正在考慮的大多數用例——人工智能要解決的問題——實際上都不會實現,直到我們研發出一種完全不同的技術,能夠實現推理,而不僅僅是自動補全單詞……人們將被迫思考認識論和投資者以前沒有考慮過的事情。大學哲學專業的學生就業不再是問題?!薄茽枴だe(Phil Libin),All Turtles and mmhmm聯合創始人及首席執行官

“在人工智能領域,雖然目前仍存在對大型語言模型(LLMs)的狂熱,但預計這波熱潮今年年中會進入低谷期,因為人們意識到距離人工智能有效取代人類互動仍然有很長的路要走?!薄埂ね柨瓶怂梗≧uss Wilcox), Pillar VC合伙人

"在人工智能算法的命令下,發生了一起重大金融犯罪,檢察官對軟件開發人員提起了訴訟。該案件顯示,這些模型是開源的,因此,檢察官在認定被告的過程中遇到了許多挫折?!薄樗埂ち_伯茨(Chase Roberts),Vertex Ventures負責人


“2022年的常態是裁員(10%-20%),而2023年的常態將是大規模裁員(50%以上)。情況在好轉之前會變得更糟。”——馬克·戈德堡(Mark Goldberg),Index Ventures合伙人


“迪拜將成為世界加密貨幣之都?!薄恋辖z·楊(Edith Yeung),Race Capital普通合伙人

“擁有專門的加密貨幣基金的風投公司將根據市場情況重新分配資金?!薄獎趥悺に_爾斯(Lauren Salz),Sealed聯合創始人及首席執行官


“在2023年,由于收入持續下降,投資者不斷施加壓力,我們可能會看到Meta放棄目前所有的嘗試和投資,集中精力完成元宇宙項目?!薄惻摺ね咛乩祝˙enoit Vatere),Mammoth Media首席執行官及聯合創始人


“在FTX丑聞之后,有限合伙人(將)開始重新撰寫相關文件,從而能夠更好地控制風投,并對風投實行問責?!薄芊颉たㄌ兀↗eff Carter),West Loop Ventures普通合伙人

“今年公開市場和私募市場的估值變化促使許多有限合伙人評估收益來源和未來回報潛力,并更清楚地了解自己的流動性狀況。隨著資金在2023年重返市場,我認為有限合伙人的變動會更大,因為他們會評估他們希望在接下來的幾十年里投資的長期合作伙伴,這與他們目前或過去的投資組合可能會有很大不同。”——比澤·克拉克森(Beezer Clarkson),Sapphire Partners合伙人

“機構有限合伙人將要求進行深入調查(即便是在早期階段),并優先考慮金融公司,而不是營銷工作,這再次提高了首次融資和后續再融資的門檻。為數不多的優勝者將脫穎而出,它們將成為未來的紅杉資本(Sequoias)。”——阿舍·克勞特(Asher Kraut),Generational Partners合伙人

“我們將看到一些大型基金(1億以上)在未能為未來基金籌集到額外的有限合伙人資本后,緩慢進入公開破產過程,導致普通合伙人離開?!薄槔ゑR(Charley Ma),Fintech at Alloy天使投資人兼總經理


“舊金山灣區仍然將是科技創始人和創新的發源地。在新冠疫情期間,在科技重鎮以外尋找人才當然是有好處的,但我們發現硅谷走向回歸,其重要性日益凸顯。曾經有一段時間,另一個城市本可以成為實際意義上的科技重鎮。邁阿密太落后了;紐約是唯一的候選項。但面對面交流活動正在回歸,初創公司也繼續在硅谷注冊成立,而且硅谷能夠為科技網絡和創新提供無可比擬的機會。網絡效應依然存在。唯一的弊端是硅谷的生活成本很高?!薄榴R德·阿洪德(Immad Akhund),Mercury聯合創始人及首席執行官

“盡管各類報告和預測都表明舊金山灣區將失去主導地位,但我們依舊堅信舊金山灣區將保持其主導地位?!薄驳稀な┩人梗ˋndy Stinnes),Cloud Apps Capital Partners普通合伙人


“我們將看到2022年頒布的全面產業政策[《通貨膨脹削減法案》(Inflation Reduction Act)、《基建法案》(Infrastructure Bill)、《芯片法案》(CHIPS Act)]的影響開始顯現。到2023年第一季度,將敲定有關立法如何實施的許多細節,制造清潔技術、向美國政府提供產品和服務和/或為關鍵供應鏈提供服務的公司將得到大幅提振。一方面,全球能源價格持續上漲,另一方面,各法案提供了諸多激勵措施,“萬物電氣化”將出現拐點,這將為新進入者創造巨大的機會,它們有望在未來成長為最具代表性的公司——我們將在未來十年造就更多的特斯拉(Tesla)。”——莫妮卡·瓦爾曼(Monica Varman),G2 Venture Partners合伙人

“在產業政策方面,我們將看到自20世紀50年代和60年代以來最大規模的復蘇計劃和最大膽的提案,既要達成社會和經濟目標,又要指導半導體和人工智能等戰略技術的發展和應用。全球供應鏈因為戰爭、大國競爭和氣候變化而中斷,上述舉措旨在彌合全球技術分裂,修復日趨分裂的商業網絡。在私營領域和公共領域的相關業務融合之前,實現業務融合的企業將建立長期彈性,并可以迅速適應市場變化?!薄N摹な访芩梗‥van Smith),Altana Technologies首席執行官及聯合創始人

“嚴重依賴中國供應鏈和制造業的美國企業將把部分業務和補給線轉移到其他亞洲國家,包括印度和越南?!薄獑碳{森·魯納(Jonathan Rouner),野村證券(Nomura)副會長兼國際并購主管

“機器人、3D打印和自動化行業都將得到提振,而制造業公司為了利用第45X節的稅收抵免規定,不斷增加產量和采購,不可避免會遇到勞動力短缺問題。第45X節將在未來10年為美國生產的太陽能電池板、風力渦輪機和電動汽車電池等零部件以及用于生產這些產品的礦物提供300億美元的稅收抵免,這為各大公司帶來了勞工挑戰。在勞動力仍然短缺的情況下,企業要設法跟上需求的步伐,無疑會將機器人技術推向最前沿。”——丹尼爾·凱蒂爾(Daniel Ketyer),Piva Capital投資人

[注:第45X節:《通貨膨脹削減法案2022》針對先進制造業生產稅收補貼,修訂了《國內稅收法》(Internal Revenue Code)第45節,增加了新的第45X節。其中包括稅收抵免計算規定。]


“白宮將用熱泵取代暖通空調系統。”——安迪·弗蘭克(Andy Frank), Sealed創始人及總裁

“2023年,監管機構、立法者和訴訟當事人將繼續關注未成年人的隱私權。2022年,我們見證了美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)在保護兒童隱私權方面采取強硬立場,對社交媒體公司涉及兒童的活動進行深入調查,提出一系列涉及兒童隱私的法案,并通過了變革性的《加州適齡設計規范法案》(California Age Appropriate Design Code Act)。在未來的一年里,我們將看到這些趨勢的延續,同時我們也將見證相關技術解決方案的激增,以協助保護未成年人的隱私權益?!薄芸铡た寺迦耍↗acqueline Klosek),Goodwin Procter合伙人

“一位著名的風險投資家宣布參加初選。盡管此人之前是民主黨的重要籌款人,但卻以中間偏右的共和黨人身份參選?!薄樗埂ち_伯茨,Vertex Ventures負責人

“2023年,為了應對不斷變化的數據隱私法規,大型科技公司將制定新企業政策。在沒有聯邦數據隱私法的情況下,大型科技公司將不得不調整業務,以滿足各州不同的隱私政策。隨著對消費者數據保護的要求越來越高,各州政策制定者將被迫開出巨額罰單來打擊大型科技公司的數據收集工作。”——斯特芬·舍貝斯塔(Steffen Schebesta),Sendinblue北美首席執行官兼企業發展副總裁

“由于政府預算將保持強勁,B2G模式(即企業與政府之間通過網絡所進行的交易活動的運作模式)將(再)掀熱潮?!薄S賈伊·查塔(Vijay Chattha),VSC創始人及首席執行官


“鑒于目前的市場狀況,在很長一段時間內,人們都對獲得新投資回報不抱希望。因此,風險投資家將更傾向于投資登月計劃、種子階段的初創公司。與此同時,高端人才若發現自己供職的處于后期融資階段的公司無法獲得后續融資,他們將更傾向于自行承擔風險,創辦自己的公司?!薄獫刹肌ぐN乃梗╖eb Evans),ClickUp創始人及首席執行官

“首次公開募股市場在第二季度前基本上已經關閉,并將在第二季度逐漸重新開放(與市場開始反彈的時間一致)?!薄C贰つ字Z·德洛斯里奧斯(Jaime Moreno de Los Rios),Secfi首席運營官

“我在2011年和2021年都參與了籌資工作。在這十年的時間里,風投不斷辜負女性創始人。2021年,美國女性只獲得了2%的風險投資。我預測,明年情況也不會有很大改觀,風險投資公司將繼續忽視開展隱性偏見培訓的迫切要求。希望我的想法是錯的?!薄乩傥鳌睿═racy Young),TigerEye聯合創始人及首席執行官


“未來將進行更多心理健康和初級保健方面的整合和并購交易,虛擬全納式模式將應用于面對面的初級保健和/或心理健康活動。在基于價值/風險的合同結構中,該模式將在實現價值獲取方面發揮突出作用?!薄葕W米·艾倫(Naomi Allen),Brightline聯合創始人及首席執行官

“由于數字基礎設施和無代碼/低代碼解決方案的興起,保險將在日常交易中變得更加‘隱形’。啟用這些功能的公司將獲得截然不同的消費者行為數據集,從而加快承保速度,并制定更個性化、更具預測性的保單。”——莉莉·萊曼(Lily Lyman),Underscore VC合伙人

“到2023年,我們預計將看到技術創新解決50歲以上人士的社會孤立問題,因為現在有近2,600萬50歲或以上的美國人獨自生活,而20年前只有1,500萬。我們需要實現更多技術助力的人與人之間的互動,從交友到接受再就業培訓,再到在家接受醫療保健服務。盡管人們普遍認為新冠疫情帶來諸多不便,但疫情加速了數字滲透,并為這些受眾提供了舒適享受?!薄⒈取っ桌铡だS(Abby Miller Levy),Primetime Partners執行合伙人及聯合創始人


“網上購物和食品配送將持續整合。戰略家們將開始涉足并購,因為傳統零售商仍然擁有強勁的資產負債表,食品電商的估值也變得越來越有吸引力。收購對象將擁有強勁的財務狀況,但資產負債表可能較弱?!薄⒈取だ肥玻ˋbhi Ramesh),Misfits Market創始人及首席執行官


“未來詐騙組織或詐騙團伙將實施有組織的詐騙。這些詐騙組織實施半自動化操作,將人力與移動技術相結合來擴大核心欺詐活動,包括通過社交工程竊取身份和接管賬戶。雖然零工經濟公司在2022年主要聚焦內容審核,但我預測,明年我們將看到焦點轉向政策制定和自動濫用檢測,以將欺詐扼殺在搖籃里,并確保重復違規者被標記和封禁?!薄驳铝摇べM拉斯(André Ferraz),Incognia首席執行官及創始人

“在過去的一年里,網絡和人身安全方面事件增加,例如大規模槍擊和襲擊,令人憂心忡忡。為了應對這一新現實和不斷變化的威脅形勢,越來越多的董事會將要求公司記錄其針對網絡和人身安全威脅的安全備案計劃和應急準備培訓。公司要對客戶、訪客和員工的線上線下福祉負責,因此,安全和安保這兩個至關重要的方面將最終打破各自的藩籬,共同創建先進的態勢感知?!薄说谩讨危≒eter George),Evolv Technology首席執行官


“私人信貸仍然將是杠桿收購的主要資金來源,而不是廣泛意義上的銀團貸款,直到利率趨于平穩,廣泛意義上的銀團貸款的定價彈性收窄并企穩。民間信貸公司的支票規模將繼續低于2022年年初的規模,這意味著將有更多的民間信貸公司聯合起來為更大規模的杠桿收購提供贊助?!薄死锼埂ち郑↘ris Ring),Goodwin Procter合伙人

“2023年,超過10%的私募股權未變現資產管理規模(約2萬億美元)將通過流動性和資本的‘替代’來源融資,主要是由資產凈值融資提供者負責融資,并通過存續基金和剝離銷售來實現。”——斯蒂芬·奎因(Stephen Quinn),17Capital常務董事

“與私人債務相比,公共債務的回報將不值一提,因為在利率降低之前,新發行量將在未來幾年保持低迷。因此,我們很可能會看到私人債務的復蘇,就像全球金融危機后發生的情況一樣。只要看看黑石集團(Blackstone)、KKR和其他大型資產配置機構的做法,就能夠知道未來一年及以后的機會在哪些領域。”——納爾遜·朱(Nelson Chu),Percent創始人及首席執行官(財富中文網)







“至少有十幾家獨角獸公司和上市公司會破產,這將給風險投資市場再潑一盆冷水?!薄锟恕ぷ媛澹≧ick Zullo)和理查德·克爾比(Richard Kerby),Equal Ventures聯合創始人及普通合伙人

“預計會有更多輪由內部人士主導的融資,尤其是考慮到目前的經濟環境。”——加利姆·伊曼巴耶夫(Galym Imanbayev)博士,Lightspeed Venture Partners合伙人

“我們預計2023年上半年投資將放緩,因為投資者會避開估值過高的進入后期融資階段的公司?!薄獰醿取さ贍枺℅ené Teare), Crunchbase News高級數據編輯

“風險投資不可能長期凍結,到2023年年底,我們會看到投資恢復正常。風投基金創紀錄的基金備用金必須按照時間表進行布局,并為投資者創造良好回報。風投界是由謠言和趨同思維驅動的。要釋放壓抑許久的旺盛需求,只需要有一個人進行投資,然后激發其他人對錯失良機的恐懼。”——彼得·佩扎里斯(Peter Pezaris),New Relic戰略及經驗高級副總裁

“2023年的估值修正不會像一些人預期的那樣極端,因為2021年獲得大規模融資且資金狀況良好的公司采取了現金留存策略?!薄鞣颉R爾伯曼(Dave Zilberman),Norwest Venture Partners普通合伙人

“2022年年初,全球有1,000多家獨角獸公司。到2023年,無論公司實力如何,這些公司中有四分之三都將面臨破產。實力雄厚的公司被迫自降估值,從而為自己在融資成長期創造良好機會。”——莫·奧斯本(Mo Osborne),Capital V創始投資人

“2023年將出現世界上第一家氣候技術初創‘巨龍’(一家在B+輪融資中估值超過120億美元的私營初創公司)。”——布萊恩·沃爾什(Brian Walsh),WIND Ventures


“在收購推特(Twitter)交易陷入混亂之后,包括Mastodon在內的多個中心化和去中心化網站應運而生,成為推特的替代品,多個品牌和廣告商在2022年年底終止與該平臺合作。然而,據我預測,到2023年年底,用戶將重返推特——但推特在一年內會發生多大的變化,將為我們所有人帶來驚喜。”——邁克爾·瓊斯(Michael Jones),Science Inc.首席執行官兼常務董事

最近,推特公司將被迫出售更多股權來支付140億美元債務的利息(馬斯克收購推特時融資140億美元)。埃隆試圖以推特的實際價值(估計接近100億美元,而不是440億美元)來收購這些債務,并通過重組收回收購推特時支付的部分溢價。他將債務轉換為股權,進一步增加了他的投資敞口。他改變了盈利模式,將價值8美元的藍V認證、付費訂閱服務(可以使用高級功能)或某些特殊形式的訪問結合起來,并新增直接通訊功能,以期重新吸引流失的廣告客戶。他還納入了一個支付系統,轉賬時不需要銀行賬戶,只需要推特用戶定位和手機號碼。推特公司攻克了難題,能夠為‘尚未開立銀行賬戶的人提供銀行服務’,必將重返昔日的輝煌?!薄R特·巴比里(Matt Barbieri),Wiss & Company合伙人

“基于個人的傳統社交網絡(例如Facebook)持續走向沒落。相反,當今社交媒體最主要的形式是第三方算法內容——TikTok模式。這種模式將社交媒體從基于網絡的連接轉向娛樂消費。2023年,我將密切關注社區驅動的社交媒體的回歸。這些新型社交網絡將鼓勵人們積極參與社會活動,并尋找歸屬感?!薄钣壤╕ouri Lee),IVP投資者


“在OpenAI的GPT-3對會話式人工智能和聊天機器人的影響下,語音服務將滲透到各行業的軟件即服務(SaaS)應用場景中,因為自然語言處理涉及整個企業的所有業務功能?!薄崮取ぐ⒉榈录玻∟ina Achadjian),Index Ventures合伙人

“由于大型語言模型的興起,自然語言將開始取代圖形用戶界面(GUIs)成為主要的人機界面。消費者只需輸入語音或文本,就可以生成代碼,控制軟件應用程序,并創建豐富的多媒體內容?!薄麃啞じ甑卤ぃ═alia Goldberg),Bessemer Venture Partners合伙人

“我認為很多枯燥的哲學內容明年將變得重要起來,比如什么是真理,我們是如何認識事物的……我認為我們明年將面臨兩大難題(源自生成式人工智能和大型語言模型)。一是謊言和廢話將成倍增加,因為不法分子利用人工智能可以生成各種可怕的垃圾信息。二是人們正在考慮的大多數用例——人工智能要解決的問題——實際上都不會實現,直到我們研發出一種完全不同的技術,能夠實現推理,而不僅僅是自動補全單詞……人們將被迫思考認識論和投資者以前沒有考慮過的事情。大學哲學專業的學生就業不再是問題。”——菲爾·利賓(Phil Libin),All Turtles and mmhmm聯合創始人及首席執行官

“在人工智能領域,雖然目前仍存在對大型語言模型(LLMs)的狂熱,但預計這波熱潮今年年中會進入低谷期,因為人們意識到距離人工智能有效取代人類互動仍然有很長的路要走?!薄埂ね柨瓶怂梗≧uss Wilcox), Pillar VC合伙人

"在人工智能算法的命令下,發生了一起重大金融犯罪,檢察官對軟件開發人員提起了訴訟。該案件顯示,這些模型是開源的,因此,檢察官在認定被告的過程中遇到了許多挫折?!薄樗埂ち_伯茨(Chase Roberts),Vertex Ventures負責人


“2022年的常態是裁員(10%-20%),而2023年的常態將是大規模裁員(50%以上)。情況在好轉之前會變得更糟?!薄R克·戈德堡(Mark Goldberg),Index Ventures合伙人


“迪拜將成為世界加密貨幣之都?!薄恋辖z·楊(Edith Yeung),Race Capital普通合伙人

“擁有專門的加密貨幣基金的風投公司將根據市場情況重新分配資金。”——勞倫·薩爾斯(Lauren Salz),Sealed聯合創始人及首席執行官


“在2023年,由于收入持續下降,投資者不斷施加壓力,我們可能會看到Meta放棄目前所有的嘗試和投資,集中精力完成元宇宙項目?!薄惻摺ね咛乩祝˙enoit Vatere),Mammoth Media首席執行官及聯合創始人


“在FTX丑聞之后,有限合伙人(將)開始重新撰寫相關文件,從而能夠更好地控制風投,并對風投實行問責。”——杰夫·卡特(Jeff Carter),West Loop Ventures普通合伙人

“今年公開市場和私募市場的估值變化促使許多有限合伙人評估收益來源和未來回報潛力,并更清楚地了解自己的流動性狀況。隨著資金在2023年重返市場,我認為有限合伙人的變動會更大,因為他們會評估他們希望在接下來的幾十年里投資的長期合作伙伴,這與他們目前或過去的投資組合可能會有很大不同?!薄葷伞た死松˙eezer Clarkson),Sapphire Partners合伙人

“機構有限合伙人將要求進行深入調查(即便是在早期階段),并優先考慮金融公司,而不是營銷工作,這再次提高了首次融資和后續再融資的門檻。為數不多的優勝者將脫穎而出,它們將成為未來的紅杉資本(Sequoias)?!薄⑸帷た藙谔兀ˋsher Kraut),Generational Partners合伙人

“我們將看到一些大型基金(1億以上)在未能為未來基金籌集到額外的有限合伙人資本后,緩慢進入公開破產過程,導致普通合伙人離開。”——查利·馬(Charley Ma),Fintech at Alloy天使投資人兼總經理


“舊金山灣區仍然將是科技創始人和創新的發源地。在新冠疫情期間,在科技重鎮以外尋找人才當然是有好處的,但我們發現硅谷走向回歸,其重要性日益凸顯。曾經有一段時間,另一個城市本可以成為實際意義上的科技重鎮。邁阿密太落后了;紐約是唯一的候選項。但面對面交流活動正在回歸,初創公司也繼續在硅谷注冊成立,而且硅谷能夠為科技網絡和創新提供無可比擬的機會。網絡效應依然存在。唯一的弊端是硅谷的生活成本很高?!薄榴R德·阿洪德(Immad Akhund),Mercury聯合創始人及首席執行官

“盡管各類報告和預測都表明舊金山灣區將失去主導地位,但我們依舊堅信舊金山灣區將保持其主導地位。”——安迪·施廷內斯(Andy Stinnes),Cloud Apps Capital Partners普通合伙人


“我們將看到2022年頒布的全面產業政策[《通貨膨脹削減法案》(Inflation Reduction Act)、《基建法案》(Infrastructure Bill)、《芯片法案》(CHIPS Act)]的影響開始顯現。到2023年第一季度,將敲定有關立法如何實施的許多細節,制造清潔技術、向美國政府提供產品和服務和/或為關鍵供應鏈提供服務的公司將得到大幅提振。一方面,全球能源價格持續上漲,另一方面,各法案提供了諸多激勵措施,“萬物電氣化”將出現拐點,這將為新進入者創造巨大的機會,它們有望在未來成長為最具代表性的公司——我們將在未來十年造就更多的特斯拉(Tesla)?!薄菘āね郀柭∕onica Varman),G2 Venture Partners合伙人

“在產業政策方面,我們將看到自20世紀50年代和60年代以來最大規模的復蘇計劃和最大膽的提案,既要達成社會和經濟目標,又要指導半導體和人工智能等戰略技術的發展和應用。全球供應鏈因為戰爭、大國競爭和氣候變化而中斷,上述舉措旨在彌合全球技術分裂,修復日趨分裂的商業網絡。在私營領域和公共領域的相關業務融合之前,實現業務融合的企業將建立長期彈性,并可以迅速適應市場變化。”——埃文·史密斯(Evan Smith),Altana Technologies首席執行官及聯合創始人

“嚴重依賴中國供應鏈和制造業的美國企業將把部分業務和補給線轉移到其他亞洲國家,包括印度和越南。”——喬納森·魯納(Jonathan Rouner),野村證券(Nomura)副會長兼國際并購主管

“機器人、3D打印和自動化行業都將得到提振,而制造業公司為了利用第45X節的稅收抵免規定,不斷增加產量和采購,不可避免會遇到勞動力短缺問題。第45X節將在未來10年為美國生產的太陽能電池板、風力渦輪機和電動汽車電池等零部件以及用于生產這些產品的礦物提供300億美元的稅收抵免,這為各大公司帶來了勞工挑戰。在勞動力仍然短缺的情況下,企業要設法跟上需求的步伐,無疑會將機器人技術推向最前沿?!薄つ釥枴P蒂爾(Daniel Ketyer),Piva Capital投資人

[注:第45X節:《通貨膨脹削減法案2022》針對先進制造業生產稅收補貼,修訂了《國內稅收法》(Internal Revenue Code)第45節,增加了新的第45X節。其中包括稅收抵免計算規定。]


“白宮將用熱泵取代暖通空調系統?!薄驳稀じヌm克(Andy Frank), Sealed創始人及總裁

“2023年,監管機構、立法者和訴訟當事人將繼續關注未成年人的隱私權。2022年,我們見證了美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)在保護兒童隱私權方面采取強硬立場,對社交媒體公司涉及兒童的活動進行深入調查,提出一系列涉及兒童隱私的法案,并通過了變革性的《加州適齡設計規范法案》(California Age Appropriate Design Code Act)。在未來的一年里,我們將看到這些趨勢的延續,同時我們也將見證相關技術解決方案的激增,以協助保護未成年人的隱私權益?!薄芸铡た寺迦耍↗acqueline Klosek),Goodwin Procter合伙人

“一位著名的風險投資家宣布參加初選。盡管此人之前是民主黨的重要籌款人,但卻以中間偏右的共和黨人身份參選?!薄樗埂ち_伯茨,Vertex Ventures負責人

“2023年,為了應對不斷變化的數據隱私法規,大型科技公司將制定新企業政策。在沒有聯邦數據隱私法的情況下,大型科技公司將不得不調整業務,以滿足各州不同的隱私政策。隨著對消費者數據保護的要求越來越高,各州政策制定者將被迫開出巨額罰單來打擊大型科技公司的數據收集工作?!薄固胤摇ど嶝愃顾⊿teffen Schebesta),Sendinblue北美首席執行官兼企業發展副總裁

“由于政府預算將保持強勁,B2G模式(即企業與政府之間通過網絡所進行的交易活動的運作模式)將(再)掀熱潮。”——維賈伊·查塔(Vijay Chattha),VSC創始人及首席執行官


“鑒于目前的市場狀況,在很長一段時間內,人們都對獲得新投資回報不抱希望。因此,風險投資家將更傾向于投資登月計劃、種子階段的初創公司。與此同時,高端人才若發現自己供職的處于后期融資階段的公司無法獲得后續融資,他們將更傾向于自行承擔風險,創辦自己的公司?!薄獫刹肌ぐN乃梗╖eb Evans),ClickUp創始人及首席執行官

“首次公開募股市場在第二季度前基本上已經關閉,并將在第二季度逐漸重新開放(與市場開始反彈的時間一致)?!薄C贰つ字Z·德洛斯里奧斯(Jaime Moreno de Los Rios),Secfi首席運營官

“我在2011年和2021年都參與了籌資工作。在這十年的時間里,風投不斷辜負女性創始人。2021年,美國女性只獲得了2%的風險投資。我預測,明年情況也不會有很大改觀,風險投資公司將繼續忽視開展隱性偏見培訓的迫切要求。希望我的想法是錯的?!薄乩傥鳌睿═racy Young),TigerEye聯合創始人及首席執行官


“未來將進行更多心理健康和初級保健方面的整合和并購交易,虛擬全納式模式將應用于面對面的初級保健和/或心理健康活動。在基于價值/風險的合同結構中,該模式將在實現價值獲取方面發揮突出作用?!薄葕W米·艾倫(Naomi Allen),Brightline聯合創始人及首席執行官

“由于數字基礎設施和無代碼/低代碼解決方案的興起,保險將在日常交易中變得更加‘隱形’。啟用這些功能的公司將獲得截然不同的消費者行為數據集,從而加快承保速度,并制定更個性化、更具預測性的保單。”——莉莉·萊曼(Lily Lyman),Underscore VC合伙人

“到2023年,我們預計將看到技術創新解決50歲以上人士的社會孤立問題,因為現在有近2,600萬50歲或以上的美國人獨自生活,而20年前只有1,500萬。我們需要實現更多技術助力的人與人之間的互動,從交友到接受再就業培訓,再到在家接受醫療保健服務。盡管人們普遍認為新冠疫情帶來諸多不便,但疫情加速了數字滲透,并為這些受眾提供了舒適享受。”——阿比·米勒·利維(Abby Miller Levy),Primetime Partners執行合伙人及聯合創始人


“網上購物和食品配送將持續整合。戰略家們將開始涉足并購,因為傳統零售商仍然擁有強勁的資產負債表,食品電商的估值也變得越來越有吸引力。收購對象將擁有強勁的財務狀況,但資產負債表可能較弱?!薄⒈取だ肥玻ˋbhi Ramesh),Misfits Market創始人及首席執行官


“未來詐騙組織或詐騙團伙將實施有組織的詐騙。這些詐騙組織實施半自動化操作,將人力與移動技術相結合來擴大核心欺詐活動,包括通過社交工程竊取身份和接管賬戶。雖然零工經濟公司在2022年主要聚焦內容審核,但我預測,明年我們將看到焦點轉向政策制定和自動濫用檢測,以將欺詐扼殺在搖籃里,并確保重復違規者被標記和封禁?!薄驳铝摇べM拉斯(André Ferraz),Incognia首席執行官及創始人

“在過去的一年里,網絡和人身安全方面事件增加,例如大規模槍擊和襲擊,令人憂心忡忡。為了應對這一新現實和不斷變化的威脅形勢,越來越多的董事會將要求公司記錄其針對網絡和人身安全威脅的安全備案計劃和應急準備培訓。公司要對客戶、訪客和員工的線上線下福祉負責,因此,安全和安保這兩個至關重要的方面將最終打破各自的藩籬,共同創建先進的態勢感知。”——彼得·喬治(Peter George),Evolv Technology首席執行官


“私人信貸仍然將是杠桿收購的主要資金來源,而不是廣泛意義上的銀團貸款,直到利率趨于平穩,廣泛意義上的銀團貸款的定價彈性收窄并企穩。民間信貸公司的支票規模將繼續低于2022年年初的規模,這意味著將有更多的民間信貸公司聯合起來為更大規模的杠桿收購提供贊助?!薄死锼埂ち郑↘ris Ring),Goodwin Procter合伙人

“2023年,超過10%的私募股權未變現資產管理規模(約2萬億美元)將通過流動性和資本的‘替代’來源融資,主要是由資產凈值融資提供者負責融資,并通過存續基金和剝離銷售來實現?!薄沟俜摇た颍⊿tephen Quinn),17Capital常務董事

“與私人債務相比,公共債務的回報將不值一提,因為在利率降低之前,新發行量將在未來幾年保持低迷。因此,我們很可能會看到私人債務的復蘇,就像全球金融危機后發生的情況一樣。只要看看黑石集團(Blackstone)、KKR和其他大型資產配置機構的做法,就能夠知道未來一年及以后的機會在哪些領域。”——納爾遜·朱(Nelson Chu),Percent創始人及首席執行官(財富中文網)


Welcome to 2023, and a very special edition of Term Sheet, where we ask readers—a slew of VCs, founders, private equity investors, and bankers—to look into their crystal ball and tell us what to expect in the year ahead.

For this year’s issue, we dug through more than 100 predictions, ranging from quick takes on whether venture capitalists would run for office to thoughtful analysis on whether philosophy majors will be at the top of the hire list in an artificial intelligence-powered world. And of course, speculation as to how many unicorns may lose their status, and intel as to which sectors are most poised for M&A deals. There were so many predictions this year that we decided to break out a few sections (crypto, hiring, M&A, and the metaverse) on their own, though you can still find a sampling of our favorites below.

We asked, and you delivered. Here is what 2023 may have in store, in your words:

Note: Some answers have been shortened for clarity and/or brevity.

Valuations and survival: The winnowing of the unicorn herd

“At least a dozen unicorns and public companies will go bankrupt, throwing additional cold water on the venture market.”—Rick Zullo and Richard Kerby, co-founders and general partners, Equal Ventures

“Expect to see more insider-led funding rounds, particularly given the economic climate.”—Dr. Galym Imanbayev, partner, Lightspeed Venture Partners

“We expect a slow H1 2023 as investors continue to shy away from overvalued late-stage companies”—Gené Teare, senior data editor, Crunchbase News

“Venture capital simply cannot stay frozen for long, and we’ll see renewed investments by the end of 2023. The record amount of dry powder at VC funds must be deployed according to schedules and in search of returns for investors. The VC community is driven by rumors and groupthink. All it will take to unlock a furious wave of pent-up demand is one person investing and sparking everyone else’s fear of missing out.”—Peter Pezaris, SVP of strategy and experience, New Relic

“Valuation correction in 2023 won’t be as extreme as some expect due to cash preservation strategies from the very well capitalized cohort of companies that raised big rounds in 2021.”—Dave Zilberman, general partner, Norwest Venture Partners

“There were over 1,000 unicorns globally at the beginning of 2022. In 2023, three-fourths of those companies won’t be unicorns—the good and bad businesses alike. The strongest companies have and will be forced to take down rounds, creating healthy opportunities at the growth stage.”—Mo Osborne, founding investor, Capital V

“2023 will reveal the world’s first Climate-tech startup ‘dragon’ (a private startup valued at $12B+).”—Brian Walsh, WIND Ventures

Social networks: The Elon Musk dilemma

“Following Twitter acquisition chaos—multiple centralized and decentralized sites including Mastodon have popped up as Twitter replacements with multiple brands and advertisers cutting ties with the platform at the end of 2022. However, it is my prediction that by the end of 2023, users will return to Twitter—but how much Twitter will change in a year will be a surprise to us all.”—Michael Jones, CEO and managing director, Science Inc.

“Twitter struggles to make interest payments on their recently acquired debt of ~$14 billion and is forced to sell more equity to cover the cost. Elon makes a play to acquire that debt at the actual value of Twitter (estimated to be closer to $10Bn than $44Bn) and is able to recoup some of the premium he paid for Twitter via a quasi-reorganization. He converts that debt to equity, further increasing his exposure to the investment. He changes the revenue model to be a mix of blue check $8 subscription for premium content or some special form of access and begins to add direct communication features for users which starts to re-attract lost ad customers. He incorporates a payment system that does not require a bank account to transfer funds, only a Twitter handle and cell phone number. Twitter cracks the code on ‘banking the unbankable’ and returns to its previous glory.”—Matt Barbieri, partner, Wiss & Company

“Traditional social networks based on individuals (like Facebook) have been declining. Instead, the most dominant form of social media today is algorithmic 3rd party content—the Tik Tok Model. This model has changed social media from network-based connections to consumed entertainment. In 2023, I will be closely watching for a return to community-driven social media. These new social networks will encourage participation and a sense of belonging.”—Youri Lee, investor, IVP

A.I.: Plato makes a comeback

“Voice will be more pervasive in SaaS across industries, driven by OpenAI’s GPT-3 influence on conversational A.I. and chatbots—as NPL touches business functions across the enterprise.”—Nina Achadjian, partner, Index Ventures

“Thanks to the rise of large language models, natural language will begin to replace GUIs as the primary human-machine interface. Using just voice or text as the input, consumers will generate code, control software apps, and create rich multimedia content.”—Talia Goldberg, partner, Bessemer Venture Partners

“I think a lot of boring philosophy is going to become important next year—like what is the meaning of truth and how do we know things… You have two problems [stemming from generative A.I. and large language models] that I think we’re going to face next year. One is that the amount of lies and bullshit that we are subjected to is going to increase exponentially, just because bad actors will use A.I. to generate all sorts of horrible garbage. But the second problem is that most of the use cases that people are thinking about—what A.I.s are going to solve—aren’t actually going to come to pass until we get a pretty different type of technology that is capable of actually reasoning, rather than just auto-completing words… It’s going to force people to think about epistemology and stuff that investors haven’t thought about. College philosophy majors will become employable.”—Phil Libin, co-founder and CEO, All Turtles and mmhmm

“In A.I., while there is currently a mania for large language models (LLMs), expect a trough of disillusionment by about mid-year as people realize there is still a long way to go before A.I. can usefully replace human interaction.”—Russ Wilcox, partner, Pillar VC

“A major financial crime occurs at the behest of an A.I. algorithm, and prosecutors introduce a case against the software developers. The case reveals the models are open-source, and prosecutors stumble over themselves to establish a defendant.”—Chase Roberts, principal, Vertex Ventures

Hiring/Layoffs: Cleaving the workforce

“The 2022 norm has been to trim (10-20% of workforce), while the norm in 2023 will be to cleave (50%+ of workforce). Things will get worse before they get better.”—Mark Goldberg, partner, Index Ventures

Crypto: Sam Bankman-Finished

“Dubai will become the crypto capital of the world. ”—Edith Yeung, general partner, Race Capital

“VC firms with dedicated crypto funds will reallocate to climate.”—Lauren Salz, co-founder and CEO, Sealed

Meta + the metaverse: Failure to launch

“In 2023, we’ll likely see Meta shut down all of its current efforts and investments into completing its Metaverse due to continuous drop in revenue and investor pressure.”—Benoit Vatere, CEO and co-founder, Mammoth Media

Fundraising: The walking dead

“LP’s [will] start to redo documents getting more control and accountability over VCs in wake of FTX scandal.”—Jeff Carter, general partner, West Loop Ventures

“The public and private market valuation changes this year have motivated many LPs to take stock of where returns have come from, future return potential and a clearer picture of their own liquidity profile. As funds come back to market in 2023, I think we’ll see greater LP churn as they evaluate long-term partners they want to be invested with for the following decades, which could look meaningfully different than their current or past portfolio.”—Beezer Clarkson, partner, Sapphire Partners

“Institutional LPs will demand in-depth diligence (even at earliest stages) and prioritize financial firms vs. marketing efforts, once again raising the bar for first-time funds & subsequent re-ups. The few winners who emerge will build the Sequoias of tomorrow.”—Asher Kraut, partner, Generational Partners

“We’ll see some large funds (100M+) slowly, but publicly, fail after failing to raise additional LP capital for future funds, causing GPs to leave.”—Charley Ma, angel investor and GM, Fintech at Alloy

The Valley: Stayin’ alive

“The San Francisco Bay Area will persist as the home for the tech founders and for innovation. There was certainly a benefit to looking beyond major tech hubs for hiring during the pandemic, but we are seeing a return of the importance of Silicon Valley. There was a moment in time when another city could’ve become the de facto tech hub. Miami was too far behind; New York was the only other possibility. But the Valley holds unparalleled opportunity for tech networking and innovation as in-person events pick back up and startups continue to incorporate here. The network effect still exists. It’s just expensive to live here.”—Immad Akhund, co-founder and CEO, Mercury

“We firmly believe the San Francisco Bay Area will retain its dominant role and position—despite all reports and predictions to the contrary.”—Andy Stinnes, general partner, Cloud Apps Capital Partners

Industrials + supply chain: Predictions en route

“We will see the impact of the sweeping industrial policy enacted in 2022 (the Inflation Reduction Act, the infrastructure bill, the CHIPS Act) start to materialize. By Q1 2023 a lot of the details of how the legislation will be implemented will be worked out, and companies that are manufacturing clean technologies, selling to the U.S. government, and/or serving critical supply chains will get a big boost. Between persistently high global energy prices and the bills’ incentives, there will be an inflection point in the ‘electrification of everything,’ which will create huge opportunities for new entrants to become the iconic companies of tomorrow—we will have many more Teslas created in the next decade.”—Monica Varman, partner, G2 Venture Partners

“We’ll see the largest resurgence, and boldest proposals, of industrial policy since the 1950s and ’60s, both to meet social and economic goals and to guide the development and access to strategic technologies like semiconductors and artificial intelligence. This will be a response to the fracturing of global technology and business networks as the world’s supply chains are disrupted by war, great power competition, and climate change. Businesses that get ahead of this convergence between private and public will establish long-term resiliency and adapt quickly.”—Evan Smith, CEO and co-founder, Altana Technologies

“U.S. businesses that are heavily dependent on supply chains and manufacturing in China will move some of their operations and supply lines to other Asian countries, including India and Vietnam.”—Jonathan Rouner, vice chairman and head of international M&A, Nomura

“Robotics, 3D printing, and automation industries will all get a boost as manufacturing firms bump into labor shortages as they increase US production and sourcing to take advantage of 45X tax credits. 45X, which directs $30 billion in tax credits over the next 10 years for US production of components such as solar panels, wind turbines, and batteries for electric vehicles, as well as the minerals that go into these products, sets up a labor challenge for these companies. With labor still in short supply, this will push robotic technologies to the forefront as companies try to keep pace with demands.”—Daniel Ketyer, investor, Piva Capital

Politics/government: HVAC at the White House

“The White House will replace its HVAC system with heat pumps.”—Andy Frank, founder and president, Sealed

“2023 will see regulators, legislators, and litigants continuing to focus on privacy rights of minors. 2022 bore witness to strong FTC messaging on children’s privacy rights, prominent investigations into social media companies for activities involving children, and the proposal of a number of bills concerning children’s privacy, as well as the passage of the transformative California Age Appropriate Design Code Act. In the coming year, we will see these trends continue, while we also witness the virtual explosion of technological solutions to assist in the protection of the privacy interests of minors.”—Jacqueline Klosek, partner, Goodwin Procter

“A prominent venture capitalist announces a primary campaign. This person runs as a barely-right-of-center Republican despite having previously been a prominent fundraiser for Democrats.’”—Chase Roberts, principal, Vertex Ventures

“2023 will be riddled with Big Tech companies developing corporate policies in direct response to evolving data privacy regulations. In absence of a federal data privacy law, Big Tech will have to shuffle their operations to meet varying state privacy policies. With increasing demands for consumer data protection, state policymakers will be forced to crack down on Big Tech’s data collection measures by issuing hefty fines.”—Steffen Schebesta, CEO North America & VP corporate development, Sendinblue

“B2G will get hot (again) because government’s budgets will stay strong.”—Vijay Chattha, founder and CEO, VSC

Broader VC: To the moon

“Given the state of the market, nobody is expecting to see a return on their new investments for a long time. As a result, venture capitalists will be more inclined to invest in moonshot, seed-stage startups. At the same time, the talent at later-stage companies who aren’t seeing an influx in capital will be more inclined to take risks and start their own companies.”—Zeb Evans, founder and CEO, ClickUp

“The IPO market will be on ice until Q2, and will slowly re-open in H2 (aligned with when markets start to rebound).”—Jaime Moreno de Los Rios, COO, Secfi

“I raised money in 2011 and in 2021. In the span of a decade, VCs continue to fail female founders. In 2021, women secured only 2% of venture capital in the U.S. I predict that little will change next year and that venture capital firms will continue to neglect the need for implicit bias training. Please prove me wrong.”—Tracy Young, co-founder and CEO, TigerEye

Health care: On the mental

“More mental health and primary care integration and M&A activity will happen to deliver virtual wraparounds for in-person primary care and/or mental health. This will play a prominent role in enabling value capture in value-based/at-risk contract structures.”—Naomi Allen, co-founder and CEO, Brightline

“Due to the rise of digital infrastructure and no/low code solutions, insurance will become ‘invisible’ in everyday transactions. Companies that enable these features will gain access to vastly different datasets on consumer behavior, making underwriting faster and creating more personalized, predictive policies.”—Lily Lyman, partner, Underscore VC

“In 2023, we expect to see innovation in technologies addressing issues like social isolation for the age 50+ market given the fact that nearly 26 million Americans 50 or older now live alone, up from 15 million just twenty years ago. We need more human-to-human interactions facilitated by technology, from making friends to reskilling for employment to receiving healthcare in the home. Covid has accelerated the digital penetration and comfort of this audience, despite popular belief.”—Abby Miller Levy, managing partner and co-founder, Primetime Partners

M&A: Let’s get together

“Online grocery and food delivery will see continued consolidation. Strategics will start to dabble in M&A as legacy retailers still have strong balance sheets and valuations for food e-commerce are getting attractive. Acquisition targets will have a strong financial profile but perhaps a weak balance sheet.”—Abhi Ramesh, founder and CEO, Misfits Market

Cyber: Fraud farming

“Fraud farms or fraud rings are the future of organized fraud. They are semi-automated operations that leverage human labor in combination with mobile technology to scale core fraud activities, including social engineering to steal identities and take over accounts. While content moderation has been the main focus of gig economy companies in 2022, next year, I predict that we will see a shift toward policy creation and automated abuse detection to prevent fraud before it happens and ensure repeat offenders are flagged and blocked.”—André Ferraz, CEO and founder, Incognia

“This past year ushered in worrying increases in both cyber and physical security—e.g., mass shootings, attacks. In response to this new reality and an ever-changing threat landscape, more and more boards will demand companies document their security readiness plans and emergency preparedness training for both cyber and physical threats. Through the process, these two critically important facets of safety and security will finally begin to break down their silos and come together to create advanced situational awareness as organizations are increasingly held responsible for the well-being of customers, visitors, and employees online and in person.”—Peter George, CEO, Evolv Technology

Financing: Please pass the credit

“Private credit will continue to be the overwhelming source of capital over broadly syndicated debt for LBOs until interest rates level off and the pricing flex built into broadly syndicated debt narrows and stabilizes. The check sizes of private credit lenders will continue to be smaller than those provided in early 2022, which means more private credit lenders clubbing together for sponsors for larger LBOs.”—Kris Ring, partner, Goodwin Procter

“In 2023, over 10% of private equity unrealized AUM (c. $2 trillion) will be financed by ‘alternative’ sources of liquidity and capital, principally by providers of NAV Finance and through continuation vehicles and strip sales.”—Stephen Quinn, managing director, 17Capital

“Public debt returns are going to pale in comparison to private debt as new issuance volume will remain depressed for several years until rates are no longer this elevated. As a result, it’s likely that we will see a resurgence of private debt, similar to what happened post global financial crisis, and one needs only to look at what Blackstone, KKR, and other large institutional asset allocators are doing to see where the opportunity lies in the coming year and beyond.”—Nelson Chu, founder and CEO, Percent



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