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專家的建議假設的流動性相對有限,并且投資期限約為七年。他們提到在確定投資方式和方向時,需要考慮通脹、利率上浮等多個因素。我們采訪的所有專家都建議在進行任何投資之前要預留“雨天資金”,并選擇多樣化的“投資之后無需理會”的投資組合。致力于指導女性投資的金融教育公司Dow Janes的創始人布里特·貝克表示:“在進行投資時最重要的因素是時間。我們鼓勵人們投資指數基金和目標日期基金;理想情況下應該投資10年以上。只要你能與市場趨勢保持一致,就能獲得豐厚回報。”






最后,泰伊還推薦標普500交易所交易基金。她尤其關注投資生物科技和云計算領域的基金,尤其是SPDR標普生物科技ETF(SPDR S&P Biotech ETF)(交易代碼:XBI)和智慧樹云計算基金(Wisdom Tree Cloud Computing Fund)(交易代碼:WCLD),這是她首選的成長型基金。她表示:“我認為這些行業有巨大的需求。云計算是通過互聯網交付的軟件、分析和情報。所有公司都需要這類軟件,并且它們會成為公司業務的核心,而且我們目前還在轉型的起步階段。”泰伊表示,生物科技板塊也有強大的利好消息,因為隨著人口老齡化,面對老年疾病和慢性病,生物科技領域將出現驚人創新,而當消費者的身心健康面臨風險時,他們會愿意支付這種鋼性支出。


布魯克菲爾德橡樹財富解決方案(Brookfield Oaktree Wealth Solutions)主理合伙人


尋找一家投資上市基建項目的共同基金,能夠有效對沖通脹,這類基金與股市的關聯性相對較弱,有助于制定一種防御性的投資策略。利瓦伊推薦的是布魯克菲爾德全球上市基建基金(Brookfield Global Listed Infrastructure Fund)。利瓦伊認為,隨著全球力爭脫碳,可再生能源、電力公司、交通和通信基礎設施等領域,成為橡樹財富重點投資的子行業。他表示:“我們的投資對象具有基礎設施的穩定特征,有穩定的現金流和一定的通脹對沖作用。它們都有宏觀經濟方面的利好消息。”

在房地產行業,利瓦伊看好布魯克菲爾德房地產收益信托(Income Trust)投資組合的多樣化,他表示橡樹財富每天都在按照類似的比例配置資金。“我們在許多領域看到了機會,尤其是美國的高增長市場中,例如多戶住宅、公寓建筑、學生住房等。”隨著租金上漲,這筆收入將變得更有意義。利瓦伊表示:“現在人們需要選擇多樣化的投資組合,在這個時期,人們需要投資組合具有對沖通脹的效果。一年前,我可能會有額外收入,但現在這已經發生了改變。”


拉扎德資產管理公司(Lazard Asset Management)投資組合經理,拉扎德國際優質增長投資組合(Lazard International Quality Growth Portfolio)




弗洛郎坦-李提供的最后一條建議是選擇在一個小眾行業占主導地位的公司。他表示:“小眾市場決定了大公司不太可能進入這個行業。”他推薦哪家公司?東映動畫(TYO:4816)。這家日本公司擁有許多業內最優秀的IP,并且能夠利用其在日本電視行業的知名度進軍游戲行業,為公司創造收入。 “該公司的利潤率很高;育碧(Ubisoft)或者另外一家同行制作游戲,而東映動畫只需要許可版權,其利潤率幾乎達到100%。這家公司并沒有引起大多數人的關注。”(財富中文網)





專家的建議假設的流動性相對有限,并且投資期限約為七年。他們提到在確定投資方式和方向時,需要考慮通脹、利率上浮等多個因素。我們采訪的所有專家都建議在進行任何投資之前要預留“雨天資金”,并選擇多樣化的“投資之后無需理會”的投資組合。致力于指導女性投資的金融教育公司Dow Janes的創始人布里特·貝克表示:“在進行投資時最重要的因素是時間。我們鼓勵人們投資指數基金和目標日期基金;理想情況下應該投資10年以上。只要你能與市場趨勢保持一致,就能獲得豐厚回報。”






最后,泰伊還推薦標普500交易所交易基金。她尤其關注投資生物科技和云計算領域的基金,尤其是SPDR標普生物科技ETF(SPDR S&P Biotech ETF)(交易代碼:XBI)和智慧樹云計算基金(Wisdom Tree Cloud Computing Fund)(交易代碼:WCLD),這是她首選的成長型基金。她表示:“我認為這些行業有巨大的需求。云計算是通過互聯網交付的軟件、分析和情報。所有公司都需要這類軟件,并且它們會成為公司業務的核心,而且我們目前還在轉型的起步階段。”泰伊表示,生物科技板塊也有強大的利好消息,因為隨著人口老齡化,面對老年疾病和慢性病,生物科技領域將出現驚人創新,而當消費者的身心健康面臨風險時,他們會愿意支付這種鋼性支出。


布魯克菲爾德橡樹財富解決方案(Brookfield Oaktree Wealth Solutions)主理合伙人


尋找一家投資上市基建項目的共同基金,能夠有效對沖通脹,這類基金與股市的關聯性相對較弱,有助于制定一種防御性的投資策略。利瓦伊推薦的是布魯克菲爾德全球上市基建基金(Brookfield Global Listed Infrastructure Fund)。利瓦伊認為,隨著全球力爭脫碳,可再生能源、電力公司、交通和通信基礎設施等領域,成為橡樹財富重點投資的子行業。他表示:“我們的投資對象具有基礎設施的穩定特征,有穩定的現金流和一定的通脹對沖作用。它們都有宏觀經濟方面的利好消息。”

在房地產行業,利瓦伊看好布魯克菲爾德房地產收益信托(Income Trust)投資組合的多樣化,他表示橡樹財富每天都在按照類似的比例配置資金。“我們在許多領域看到了機會,尤其是美國的高增長市場中,例如多戶住宅、公寓建筑、學生住房等。”隨著租金上漲,這筆收入將變得更有意義。利瓦伊表示:“現在人們需要選擇多樣化的投資組合,在這個時期,人們需要投資組合具有對沖通脹的效果。一年前,我可能會有額外收入,但現在這已經發生了改變。”


拉扎德資產管理公司(Lazard Asset Management)投資組合經理,拉扎德國際優質增長投資組合(Lazard International Quality Growth Portfolio)




弗洛郎坦-李提供的最后一條建議是選擇在一個小眾行業占主導地位的公司。他表示:“小眾市場決定了大公司不太可能進入這個行業。”他推薦哪家公司?東映動畫(TYO:4816)。這家日本公司擁有許多業內最優秀的IP,并且能夠利用其在日本電視行業的知名度進軍游戲行業,為公司創造收入。 “該公司的利潤率很高;育碧(Ubisoft)或者另外一家同行制作游戲,而東映動畫只需要許可版權,其利潤率幾乎達到100%。這家公司并沒有引起大多數人的關注。”(財富中文網)




Maybe you’ve been sitting on the sidelines, wondering when it’s safe to jump back into the markets. Maybe you’ve been terrified of, as the old saying goes, trying to “catch a falling knife” as stocks plunge. Indeed, that’s one of the hardest bets to make as investor—diving in when valuations are down, but knowing that you can probably never accurately time the bottom. With that in mind, we canvassed three top experts on where and how to put your money to work in 2023. Surprisingly, the three offered very different advice on how they’d deploy $25,000 right now.

Our panel’s advice assumes relatively limited liquidity and an investment period of roughly seven years, and points to a number of factors from inflation to rising interest rates that should inform how and where you deploy your money. Still, all of the experts we spoke to advised having a “rainy-day fund” and a catch-all “set it and forget it” portfolio on hand before making any investments. “When it comes to investing, the most important element is time,” says Brit Baker, founder of Dow Janes, a financial education company focused on teaching women to invest. “We encourage people to invest in index funds and target date funds; the ideal is that they’re invested for 10-plus years. If you can match the market, you’re better off.”

Where to invest in 2023

Heather Loomis Tighe

Venture Capital Adviser and Partner and Strategic Adviser to Family Offices (Former Managing Director at BlackRock and JPMorgan)

Tighe warns that the U.S. is flirting with what she calls “the Bermuda Triangle of investing”: stagflation. While typical advice for a period like this is to steer your investments toward commodities (gold, silver, real estate), Tighe suggests a strategy that she says bolsters flexibility, hedges against rising interest rates, and doubles down on industries she views as growth sectors.

“There is an expression, cash is king,” says Tighe. “I would hold 35% in a municipal money market and short dated municipal bonds paying 2 to 3.5% exempt from federal taxes.” Tighe says to take 4% of the position every month for six months and drop it into diversified equity markets, leaving 11% in cash and municipal bonds, averaging into the equity markets after six months. Next, she recommends iBonds, or federally guaranteed bond investments with an interest rate that resets with inflation. Right now, iBonds are paying roughly 9%, which is just about what you can expect to get paid on a long-term investment in stocks.

Lastly, Tighe likes S&P 500 exchange-traded funds. She is particularly focused on funds built in biotech and cloud computing, specifically calling out SPDR S&P Biotech ETF (Ticker: XBI) and Wisdom Tree Cloud Computing Fund (Ticker: WCLD) as top picks for growth. “I see a strong need for both of these sectors,” she says. “Cloud computing is software, analytics, intelligence, all delivered over the internet. All companies will need this type of software as the backbone of their enterprises, and we are at the beginning stages of that transition.” Similarly, biotech has some strong tailwinds, says Tighe, given that as the aging population faces disease and chronic illness, there’s tremendous innovation in the space and a consumer commitment to inelastic spending when health and well-being are on the line.

David Levi

Managing partner, Brookfield Oaktree Wealth Solutions

For Levi, the sweet spot sits with real assets. Real estate, infrastructure, and renewable power in both private markets and the stock and bond market offer investors a sound alternative investment strategy. “Today given the macroeconomic environment, I’d argue the 60/40 portfolio isn’t sufficient,” says Levi, whose firm manages $800 billion in alternative investments. “Adding alternatives is more important than ever.”

Looking for a mutual fund that invests in listed infrastructure can be an excellent inflation hedge, related less to broad equity markets and helping to build out a defensive investment strategy. Levi’s pick is Brookfield Global Listed Infrastructure Fund. As the world moves toward decarbonization, says Levi, renewables, utilities, and transportation and communication infrastructure have become subsectors the folks at Oaktree truly zero in on. “We invest in things that have the stable characteristics of infrastructure with stable cash flows and some inflation hedge,” he says. “They have a huge macro tailwind.”

In terms of real estate, Levi likes the diversity of the Brookfield Real Estate Income Trust and notes that Oaktree is deploying capital similarly every day. “We see opportunities in a number of different ways: multifamily, apartment buildings, student housing, especially in higher-growth markets in the U.S.” As rents increase, that income will become more meaningful. Says Levi: “Right now, people need to diversify their broader portfolio and they need something that in this period has an inflation hedge embedded in it. A year ago, I might have added income, but that’s changed.”

Louis Florentin-Lee

Portfolio manager, Lazard Asset Management, Lazard International Quality Growth Portfolio

In the current market environment, if you’re interested in betting on individual stocks, there are three factors to consider says Florentin-Lee: pricing power, leverage, and resilience. “You need to be sure about a company’s pricing power, that it will give them the ability to pass on the cost inflation and avoid a nasty profitability crunch,” he says. “They can only do that if they are adding real value to their customers.” Additionally, rising interest rates have the potential to kill companies that are overleveraged and can’t generate enough cash to self-fund growth. And, of course, a company’s history of riding out past downturns should also factor into its potential for investment.

Florentin-Lee sees IT as a strategic consideration for every business, in every industry. “Those decisions are now moving to the CEO’s desk,” he says. “I need to move my business to the cloud. I need a bullet-proof photo security policy. How am I thinking about artificial intelligence?” Accenture (NYSE:ACN), says Florentin-Lee, hits all three of those notes. The company sits in a unique position given its long-term relationships with major Fortune 500 C-suites, as well as access to and experience with massive transformational projects to rewire and reinvent technological systems for clients.

RELX (NYSE: RELX) is another business Florentin-Lee is keen on, as it garners 40% of its business from academic journals in science, technology, and medicine. “Journals are amazing businesses; they are critical to academics and how they get their next research projects funded, representing the best scientific minds,” he says. “And they represent a tiny proportion of a university’s cost space. The renewal rates are well into the 90% with 25 to 30% operating margin.” Additionally, RELX operates in the risk business, providing absolutely critical accident claim data to insurance companies. In fact, it owns the largest database of claims in the U.S., at, once again, a small cost to the insurance providers, with the possibility of add-ons like no-claim discounts and integrated police reports. Says Florentin-Lee: “They are building this wonderful moat around their business that their clients absolutely have to have.”

Florentin-Lee’s final bit of advice is to choose a business that’s dominating a niche industry. “The fact that it’s niche makes it less likely that a huge player will enter the space,” he says. His pick? Toei Animation (TYO:4816). The Japanese company owns what many consider the best IP in the space and has been able to monetize its popularity on Japanese television into gaming. “It’s incredibly high margins; Ubisoft or another company like it makes the game, Toei just licenses the rights, and it’s an almost 100% margin business for them. That sits under the radar for most people.”

This article is part of Fortune’s quarterly investment guide for Q4 2022.



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