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凱雷集團新任首席執行官很可能需要常駐美國,無論誰接手這一職位,都必須意志堅定、通情達理,還要能夠適應公司復雜的環境。圖片來源:GETTY IMAGES


多年以來,凱雷投資集團(Carlyle,以下簡稱凱雷)、黑石集團(Blackstone)、阿波羅全球管理公司(Apollo Global Management)、TPG和KKR等私募股權巨頭日漸老去的領導層一直拒絕退居幕后,不愿將公司控制權交給新一代接班人。但在過去五年,上述公司幾乎都已啟動權力交接。2017年,凱雷任命格倫·揚金和李揆晟擔任聯席首席執行官,成為最早行動的公司之一。2020年,揚金從凱雷離職,并于一年后當選弗吉尼亞州州長,李揆晟就此成為凱雷唯一的首席執行官。但他獨攬大權的時間并不長:今年8月,凱雷宣布,李揆晟已經正式離任。

凱雷目前正在尋找接替他的人選,并聘請了獵頭公司羅盛咨詢(Russell Reynolds Associates)負責相關事務。一位知情人士說,凱雷新任首席執行官很可能需要常駐美國,無論誰接手這一職位,都必須意志堅定、通情達理,還要能夠適應公司的復雜環境,但是不能像李揆晟那樣“手段毒辣”。該知情人士表示:“(李揆晟)做事相當果斷,但凱雷上下沒人真心喜歡他”。

在李揆晟的領導下,凱雷成功完成了業務多元化轉型,將觸角伸入了信貸(包括直接貸款)、困境資產和特殊機遇投資以及貸款抵押債券等高增長領域。在李揆晟任職期間,凱雷還將業務擴展到保險業,收購了再保險公司Fortitude Re的少數股權。今年7月,信貸業務已占該公司管理的3760億美元總資產的38%,較2021年第二季度的22%大幅提升。全球私募股權業務的占比則從去年第二季度的約54%降到了現在的44%。然而凱雷的股價表現卻遜于其他巨頭。今年以來,受市場普遍萎縮、通脹擔憂和俄烏戰爭影響,諸多上市另類資產管理公司(包括黑石集團、KKR和阿波羅全球管理公司)的股價均出現下跌。

而凱雷在上述企業中表現最差,今年以來,其股價已下跌約53%。凱雷最新美國并購基金的籌資速度也有所放緩。該公司正尋求為Carlyle Partners VIII基金融資220億美元。今年2月,凱雷表示,已為該基金籌集到約114億美元,7月,這一數字達到136億美元。但據彭博社(Bloomberg)報道,該基金募資規模仍未達預期(170億美元)。



另有知情人士表示,已經有幾位內部高管投身這場“CEO大位”之爭,其中包括凱雷企業私募股權業務首席投資官兼美洲私募股權業務主席彼得·克萊爾和全球信貸主管馬克·詹金斯。克萊爾已在凱雷供職約30年時間,其間擔任過多個職位(包括美國收購與增長投資委員會主席)。而詹金斯則是于2016年加入的凱雷,此前他是加拿大退休金計劃投資委員會(Canada Pension Plan Investment Board)高級董事總經理兼全球私人投資業務主管。克萊爾和詹金斯均為新成立的首席執行官辦公室高管團隊成員,在新任首席執行官人選確定前,該辦公室負責協助凱雷聯合創始人、前聯合首席執行官威廉·康威扮演好臨時首席執行官的角色。(羅盛咨詢拒絕對此置評。)

在此次尋找首席執行官的過程中,凱雷或可解決困擾私募基金已久的多樣性問題。在雇傭女性方面,私募基金的表現談不上亮眼。Preqin的《另類資產投資領域中的女性(2022)》(Women in Alternatives Assets 2022)報告顯示,在另類資產投資領域(包括私募股權、風險投資和對沖基金),女性員工占比僅為約21%,女性高管的占比更是低到約13%。


如果能選擇一位女性擔任首席執行官一職,凱雷將立刻從一眾由男性領導的競爭對手中脫穎而出。在凱雷的“多樣性武器庫”中,有一個人的名字不得不提,那就是凱雷合伙人——桑德拉·霍巴赫。霍巴赫以善于突破私募領域的種種障礙而聞名,而且被視為私募領域最有權勢的女性之一。1992年,霍巴赫獲任Forstmann Little公司合伙人,成為首個在大型私募公司獲得這一頭銜的女性。2005年,霍巴赫加入凱雷,并發起成立了消費者和零售團隊。凱雷的一些高光投資也是由霍巴赫一手操辦,例如2011年上市的Dunkin’ Brands以及2014年被蘋果公司以30億美元收購的耳機制造商Beats Electronics。2016年,霍巴赫被任命為凱雷美國收購部門的聯席主管,成為首個擔任這一職位的女性,再次完成突破。霍巴赫目前與另一位聯席主管兼董事總經理布萊恩·貝納塞克共同負責監督凱雷在美國的所有收購交易。在凱雷全球投資組合解決方案(Carlyle global portfolio solutions,一本行動手冊,用于幫助凱雷旗下投資組合公司實現業績增長。)的推出過程中,她也扮演了關鍵角色。



弗里德曼在凱雷任職時,與邁克爾·卡瓦納多有交集,后者曾在摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)任投資銀行部聯席主管一職,也曾是杰米·戴蒙的高級副手,于2014年3月加入凱雷。卡瓦納曾與揚金共同擔任聯席總裁一職,當時二人被視為凱雷的未來。兩個月后,2014年5月,弗里德曼離開凱雷,加入納斯達克出任聯席總裁,2015年成為納斯達克首席運營官,2017年1月開始擔任納斯達克首席執行官一職。更重要的是,據一份8-K表(8K filing)顯示,2021年11月,弗里德曼與納斯達克簽署了一份為期5年的合同,直到2027年1月1日雙方合同才會到期。“(弗里德曼)絕對是想留在納斯達克,”另一位接近該交易所的消息人士稱。






多年以來,凱雷投資集團(Carlyle,以下簡稱凱雷)、黑石集團(Blackstone)、阿波羅全球管理公司(Apollo Global Management)、TPG和KKR等私募股權巨頭日漸老去的領導層一直拒絕退居幕后,不愿將公司控制權交給新一代接班人。但在過去五年,上述公司幾乎都已啟動權力交接。2017年,凱雷任命格倫·揚金和李揆晟擔任聯席首席執行官,成為最早行動的公司之一。2020年,揚金從凱雷離職,并于一年后當選弗吉尼亞州州長,李揆晟就此成為凱雷唯一的首席執行官。但他獨攬大權的時間并不長:今年8月,凱雷宣布,李揆晟已經正式離任。

凱雷目前正在尋找接替他的人選,并聘請了獵頭公司羅盛咨詢(Russell Reynolds Associates)負責相關事務。一位知情人士說,凱雷新任首席執行官很可能需要常駐美國,無論誰接手這一職位,都必須意志堅定、通情達理,還要能夠適應公司的復雜環境,但是不能像李揆晟那樣“手段毒辣”。該知情人士表示:“(李揆晟)做事相當果斷,但凱雷上下沒人真心喜歡他”。

在李揆晟的領導下,凱雷成功完成了業務多元化轉型,將觸角伸入了信貸(包括直接貸款)、困境資產和特殊機遇投資以及貸款抵押債券等高增長領域。在李揆晟任職期間,凱雷還將業務擴展到保險業,收購了再保險公司Fortitude Re的少數股權。今年7月,信貸業務已占該公司管理的3760億美元總資產的38%,較2021年第二季度的22%大幅提升。全球私募股權業務的占比則從去年第二季度的約54%降到了現在的44%。然而凱雷的股價表現卻遜于其他巨頭。今年以來,受市場普遍萎縮、通脹擔憂和俄烏戰爭影響,諸多上市另類資產管理公司(包括黑石集團、KKR和阿波羅全球管理公司)的股價均出現下跌。

而凱雷在上述企業中表現最差,今年以來,其股價已下跌約53%。凱雷最新美國并購基金的籌資速度也有所放緩。該公司正尋求為Carlyle Partners VIII基金融資220億美元。今年2月,凱雷表示,已為該基金籌集到約114億美元,7月,這一數字達到136億美元。但據彭博社(Bloomberg)報道,該基金募資規模仍未達預期(170億美元)。



另有知情人士表示,已經有幾位內部高管投身這場“CEO大位”之爭,其中包括凱雷企業私募股權業務首席投資官兼美洲私募股權業務主席彼得·克萊爾和全球信貸主管馬克·詹金斯。克萊爾已在凱雷供職約30年時間,其間擔任過多個職位(包括美國收購與增長投資委員會主席)。而詹金斯則是于2016年加入的凱雷,此前他是加拿大退休金計劃投資委員會(Canada Pension Plan Investment Board)高級董事總經理兼全球私人投資業務主管。克萊爾和詹金斯均為新成立的首席執行官辦公室高管團隊成員,在新任首席執行官人選確定前,該辦公室負責協助凱雷聯合創始人、前聯合首席執行官威廉·康威扮演好臨時首席執行官的角色。(羅盛咨詢拒絕對此置評。)

在此次尋找首席執行官的過程中,凱雷或可解決困擾私募基金已久的多樣性問題。在雇傭女性方面,私募基金的表現談不上亮眼。Preqin的《另類資產投資領域中的女性(2022)》(Women in Alternatives Assets 2022)報告顯示,在另類資產投資領域(包括私募股權、風險投資和對沖基金),女性員工占比僅為約21%,女性高管的占比更是低到約13%。


如果能選擇一位女性擔任首席執行官一職,凱雷將立刻從一眾由男性領導的競爭對手中脫穎而出。在凱雷的“多樣性武器庫”中,有一個人的名字不得不提,那就是凱雷合伙人——桑德拉·霍巴赫。霍巴赫以善于突破私募領域的種種障礙而聞名,而且被視為私募領域最有權勢的女性之一。1992年,霍巴赫獲任Forstmann Little公司合伙人,成為首個在大型私募公司獲得這一頭銜的女性。2005年,霍巴赫加入凱雷,并發起成立了消費者和零售團隊。凱雷的一些高光投資也是由霍巴赫一手操辦,例如2011年上市的Dunkin’ Brands以及2014年被蘋果公司以30億美元收購的耳機制造商Beats Electronics。2016年,霍巴赫被任命為凱雷美國收購部門的聯席主管,成為首個擔任這一職位的女性,再次完成突破。霍巴赫目前與另一位聯席主管兼董事總經理布萊恩·貝納塞克共同負責監督凱雷在美國的所有收購交易。在凱雷全球投資組合解決方案(Carlyle global portfolio solutions,一本行動手冊,用于幫助凱雷旗下投資組合公司實現業績增長。)的推出過程中,她也扮演了關鍵角色。



弗里德曼在凱雷任職時,與邁克爾·卡瓦納多有交集,后者曾在摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)任投資銀行部聯席主管一職,也曾是杰米·戴蒙的高級副手,于2014年3月加入凱雷。卡瓦納曾與揚金共同擔任聯席總裁一職,當時二人被視為凱雷的未來。兩個月后,2014年5月,弗里德曼離開凱雷,加入納斯達克出任聯席總裁,2015年成為納斯達克首席運營官,2017年1月開始擔任納斯達克首席執行官一職。更重要的是,據一份8-K表(8K filing)顯示,2021年11月,弗里德曼與納斯達克簽署了一份為期5年的合同,直到2027年1月1日雙方合同才會到期。“(弗里德曼)絕對是想留在納斯達克,”另一位接近該交易所的消息人士稱。





Whoever Carlyle hires as its next CEO would need to be a strong-willed executive, likely based in the U.S., who is reasonable, and can adapt to a complex firm.

Succession is never easy. But for a swath of publicly traded alternative investment managers, anointing the next generation of leaders has been particularly fraught.

For years, the aging leaders of Carlyle, Blackstone, Apollo Global Management, TPG, and KKR refused to step back and allow the next generation to take the reins. But in the past five years, nearly all the firms have set out the next phase of their leadership. Carlyle was one of the first to lay out its plans when in 2017 it named Glenn Youngkin and Kewsong Lee as co-CEOs. Youngkin retired from Carlyle in 2020 and, a year later, was elected governor of Virginia. This left Lee as sole CEO of Carlyle. But his tenure was short: In August, Carlyle announced Lee’s departure.

Carlyle is now on the hunt to find his replacement, and has retained executive search firm Russell Reynolds Associates. Whoever Carlyle hires would need to be a strong-willed executive, likely based in the U.S., who is reasonable, can adapt to a complex firm and lacks the “sharp elbows” that Lee was known for, one person familiar with the situation said. “[Lee is] a pretty decisive guy. But no one [at Carlyle] really liked him,” the person said.

Under Lee, Carlyle successfully diversified into growth classes like credit, including direct lending, distressed and special situations, and CLOs. Carlyle, during Lee’s tenure, expanded into insurance, taking a minority stake in reinsurer Fortitude Re. In July, credit at Carlyle accounted for 38% of the firm’s $376 billion in total assets under management, up from 22% in the second quarter of 2021. Global private equity comprised 44%, down from about 54% in Q2 of last year. Carlyle, however, has lagged its peers in terms of stock price. Many of the public alt managers—including Blackstone, KKR, and Apollo Global Management—have seen their shares drop this year due to the broad market contraction, inflation fears, and the war in Ukraine.

Carlyle, however, is the worst performer of the group, with its stock tanking about 53% this year. Fundraising for Carlyle’s latest U.S. buyout fund has also slowed. The firm is seeking to raise $22 billion for Carlyle Partners VIII. In February, Carlyle said it had collected about $11.4 billion for the pool, which jumped to $13.6 billion in July. This is below the $17 billon Carlyle had expected to raise by this time, Bloomberg said.

To be fair, all the public alt managers have complained that fundraising this year has become more difficult with so many firms out seeking money. “Carlyle at this moment is a bit of a turnaround,” one person familiar with the situation said. “It has great bones but has fallen behind all its big competitors.”

While Carlyle hasn’t made public who it is considering, the firm is weighing both internal and external candidates. The alt manager is scheduled to report its third-quarter results on Nov. 8 but is not expected to announce its new leader. (Carlyle declined to comment.)

Several internal executives have thrown their hat into the ring for the CEO spot, a second person familiar with the situation said. Names that have arisen include Peter Clare, Carlyle chief investment officer for corporate private equity and chairman of Americas private equity, and Mark Jenkins, head of global credit. Clare has spent about 30 years at Carlyle, holding several positions at the firm including chair of the U.S. buyout and the growth investment committees. Jenkins, meanwhile, joined Carlyle in 2016 from Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, where he was a senior managing director and global head of private investments. Clare and Jenkins are part of a team of executives named to the newly established Office of the CEO that is working with William Conway, a Carlyle cofounder and ex-co-CEO, as he serves as interim CEO. (Russell Reynolds declined comment.)

With its search, Carlyle could address a topic that has bedeviled private equity: diversity. PE firms are not strong employers of women. About 21% of the alternative asset industry, which includes private equity, venture capital, and hedge funds, are women, according to a Preqin report “Women in Alternatives Assets 2022.” Roughly 13% of alt senior roles are held by women, the report said.

By comparison, Carlyle has long touted its diversity, boasting that it employs more women than many other large PE firms. Carlyle numbers more than 1,900 people, including nearly 743 investment professionals, spread across 26 offices in five continents, according to an SEC filing. Year to date, nearly half, or 45%, of its employees were women, while 22% of Carlyle senior leaders in the U.S. were female.

Picking a woman as CEO would set Carlyle apart from its rivals, which are all led by men. One of the major weapons in its diversity arsenal is Sandra Horbach, a Carlyle partner. Horbach is known for breaking down barriers in private equity and is considered one of the most powerful women in PE. In 1992, she was named a partner at Forstmann Little, becoming the first woman to earn that title at a major private equity firm. She joined Carlyle in 2005, where she launched and built the consumer and retail team. Horbach led some of Carlyle’s most well-known investments, including Dunkin’ Brands, which went public in 2011, and Beats Electronics, the headphone maker that Apple scooped up in 2014 for $3 billion. In 2016, Horbach toppled another barrier when she was named co-head of Carlyle’s U.S. buyout arm. Along with Brian Bernasek, co-head and a managing director, Horbach currently oversees all buyout deals for Carlyle in the U.S. She was also integral in launching Carlyle global portfolio solutions, a playbook used by its portfolio companies to grow.

Horbach would seem like a great choice to take over the CEO role at Carlyle. Only that’s likely not happening. Horbach has little interest in the CEO position, the first source said, adding: “She’s a deal person.”

Some have mentioned Adena Friedman, president and CEO of Nasdaq, as a possible candidate, but her return to Carlyle seems extremely unlikely. Friedman served as CFO and managing director of Carlyle from March 2011 to May 2014. She played a critical role in helping take Carlyle public in May 2012. Friedman is reportedly close to David Rubenstein, one of Carlyle’s cofounders and nonexecutive cochairman.

Friedman’s time at Carlyle is intertwined with that of Michael Cavanagh, the former co-head of investment banking at JPMorgan Chase and a top Jamie Dimon lieutenant, who joined Carlyle in March of 2014. Cavanagh was named co-president with Youngkin; the two execs were anointed the future of Carlyle. Two months later, in May 2014, Friedman left Carlyle to serve as Nasdaq’s co-president. She became COO in 2015 and started her tenure as Nasdaq’s chief executive in January 2017. More important, Friedman in November 2021 signed a five-year contract with Nasdaq, which ties her to the exchange until Jan. 1, 2027, according to an 8K filing. “[Friedman] is absolutely committed to staying at Nasdaq,” a different source close to the exchange said.

Cavanagh, meanwhile, left Carlyle in May 2015, when he became CFO of Comcast. He was named president of Comcast earlier this month. (Nasdaq declined to comment, and Comcast did not return messages for comment; nor did Horbach, Clare, or Jenkins.)

As Carlyle’s search continues, one lesson seems clear from its past five years: Picking leaders who don’t last means you have to go back to the drawing board much sooner than you might have wished.



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