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紐約市證券交易所,一名男子扮成圣誕老人。攝影:DREW ANGERER ——蓋蒂圖片社

在股市、債市和加密貨幣市場經歷過殘酷的一年之后,圣誕老人本周提前給投資者送來了禮物 ——美國通脹報告確認物價上漲已經達到最高點。

獨立顧問聯盟(Independent Advisor Alliance)首席投資官克里斯·扎克雷利對《財富》雜志表示:“圣誕老人畢竟要來了。今天上午的通脹數據超出預期……市場在年底迎來了反彈。”

勞工統計局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)周二的報告顯示,按照消費物價指數(CPI)測量,11月美國的通貨膨脹較一年前上升了7.1%。


瑞杰金融公司(Raymond James)首席經濟學家尤金尼奧.埃爾曼對《財富》雜志表示:“這份CPI報告非常好,有助于進一步確定通脹已經達到頂點并且物價進入反通脹路線這種觀點?!?/p>


但貝萊德(BlackRock)全球固定收益部首席投資官瑞克·里德表示,最新通脹報告提供了“通脹基本趨勢正在減速的一些信號”,可能促使美聯儲在未來幾個月“暫?!痹谀硞€時間點加息。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)首席美國經濟學家艾倫·曾特納在周二發布的一份研究報告中呼應了里德的評論。他表示,最新通脹報告“對美聯儲而言是好消息”。


LPL Financial公司首席經濟學家杰弗里·羅奇對《財富》雜志表示:“通脹正在回落,而美聯儲正在放慢加息的步伐。在近期內,投資者應該對這些令人鼓舞的變化做出積極響應?!?/p>









LPL Financial的羅奇表示,最新CPI報告中的另外一個亮點是服務價格上漲速度下降??偡諆r格約占CPI的60%,11月的總服務價格環比上漲0.3%。這是自7月份以來的最小環比漲幅。




二次元資本管理公司(Quadratic Capital Management)創始人南希·戴維斯對《財富》雜志表示:“雖然周二的報告顯示通脹上漲速度下降,這當然是好消息,但通脹依舊高企,是美聯儲2%目標通脹率的三倍以上,因此對美聯儲而言現在還不是拍手歡慶勝利的時候?!?/p>

戴維斯同時擔任二次元利率波動與通脹對沖交易所交易基金(Quadratic Interest Rate Volatility and Inflation Hedge ETF,IVOL)的投資組合經理。她表示,明年的通脹率可能依舊遠高于美聯儲2%的目標水平。


大多數投資銀行也不認為2023年,將是股市表現出色的一年。摩根士丹利認為,標普500指數明年將從今天的4,000點下跌到3,900點,而高盛(Goldman Sachs)和美國銀行(Bank of America)預計藍籌股指數年底將達到4,000點。


博文財富管理集團(Bolvin Wealth Management Group)總裁吉納·博文對《財富》雜志表示,對于投資者而言,積極的通脹報告可能是陷阱。




TradeStation Group市場情報副總裁戴維·拉塞爾對《財富》雜志表示:“最新報告表明,我們走上了軟著陸的道路。美聯儲將繼續發表強硬的言論……但我們的通貨膨脹似乎已經度過了‘拐點’。今年,會有圣誕老人給我們帶來驚喜。”(財富中文網)



在股市、債市和加密貨幣市場經歷過殘酷的一年之后,圣誕老人本周提前給投資者送來了禮物 ——美國通脹報告確認物價上漲已經達到最高點。

獨立顧問聯盟(Independent Advisor Alliance)首席投資官克里斯·扎克雷利對《財富》雜志表示:“圣誕老人畢竟要來了。今天上午的通脹數據超出預期……市場在年底迎來了反彈。”

勞工統計局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)周二的報告顯示,按照消費物價指數(CPI)測量,11月美國的通貨膨脹較一年前上升了7.1%。


瑞杰金融公司(Raymond James)首席經濟學家尤金尼奧.埃爾曼對《財富》雜志表示:“這份CPI報告非常好,有助于進一步確定通脹已經達到頂點并且物價進入反通脹路線這種觀點?!?/p>


但貝萊德(BlackRock)全球固定收益部首席投資官瑞克·里德表示,最新通脹報告提供了“通脹基本趨勢正在減速的一些信號”,可能促使美聯儲在未來幾個月“暫停”在某個時間點加息。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)首席美國經濟學家艾倫·曾特納在周二發布的一份研究報告中呼應了里德的評論。他表示,最新通脹報告“對美聯儲而言是好消息”。


LPL Financial公司首席經濟學家杰弗里·羅奇對《財富》雜志表示:“通脹正在回落,而美聯儲正在放慢加息的步伐。在近期內,投資者應該對這些令人鼓舞的變化做出積極響應?!?/p>









LPL Financial的羅奇表示,最新CPI報告中的另外一個亮點是服務價格上漲速度下降。總服務價格約占CPI的60%,11月的總服務價格環比上漲0.3%。這是自7月份以來的最小環比漲幅。




二次元資本管理公司(Quadratic Capital Management)創始人南希·戴維斯對《財富》雜志表示:“雖然周二的報告顯示通脹上漲速度下降,這當然是好消息,但通脹依舊高企,是美聯儲2%目標通脹率的三倍以上,因此對美聯儲而言現在還不是拍手歡慶勝利的時候?!?/p>

戴維斯同時擔任二次元利率波動與通脹對沖交易所交易基金(Quadratic Interest Rate Volatility and Inflation Hedge ETF,IVOL)的投資組合經理。她表示,明年的通脹率可能依舊遠高于美聯儲2%的目標水平。


大多數投資銀行也不認為2023年,將是股市表現出色的一年。摩根士丹利認為,標普500指數明年將從今天的4,000點下跌到3,900點,而高盛(Goldman Sachs)和美國銀行(Bank of America)預計藍籌股指數年底將達到4,000點。


博文財富管理集團(Bolvin Wealth Management Group)總裁吉納·博文對《財富》雜志表示,對于投資者而言,積極的通脹報告可能是陷阱。




TradeStation Group市場情報副總裁戴維·拉塞爾對《財富》雜志表示:“最新報告表明,我們走上了軟著陸的道路。美聯儲將繼續發表強硬的言論……但我們的通貨膨脹似乎已經度過了‘拐點’。今年,會有圣誕老人給我們帶來驚喜?!保ㄘ敻恢形木W)



A man dressed as Santa Claus on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.

After a brutal year for stocks, bonds, and cryptocurrencies, Santa gave investors an early present this week—an inflation report that confirms price increases have peaked.

“Santa is coming after all,” Chris Zaccarelli, chief investment officer at Independent Advisor Alliance, told Fortune. “Given the better-than-expected inflation data this morning…markets have a green light to rally into year end.”

Inflation, as measured by the consumer price index (CPI), rose 7.1% from a year ago in November, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Tuesday.

While investors normally wouldn’t be happy to see inflation that’s more than 5 percentage points above the Federal Reserve’s 2% target rate, this time is different. November’s report was the smallest 12-month increase in consumer prices since Dec. 2021. And it came in below investment banks’ forecasts for year-over-year inflation of 7.3%.

“This was a very good CPI report and will help cement the view that inflation has peaked and prices are now on a disinflationary path,” Raymond James’ chief economist Eugenio Alemán, told Fortune.

Throughout 2022, Fed officials have raised interest rates six times to fight inflation, and experts Fortune interviewed agreed the Fed would add another 50 basis point hike this week.

But Rick Rieder, BlackRock’s chief investment officer of global fixed income, said the latest inflation report provided “some signal that the underlying trend of inflation is decelerating,” which could lead the Fed to “pause” its interest rate hikes at some point over the next few months. Morgan Stanley’s chief U.S. economist Ellen Zentner echoed Rieder’s comments in a Tuesday research note, saying that the latest inflation report is “welcome news for the Fed.”

If the Fed does pause its rate hikes, or pivots to rate cuts, it would provide a runway for stocks that have been held down by rising borrowing costs.

“Inflation is easing and the Fed is on track to downshift the pace of rate increases,” Jeffrey Roach, chief economist for LPL Financial, told Fortune. “In the near term, investors should respond favorably to these encouraging moves.”

A look under the hood of the latest CPI report

Both headline inflation and core inflation—which excludes more volatile food and energy prices, and is more closely followed by Wall Street—surprised economists in November.

Core inflation rose 6% from a year ago last month, compared to 6.3% October, as declining used car and medical care prices helped reduce the index’s gains.

Medical care costs dropped for the second consecutive month in November, falling 0.7%. And used car prices sank for the fifth straight month, leaving them down 3.3% from a year ago.

Headline inflation also rose just 0.1% month-over-month and 7.1% from a year ago in November, as the high energy prices that have driven consumer price increases for over a year are now fading. Although energy prices were still up 13.1% from a year ago in November, they dropped 1.6% on a month-to-month basis, and oil prices are now down over 35% since June.

Food prices were still a big driver of headline inflation in the U.S., however. Total food prices jumped 0.5% in November from a month earlier and 10.6% from a year ago.

Despite the recent decline in U.S. home prices, shelter costs continued to rise in November as well. But Raymond James’ Alemán said that trend should end soon.

“Inflation was very low even as shelter prices continued to increase,” he said. “We expect shelter prices to start weakening in the coming quarters, which will add to the disinflationary pressures going forward.”

Another bright spot in the latest CPI report was the deceleration in services prices, LPL Financial’s Roach said. Total services prices, which make up roughly 60% of the CPI, rose 0.3% from a month ago in November. That’s the smallest monthly increase since July.

Economists have been closely watching services inflation as consumers shift their spending from goods to services like travel as pandemic restrictions fade globally.

Not so fast

While many economists and investors are celebrating the inflation’s recent downtrend, others warn the road ahead could be bumpy for the U.S. economy and stocks.

“While Tuesday’s report showed a deceleration in inflation, which is great news, inflation is still very elevated and is over three times greater than the Fed’s 2% target, so this isn’t time for the Fed to take a victory lap,” Nancy Davis, founder of Quadratic Capital Management, told Fortune.

Davis, who also serves as the portfolio manager of the Quadratic Interest Rate Volatility and Inflation Hedge ETF (IVOL), said it’s possible inflation will remain well above the Fed’s 2% target all of next year.

“The market seems to think the inflation fight is almost over, and we don’t believe that confidence is warranted,” she said. “The pace at which the market expects inflation to decline seems very optimistic.”

Most investment banks aren’t forecasting a great year for stocks in 2023 either. Morgan Stanley sees the S&P 500 trading down to 3,900 next year, versus 4,000 today, while Goldman Sachs and Bank of America are both expecting the blue-chip index to end the year at 4,000.

The S&P 500 spiked over 2% on Tuesday morning after the latest inflation report was released, but has since given back most of its gains.

For investors, the positive inflation report could be a trap, Gina Bolvin, president of Bolvin Wealth Management Group, told Fortune.

“While today’s numbers show a good trend, investors shouldn’t overreact,” Bolvin said.

“The last time the market rallied over softer inflation data, we experienced the Jackson Hole jolt, where Powell pushed back and reiterated hikes,” she added in a reference to Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s hawkish comments at the central bank’s annual symposium in August that left markets reeling.

Still, some experts argue that inflation is now all but defeated, which means avoiding a recession is now possible, despite consistent doomsday predictions from Wall Street. And that should benefit stocks.

“Today’s report suggests we’re on the road to a soft landing,” David Russell, vice president of market intelligence at TradeStation Group, told Fortune. “The Fed will keep talking tough…But we seem to have turned a corner on inflation. Santa could be coming to town this year.”



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